  • 少数民族,特别是内民族,在日本帝国主义的直接威胁之下,正在起来斗争。
    The minority nationalities, and especially the people of Inner Mongolia who are directly menaced by Japanese imperialism, are now rising up in struggle.
  • 使用女性性荷尔治疗,似乎可预防心脏病及骨骼松软症,可是也似乎会增加患乳腺癌及子宫癌的危险。现在仅在百分之十五停经以后的美国妇女服用女性性荷尔补充剂,在其余的当中一般的想法可能是——服用不好,不服用也不好。
    Estrogen therapy appeared to offer protection against heart attacks and osteoporosis. But it also appeared to increase the risk of breast and uterine cancer. Now only 15 percent of post-menopausal American women take estrogen supplements; and "dammed if you do, damned if you don't" may be the thought that prevails among the remainder.
  • 毫无疑问,荷尔替代疗法能缓解急性绝经期综合症,而且关于增强骨骼强度的说法也经住了考验。
    There's no question that HRT can ease the acute symptoms of menopause,and the claim about bone strength had held up to scrutiny.
  • 孕酮由天然或人工黄体荷尔制备的药物,用来预防流产以及治疗月经紊乱
    A drug prepared from natural or synthetic progesterone, used to prevent miscarriage and to treat menstrual disorders.
  • 泽莫尔博士说,当人体中的钙含量偏低时,身体里就会产生一种荷尔,它能帮助肌体最大限度地吸收所摄入的钙。
    Zemel says that when calcium levels are low, the body releases a hormone that helps squeeze the most out of every available milligram of the mineral;
  • ……她捏造事实,假造伤害证据……她处处骗调查人员。
    …she concocted her story and faked evidence of physical abuse … that she misled investigators at every turn.
  • 美国大拿州中部的一个城市,位于密苏里河上;位于许多水电站的中心。
    a city in central Montana on the Missouri river; a center of extensive hydroelectric power.
  • 泪水, 她几乎难以认出自己的儿子。
    She could hardly recognize her son through the mist of tears that filled her eyes.
  • 我们呼出的气渐渐给汽车的窗户上上一层水蒸气。
    Our breath is misting up the car windows.
  • 外面雾的有股寒气,于是我把外套的领子翻了起来。
    A misty chill hung in the air, so I turned up the collar of my coat.
  • 清脆悦耳的笛声从长笛飘出,飘到树上,飘进清晨雾霭迷的山谷。
    The clear sweet sound floated out over the trees and down into the misty, early morning valley.
  • 可汗古族、鞑靼人或土耳其人在中世纪时的统治者
    A medieval ruler of a Mongol, Tartar, or Turkish tribe.
  • 一个蒙古人或蒙古语
    A Mongol or Mongolian.
  • 游牧部落游牧的古部落
    A nomadic Mongol tribe.
  • 蒙古族人的一员
    A member of the Mongol people.
  • 带有古人特点的或象古人的
    Characteristic of or resembling a Mongol.
  • 1247年,西藏宗教界领袖萨迦班智达·贡嘎坚赞同古皇子阔端在凉州(今中国甘肃武威)议定了西藏归顺的条件,其中包括呈献图册,交纳贡物,接受派官设治。
    In 1247 Sagya Pandit Gonggar Gyamcan, religious leader of Tibet, met the Mongol Prince Gotan at Liangzhou (present-day Wuwei of Gansu, China) and decided on terms for Tibetan submission to the Mongols, including presentation of map and census books, payment of tributes, and the acceptance of rule by appointed officials.
  • 住在外古中部和东部的古民族的人。
    the Mongol people living the the central and eastern parts of Outer Mongolia.
  • 此外,还有人、回人、藏人、维吾尔人、苗人、彝人、壮人、仲家人、朝鲜人等,共有数十种少数民族,虽然文化发展的程度不同,但是都已有长久的历史。
    There are also scores of minority nationalities, including the Mongol, Hui, Tibetan, Uighur, Miao, Yi, Chuang, Chungchia and Korean nationalities, all with long histories though at different levels of cultural development.
  • 古的、古人、其语言或文化的、或与之有关的
    Of or relating to Mongolia, the Mongols, or their language or culture.
  • 古包、毡包中亚古族牧民使用的一种圆顶可移动的帐篷
    A circular, domed, portable tent used by the nomadic Mongols of central Asia.
  • 古语古和中国境内的古人的口头和书面语言
    Any of the various spoken and written dialects and languages of the Mongols living in Mongolia and China.
  • 楚瓦什苏联欧洲部分中东部地区,位于伏尔加河谷。在13和14世纪被古人征服,1552年后由俄罗斯统治
    A region of east-central European U.S.S.R. in the Volga River valley. Conquered by the Mongols in the13th and14th centuries, it came under Russian rule in1552.
  • 汉人;汉族中国占主导地位的种族集团的成员,占人口总数的大约百分之九十三,主要区别于满族、族、回族以及其它少数民族
    A member of the principal ethnic group of China, constituting about93 percent of the population, especially as distinguished from Manchus, Mongols, Huis, and other minority nationalities.
  • 哈萨克苏联的中亚南部一区,位于里海东北部。13世纪时古人奴役了这里最初的突厥族居民,并一直处在不同汗国的统治之下,直至1730-1853年被俄罗斯征服
    A region of southern Central Asian U.S.S.R. northeast of the Caspian Sea. The original Turkic inhabitants were overrun by the Mongols in the13th century and ruled by various khanates until the Russian conquest of1730 to1853.
  • 我不太清楚,她也许移民去了外古。
    For all I know she may have emigrated to Outer Mongolia.
  • 古族人任一古传统游牧民族中的一员
    A member of any of the traditionally nomadic peoples of Mongolia.
  • 内蒙古自治区
    the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
  • 产于西藏和古的野驴。
    wild ass of Tibet and Mongolia.
  • 古的基本货币单位。
    the basic unit of money in Mongolia.
  • 古共和国首都和最大城市。
    the capital and largest city of Mongolia.
  • 分布于古的一个阿尔泰语系分支。
    a family of Altaic language spoken in Mongolia.