  • 格兰之声,是乡村铁匠铺里铁砧上锤子的叮当声,是露珠欲滴的清晨秧鸡的鸣啼声,是磨刀石上镰刀的霍霍声,是山梁上走过一队犁地的农夫——这是许多世纪里格兰的永恒景象。
    The sounds of England, the tinkle of the hammer on the anvil in the country smithy, the corncrake on a dewy morning, the sound of the scythe agains t the whetstone, and the sight of a plough team coming the brow of a bill for centuries the one eternal sight of England.
  • “然而,重要的是不要忘记这与技术本身是无关的,问题在于如何使用因特网。”这项研究的发起人之一、心理学家、特尔公司的克里斯廷·赖利说。
    "But it's important to remember this is not about the technology, per se; It's about how it is used," says psychologist Christine Riley of Intel, one of the study's sponsors.
  • 我只不过是一个骑车独自旅行的人,颠簸于一段延伸60里的荒凉之路,这条路婉蜒向东穿过山脉通向海岸。
    I was just a guy on a bike, alone, riding a 60-mile stretch of lonely road that winds through mountains eastward to the seacoast.
  • 惊涛骇浪,方显雄本色。
    The good seaman is known in bad weather.
  • 赫尔格兰中部东北的自治城市,位于寺尔河哈姆伯三角洲的北岸。1299年获自治权,18世纪末开始成为重要海港。人口272,500
    A borough of northeast-central England on the northern shore of the Humber estuary at the influx of the Hull River. Chartered in1299, the city has been a major seaport since the late1700's. Population,272, 500.
  • 德班南非东部城市,滨临印度洋的一个海湾,德班湾,1497年瓦斯科·达加马首次到达这里,1824年国人到达后,德班成为殖民地,德班是一个主要海港和四季旅游城市,人口677,760
    A city of eastern South Africa on Durban Bay, an inlet of the Indian Ocean. First visited by Vasco da Gama in1497, the site was settled after the arrival of the British in1824. Durban is a major seaport and year-round resort. Population,677, 760.
  • 根据国法律,一个人未经证实有罪仍视为无罪。
    In English law a man is accounted innocent until he is proved guilty.
  • 白垩一种松软的方解石粉块,caco3,含有不等量的硅石、石、长石或其它矿物杂质,通常为灰白色或黄白色,从贝类化石中制得
    A soft, compact calcite, CaCO3, with varying amounts of silica, quartz, feldspar, or other mineral impurities, generally gray-white or yellow-white and derived chiefly from fossil seashells.
  • 庆祝活动从詹姆斯·乔伊斯塔开始。乔伊斯塔在爱尔兰东海岸栋拉雷市以南半里的海滨。
    Festivities begin at the James Joyce Tower, which is on the seashore, a half mile south of Dun Laoghaire on Ireland' s east coast.
  • 国)在海边卖沙的小贩;现在当表达非常高兴时说“像一个卖沙的小孩一样高兴”。
    (British) a peddler of sand at a seashore resort; used now only to express great happiness in the expression "happy as a sandboy".
  • 他每次渡吉利海峡时都晕船。
    He get seasick every time he crosse the channel.
  • 根据国法律,哈拍特无罪。
    According to English law, Hubert is innocent.
  • 国)加很多香料的速食猪肉香肠。
    (British) a ready-cooked and highly seasoned pork sausage.
  • 对于她的存折,我茫然不知究竟该怎么办,因为她在西雅图和格兰都有可观的存款。
    I wondered dully what on earth I ought to do about her bank books, for she had considerable sums of money in Seattle and in England.
  • 排水吨测量船舶排水量的单位,等于三十五立方尺,相当于一长吨海水的体积
    A unit for measuring the displacement of ships, equal to35 cubic feet, and supposed to equal the volume taken by a long ton of seawater.
  • 非技术性力的单位等于一磅的质点发生自由落体加速度(尺每平方秒)的力量。
    a nontechnical unit of force equal to the mass of 1 pound with an acceleration of free fall equal to 32 feet/sec/sec.
  • 紧跟在她后面的是刘玉,成绩是10秒9。
    She was closely followed by Liu Yuying who times at 10.9 sec.
  • 力的单位等于使一磅的质点发生尺每平方秒加速度的力;等于(待查表)牛顿。
    a unit of force equal to the force that imparts an acceleration of 1 foot/sec/sec to a mass of 1 pound; equal to 0.1382 newtons.
  • 在美洲的殖民地于1776年脱离国并成立了美利坚合众国。
    The american colony seceded from Great Britain in 1776 and formed the U.S.A.
  • 安圭拉岛属西印度群岛,位于背风群岛北部,17世纪国人在此定居,1967年以前一直是圣济慈-奈维斯-安圭拉自治领的一部分,当时它是半独立。1969年要求完全独立,引发了国军队的登陆事件
    An island of the British West Indies in the northern Leeward Islands. Settled by the British in the17th century, it was part of the self-governing colony of St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla until1967, when it seceded unilaterally. A bid for full independence led to the landing of British troops in1969.
  • 鼓吹从大的群体中分离出来的人(例如一个国国教或一个国家联盟)。
    an advocate of secession or separation from a larger group (such as an established church or a national union).
  • 声音在空气中的速度在常温下约为每秒1100尺,即大约每5秒1里或者大约每小时700荚里。
    The speed of sound in air at ordinary temperatures is about 1, 100 feet per second, which is about one mile in five seconds or about 700 miles per hour.
  • 国法,担保必须是书面的。如果第一债务人不履约,担保人将作为第二债务人承担责任。
    In English law, a guarantee must usually be in writing; the person making a guarantee is secondarily liable if the person who is primarily liable defaults. Compare indemnity.
  • 我们在旧书店闲逛,看看各种语书籍。
    We poked along in the secondhand bookstore booking at all kinds of English books.
  • 那东西标价50镑,而我认为对于一部二手货的割草机来说,那个价钱不合理。
    It’s priced at fifty pounds, and I think that’s a bit steep for a secondhand lawn mower.
  • 第二,特选学校目前是以语作为教学媒介。
    Secondly, of course, the SAP schools are now using English as the medium of instruction.
  • 我希望能先读语补习班,接着再学文秘。
    I hope that I can take some English courses first and then I want to go on to study secretarial science.
  • 一种欧洲植物(一年生缎花属一年生缎花),栽培价值在于其紫色芳香的花和扁圆的、银白色的纸质荚果
    A European plant(Lunaria annua) cultivated for its fragrant purplish flowers and round, flat, papery, silver-white seedpods.
  • 坎普尔印度北部一城市,在恒河上,位于德里东南部。在印度兵变期间,一个不满的寻求补助金的人于1857年7月屠杀了包括女人和儿童在内的全部国守备部队。人口1,481,879
    A city of northern India on the Ganges River southeast of Delhi. During the Indian Mutiny, a disgruntled pension-seeker slaughtered the entire British garrison, including women and children(July1857). Population,1, 481, 879.
  • 布尔沃·利顿,爱德华·乔治·厄尔·利顿1803-1873国作家,以其颇受欢迎的历史小说而闻名,尤其是庞贝城的最后一日(1834年),以及他那看起来永无止境的错综复杂的句子
    British writer best known for his popular historical novels, especially The Last Days of Pompeii(1834), and for his seemingly endless convoluted sentences.
  • 乔治:哦,我已经看过了。我是去年在国广播公司电视节目中看的。
    George : Oh , I have already seen it . I saw it on a B.B.C. television program last year.
  • 乔治:哦,我已经看过了.我是去年在国广播公司电视节目中看的。
    George: Oh, I've already seen it. I saw it on a B. B. C. television programme last year.