  • 如果孩子确有某种超的天才,那当然应该扶植发展。但就一般情况说,下面这句格言是很有用的:“长期的训练会通过适应化难为易。”
    It is true, that if the affection or aptness of the children were extraordinary, then it is good not to cross it; but generally the precept is good, optimum elige, suave et facile illud faciet consuetudo.
  • 水生生物群落结构
    community structure of aquatic organisms
  • 浮游植物落自由浮动的微小水生植物
    Minute, free-floating aquatic plants.
  • 蹼脚、长颈,是典型的迁移性居水栖鸟,通常比鸭大但水性较差。
    web-footed long-necked typically gregarious migratory aquatic birds usually larger and less aquatic than ducks.
  • 继续重点支持发展种养业。集中力量帮助贫困众发展有特色、有市场的种养业项目。
    Continuing to put the stress on crop cultivation and aquiculture and poultry raising, and efforts will be concentrated on helping the poor people to develop specialty and competitive products in this field.
  • 摩尔人一由柏柏尔人和阿拉伯人后裔混合组成的穆斯林人,现在主要居住于非洲西北部
    A member of a Moslem people of mixed Berber and Arab descent, now living chiefly in northwest Africa.
  • 第四十一条 违反本法的规定,擅自举办大型集会、焰火晚会、灯会等众性活动,具有火灾危险的,公安消防机构应当责令当场改正;
    Article 41 Those who, in violation of this law, arbitrarily hold mass activities like large gatherings, fireworks evening party, lantern party with risk of fire disaster, shall be ordered to make corrections by public security fire control institutions;
  • 要解决这“少数不良分子”的问题,也只能在农会整顿纪律的口号之下,对众做宣传,对他们本人进行训练,把农会的纪律整好,决不能随便派兵捉人,损害贫农阶级的威信,助长土豪劣绅的气势。
    This problem of the "unhealthy minority" can be tackled only under the peasant associations' own slogan of "strengthen discipline", by carrying on propaganda among the masses, by educating the "unhealthy minority", and by tightening the associations' discipline;in no circumstances should soldiers be arbitrarily sent to make such arrests as would damage the prestige of the poor peasants and feed the arrogance of the local tyrants and evil gentry.
  • 百慕大岛海上发现的树状珊瑚;树状海绵。
    arborescent coral found off the coast of Bermuda; dendriform sponges.
  • 从考古事实看,每一体都将自己的观点和文化溶和于前代体中。
    From archaeological evidence it is apparent that each group superimposed its ideas and culture on the previous one.
  • 历史悠久的民族传统体育项目得到发扬光大,如叼羊、赛马、摔跤、射箭等十分普及,为众所喜爱;
    Traditional local sports with a long history are flourishing. Items like “picking up a sheep while riding a galloping horse,” horse racing, wrestling and archery are again becoming popular among the local people.
  • 中国少数民族传统体育运动源于广大少数民族众的生活,内容丰富,形式多样,历史悠久,特点鲜明,不仅具有高度的技巧,而且常常伴有歌舞、音乐,如赛马、射箭、马上游戏“叼羊”、摔跤、荡秋千、跳板、赛龙舟、登山等等。
    The traditional sports of ethnic minorities originate from the daily life of the people and are rich in content and form, and have distinct characteristics and a long history. They call for skill of a high order, and most of them are accompanied with music, or singing and dancing. They include horse racing, archery, sheep-chasing on horseback, wrestling, swinging, springboard jumping, dragon-boat racing and mountaineering.
  • 玻利尼西亚岛上的一个君主国。
    a monarchy on a Polynesian archipelago.
  • 产于马来西亚岛的野牛。
    wild ox of the Malay Archipelago.
  • 苏格兰西北的长达英里的岛。
    a 130-mile long archipelago northwest of Scotland.
  • 一个位于北冰洋的挪威的岛。
    a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean.
  • 马来人马来岛的土人或居住者
    A native or inhabitant of the Malay Archipelago.
  • 马来西亚岛西部的一系列岛屿。
    a chain of islands in the western Malay Archipelago.
  • 位于太平洋西南的一个岛,大约包含个岛屿。
    an archipelago in the southwestern Pacific including some 7000 islands.
  • 位于俾斯麦岛西南的南太平洋的一个海湾。
    an arm of the South Pacific southwest of the Bismarck Archipelago.
  • 俾斯麦岛的一个岛屿;巴布亚新几内亚的一部分。
    an island in the Bismarck Archipelago; part of Papua New Guinea.
  • 远离西班牙东海岸的地中海西部的一个岛。
    an archipelago in the western Mediterranean off the eastern coast of Spain.
  • 马来的属于或与马来西亚、马来半岛或马来岛有关的
    Of or relating to Malaysia, the Malay Peninsula, or the Malay Archipelago.
  • 俾斯麦岛中最大的一个岛屿;巴布亚新几内亚的一部分。
    the largest island in the Bismarck Archipelago; part of Papua New Guinea.
  • 菲律宾岛以东的密克罗尼西亚中的超过个岛屿组成的一个长岛。
    a long archipelago of more than 500 islands in Micronesia east of the Philippines.
  • 我们不能成为中国、印度、西方国家或者马来岛的伸延部分。
    We cannot be an extension of China, India, the West, or the Malay archipelago.
  • 北大西洋中的超过个岛屿组成的一个岛,以及远离苏格兰东北海岸的北海。
    an archipelago of about 70 islands in the North Atlantic and North Sea off the northeastern coast of Scotland.
  • 一个居住在北马来西亚半岛、马来岛和西马来西亚岛的民族的人。
    a member of a people inhabiting the N Malay Peninsula and Malaysia and parts of the W Malay Archipelago.
  • 马来人居住在马来西亚、马来半岛北部和马来岛西部部分地区的人中的一员
    A member of a people inhabiting Malaysia, the northern Malay Peninsula, and parts of the western Malay Archipelago.
  • 吕宋岛菲律宾西北部一岛屿,是该岛中面积最大、人口最多且最重要的岛屿
    An island of the northwest Philippines. It is the largest, most populous, and most important island in the archipelago.
  • 南太平洋中的一大岛屿,包括美拉尼西亚和密克罗尼西亚,有时也包括澳大拉西亚和马来西亚岛。
    a large group of islands in the south Pacific including Melanesia and Micronesia and Polynesia (and sometimes Australasia and the Malay Archipelago).
  • 远离南美洲的一个岛;麦哲伦海峡将其与大陆分离;由智利和阿根廷共通管理。
    an archipelago off S South America; separated from the continent by the Strait of Magellan; islands are administered by Chile and by Argentina.