  • 摩西无可救药地爱上了她,但因为外表丑陋,摩西到了她的拒绝。
    Moses fell hopelessly in love with her. But Frumtje was repulsed by his misshapen appearance.
  • 他的改革计划已彻底失败,也许他觉得在他刚刚到挫败之后不应该再使自己成为众矢之的。
    His reform scheme had failed so miserably that perhaps he felt he ought not raise a hornet's nest about his head so soon after the troubles he had gone through.
  • 我说,"哦,母亲,您受那样可怕疾病的痛苦我是多么的难过。
    I said,“Oh,mother,I am so sorry that you had to suffer with that horrible disease.
  • 仅仅因为一个人的性倾向而不是工作表现而解雇,这简直太可怕了。
    To fire someone based only on sexual orientation, not job performance, is a horrific thing to have happen."
  • 他的建议到某种程度的反对.
    His suggestion met with some hostility.
  • 在激烈的战场上,士兵们到猛烈炮火的攻击。
    In the hottest of the battle, the soldiers were exposed to a heavy fire.
  • 富有人情味的人总是对那些受痛苦的人感到同情。
    A humane man will feel for others in their suffering.
  • 人类在本世纪所受的战祸较以往更多更惨。
    Humanity has suffered more from war in this century than ever before.
  • 1840年鸦片战争以后,中国逐渐变成半殖民地半封建国家,中华民族屡帝国主义列强的侵略、压迫和欺凌。
    Following the Opium War in 1840, China was gradually reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country, and the Chinese nation was subject to the imperialist powers' invasion, oppression, bullying and humiliation time and time again.
  • 曾长期受帝国主义侵略和蹂躏的中国人民在一个多世纪间不怕牺牲,艰苦奋斗,以无数生命和财产的代价,争取国家独立和人民民主,终于打败了日本帝国主义,为世界反法西斯斗争,维护人权作出了贡献。
    The Chinese people, who had suffered from imperialist aggression and humiliation for over a century, waged a protracted and arduous struggle for national independence and people' s democracy in defiance of sacrifices and losses of lives and property, before finally winning the war of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. This was an important contribution to the world's efforts in fighting fascism and safeguarding human rights.
  • 特别是近代以来,中国曾沦为半殖民地半封建社会,中华民族受帝国主义侵略、压迫和欺凌,陷入被压迫民族的境地,为捍卫国家的统一和中华民族的尊严,各民族团结奋斗,共御外侮,与侵略者和民族分裂主义者进行了不屈不挠的斗争。
    In particular in modern times, when China became a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society and the Chinese nation suffered from imperialist invasion, oppression and humiliation and was reduced to the status of an oppressed nation, in order to safeguard the unity of the state and the dignity of the Chinese nation, all the ethnic groups united and fought unyieldingly together against foreign invaders and ethnic separatists.
  • 随着人口的增加,我们需要越来越多的粮食,假如腐殖上到了破坏,我们将在什么地方种植粮食呢?
    With the increase of population, we need more and more food. If humus is destroyed, where will we grow our food?
  • 庄稼受水灾毁坏的地方都在闹饥荒。
    There is hunger in all the places where the crop was spoilt by the flood.
  • “找工作找了这么多年,一直都到拒绝,现在能到真正需要自己的行业中工作很不错。”她一边说,一边用冰块冰着她在平行泊车练习中几小时踩离合器而出汗的膝盖。
    “After years of being met with rejection, it's nice to be in an industry where they really want you,” she says, icing her knee after hours of clutching during parallel?parking practice.
  • 他们愚蠢的建议到普遍的反对。
    Their idiotic suggestions met with widespread opposition.
  • 在战胜了使中国革命到严重失败的王明“左”倾路线以后,毛泽东同志总结了这次斗争的教训,在一九三六年和一九三七年写下了《中国革命战争的战略问题》、《实践论》、《矛盾论》等一系列不朽著作,奠定了我们党的思想理论基矗
    After the defeat of the "Left" line of Wang Ming which had caused serious setbacks to the Chinese revolution, Comrade Mao Zedong summed up the lessons from this struggle and wrote, in 1936 and 1937, a series of immortal works including "Problems of Strategy in China's Revolutionary War", "On Practice" and "On Contradiction".In these he laid the ideological and theoretical foundation for our Party.
  • ·1990年代期间自然灾害所有受灾人口中75%以上的人是到水灾的危害,水灾也造成了自然灾害全部估计损失中的33%以上。
    · Floods affected more than 75 per cent of all people impacted by natural disasters during the 1990s and caused over 33 per cent of the total estimated costs of natural disasters.
  • 意志缺失,丧志症做出决断或独自行动的能力到损害或丧失
    Loss or impairment of the ability to make decisions or act independently.
  • 而那些从没有受视觉或听觉损伤之苦的人却很少充分利用这些天赐的官能。
    But those who have never suffered impairment of sight or hearing seldom make the fullest use of these blessed faculties.
  • 尼克松总统弹劾给新闻界一个看热闹的机会。
    The impeachment of president nix-on give the news media a roman holiday.
  • 弹劾後得到的判决毁了他的政治生涯
    The verdict result from his impeachment destroyed his political career
  • 尼克松总统弹劾给新闻界一个看热闹的机会。
    The impeachment of president nix on give the news media a roman holiday.
  • 然而,这并不代表新加坡大学生就可以对政治冷漠,对周的事不闻不问。
    However, this does not imply that university students in Singapore should be politically indifferent and be unconcerned about things around them.
  • 王平:出生贫穷家庭的奇拉维特经常表示,他永远不会忘记巴拉圭贫穷儿童的悲惨遇,尤其是巴拉圭首都亚松森街头的贫穷儿童。
    Wang Ping: Bom into a poor family, Chilavert often said that he will never forget the impoverished encounter of the poor children of Paraguay, especially the poor children on the street in the capital city of Asuncion.
  • 王平:出生贫穷家庭的奇拉维特经常表示,他永远不会忘记巴拉圭贫穷儿童的悲惨遇,尤其是巴拉圭首都亚松森街头的贫穷儿童。
    Wang Ping: Born into a poor family, Chilavert often said that he will never forget the impoverished encounter of the poor children of Paraguay, especially the poor children on the street in the capital city of Asuncion.
  • 这一设计图纸还未画出就被认为不实用而废弃。
    The design is scrubbed at the drawing board stage as being impractical.
  • 他因袭击警察而两年监禁。
    He got two years' imprisonment for assaulting a police officer.
  • 一位现代睡美人在其丈夫的命令下囚禁。
    A modern Sleeping Beauty was held in imprisonment by order of her husband.
  • 受他人讨厌的或不合适的性骚扰的人。
    someone who subjects others to unwanted or improper sexual activities.
  • 像汇票拒付这样重要的事情,竟未引起贵方的注意,我们甚感惊讶。
    We is very much surprised at your inattention to a matter of so much importance as a dishonoured draft.
  • 因此,如果每个投保人都支付少量的保费,保险公司则会有足够的钱来赔偿真正受损失的投保人。
    Therefore, if every policyholder pays a small amount into the insurance company's fund, there will be enough money in the fund to pay for the damages suffered by the few who actually incur a loss.
  • 使某人无痛苦地死去的行为(尤指当一个人受不治之症的折磨时)。
    the act of killing someone painlessly (especially someone suffering from an incurable illness).