  • 低劣处于低质量、低品质或低价格的状态;一
    The state of being inferior in quality, character, or value; commonness.
  • 预期的或一的状态。
    the expected or commonplace condition or situation.
  • 流亡在外的达赖对旧西藏普遍的践踏人民群众基本人权的状况只字不提,竭力掩饰,却对新西藏的发展、进步百诋毁和攻击。
    Making no mention whatsoever of the situation where trampling the people's basic human rights was commonplace in old Tibet, the exiled Dalai Lama has tried by every means to cover it up and vilify and attack the development and progress in new Tibet.
  • 来说教师能把自己的意思表达清楚。
    "Generally speaking, teachers are able to communicate their ideas clearly."
  • 巧妙构思巧妙的诗一的想象,尤指煞费心机的或过分做作的文章
    A fanciful poetic image, especially an elaborate or exaggerated comparison.
  • 欧洲客车上的一种间隔间;里面一有四到六个供睡觉的卧铺。
    a compartment on a European passenger train; contains 4 to 6 berths for sleeping.
  • 来说,把tmodel的键和服务描述共同作为线索来跟踪一个指定的服务的兼容性源头是足够可靠的。
    In general, it’s pretty safe to think of the tModel keys within a services binding description as a fingerprint that can be used to trace the compatibility origins of a given service.
  • 对伤害和侮辱进行补偿(一或正式)。
    compensation (given or received) for an injury or insult.
  • 同行随价格下跌空头抛售,但一认为目前的价格下跌属暂时性的。
    Competitor selling short speculate on further decline however opinion present decline temporary.
  • 年刊由中学或大学的毕业班编辑并装订成册的刊物,纪录当年的事件,一还包括学生们和全体教师的照片
    A usually bound publication compiled by the graduating class of a school or college, recording the year's events and typically containing photographs of students and faculty.
  • 迷宫的,错综复杂的在设计或复杂性上象迷宫的;迷宫复杂的
    Resembling a maze, as in design or complexity; labyrinthine.
  • "一来说人们看不起那种唯命是从,唯唯诺诺的人。"
    Usually people don't respect those who are too compliant.
  • 菊粉一公式为(c6h10o5)n的多聚糖,发现于各种菊科植物的根部,水解时能产生果糖
    A polysaccharide with the general formula(C6H10O5)n that is found in the roots of various composite plants and yields fructose when hydrolyzed.
  • 她说得那么得意,他却完全似听非听,她看到他那镇定自若,便放了心,于是那张利嘴越发滔滔不绝了。
    He listened to her with perfect indifference while she chose to entertain herself in this manner, and as his composure convinced her that all was safe, her wit flowed long.
  • 的公众也可以理解。
    comprehensible to the general public.
  • 普通公众;一援助;一规则;一说来;能为普通读者所理解。
    the general public; general assistance; a general rule; in general terms; comprehensible to the general reader.
  • 性普遍地或广泛地保持的原则、概念或意图
    A general or widely held principle, concept, or notion.
  • 从特例中提取共同特征形成的一概念。
    a general concept formed by extracting common features from specific examples.
  • 凡关于一事项,即战略性质的事项,下级必须报告上级,并接受上级的指导,以收协同动作之效。
    In general matters, that is, matters of strategy, the lower levels should report to the higher and follow their instructions so as to ensure concerted action.
  • 超出一所允许的范围;做出让步
    Stretch a pointbgo beyond what is usually allowed; make a concession
  • 而且不管哪个时代讲的十八武艺都远未包括当时的所有器械。
    Furthermore, no matter which era , the 18 instruments are far from concluding all the instruments of that time.
  • 然而,随着他夸夸其谈,他那身装束所激起的全场一片欢愉和赞叹,渐渐消失了。等到末了他说出“等显贵的红衣主教大人一驾临,我们就开演”这句不合时宜的话时,他的声音被雷鸣的喝倒采声所淹没了。
    Unfortunately, the admiration and satisfaction so universally excited by his costume died out during his harangue, and when he reached the unlucky concluding words, “As soon as his Reverence the Cardinal arrives, we will begin,” his voice was drowned in a tempest of hooting.
  • 他们说:只要研究一战争的规律就得了,具体地说,只要照着反动的中国政府或反动的中国军事学校出版的那些军事条令去做就得了。
    They say that it is enough merely to study the laws of war in general, or, to put it more concretely, that it is enough merely to follow the military manuals published by the reactionary Chinese government or the reactionary military academies in China.
  • 掌握宣政院实权的是“院使”,一由中央政府总理全国政务的右丞相兼领。
    Yuanshi, the chief minister having real authority in the Xuanzheng Yuan, was a post generally held concurrently by the right-hand prime minister of the central government who was in charge of the whole nation's governmental affairs.
  • 慷慨的赠与赠送礼物方面的慷慨大度,尤其是指以一种傲慢的或恩赐态度的
    Liberality in bestowing gifts, especially in a lofty or condescending manner.
  • 比如我们可能会低声抱怨、叹气、或屈尊地感慨道“该是时候了”,或者用其他方法来弱化道歉。
    We might, for instance, mutter under our breath, sigh, make a condescending comment such as “It's about time” or in some other way minimize the apology.
  •  如果包括一切国家在内的那样一个世界联盟的确存在,那时各国所处的地位将同组成北美合众国的各州一样,过剩的人口、才能、技术和物质资本将从英国流向欧洲大陆各国,情况就同相类的过剩人口、才能等从美国东部备州流向西部各州一样——假定大陆各国具有与英国同样的人身与财产安全,同样的宪法与一法律,并且假定英国政府能够服从这个世界联盟的统一意志的话。
    If a confederation of all nations existed in reality, as is the case with the separate states constituting the Union of North America, the excess of population, talents, skilled abilities, and material capital would flow over from England to the Continental states, in a similar manner to that in which it travels from the eastern states of the American Union to the western, provided that in the Continental states the same security for persons and property, the same constitution and general laws prevailed, and that the English Government was made subject to the united will of the universal confederation.
  • 而言,公司章程授予他们广泛的管理权力。
    Ordinarily, the Articles of Association of the company will confer upon them wide management powers.
  • 在教堂外,一阵雨点的五彩纸屑撒落在一对新婚的新人身上。
    A shower of confetti fell on the newly-married couple outside the church.
  • 地牢用来关押犯人的黑暗的,一为地下的房间或小室
    A dark, often underground chamber or cell used to confine prisoners.
  • 妨碍给上手铐或如上了镣铐的束缚;羁绊
    To confine or restrain with or as if with manacles; fetter.
  • 斯波特一待在南草坪。
    She's used to the confines of the South Lawn.