  • 鲸(类)学研鲸和与其有亲缘关系的水生哺乳动物的动物学
    The zoology of whales and related aquatic mammals.
  • 专门研阿拉伯语言和文化的学者。
    a scholar who specializes in Arab languages and culture.
  • 二是研提出西部地区农村经济发展、重点基础设施建设、生态环境保护和建设、结构调整、资源开发以及重大项目布局的建议,组织和协调退耕还林(草)规划的实施和落实。
    Second, to study and put forward proposals on rural economic development, important infrastructure construction, protection and construction of ecology and environment, structure readjustment, resource development and the arrangement of important projects and organize and coordinate the implementation of the plan for changing arable land into forest and grass.
  • 您研过仲裁裁决了吗?
    Have you studied the arbitration award?
  • 文物研究机构
    institutes of archaeological researches
  • 这个实地考察课展示了考古学的研方法全貌
    This field course gives an overview of archaeological method.
  • 该办事处又鼓励青年人参加考古工作坊、野外研、讲座、在考古遗址进行环境改善工作,以及处理考古文物等活动。
    It also encouraged young people to participate in archaeological workshops, field studies, lectures, environment improvement exercises at historic sites and processing of archaeological finds.
  • 第十七条 各省、自治区、直辖市文物机构、考古研机构和高等学校等,为了科学研进行考古发掘,必须提出发掘计划,报国家文化行政管理部门会同中国社会科学院审查,经国家文化行政管理部门批准后,始得进行发掘。
    Article 17 To conduct archaeological excavations for the purpose of scientific research, institutions in charge of cultural relics, institutions for archaeological research and institutions of higher learning in the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall submit their excavation programmes to the state department for cultural administration for joint examination with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and may not proceed with the excavations until they obtain the approval of the state department for cultural administration.
  • 我们还需研如何向世界各地人士更有效地推介本港独特的文物古悺?本港的历史建筑物和考古遗址,蕴藏了许多珍贵文物,其中有些已有六千年历史。
    We need also to look at ways of better presenting to the world our distinctive heritage, much of which is on show in our historical buildings and our archaeological sites, some of which date back 6 000 years.
  • 当局委讬本地、国内和海外考古学家及研所在指定地区进行考古调查,目的是制备及更新有关考古遗址的综合电脑资料纪录,调查工作预计于一九九八年完成。
    Local, Chinese and overseas archaeologists and institutions were commissioned to undertake surveys of assigned areas throughout Hong Kong with a view to compiling and updating a comprehensive, computerised inventory on archaeological sites. The survey was expected to be completed in 1998.
  • 汉代以后的考古遗迹至今所知甚少,最近有关本港各海滩常见的圆拱顶石灰?的研工作,正好有助了解唐代(公元六一八至九零七年)本港居民生活的一面。
    Archaeological remains from later historic periods are still relatively rare.Recent work has thrown a welcome light on one aspect of life in Hong Kong during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), through a study of the dome-shaped lime kilns which are an almost ubiquitous feature of Hong Kong's beaches.
  • 这位考古学家对许多英国文坛宗师的坟墓进行了研
    The archaeologist researched into the tombs of many of England's literary great.
  • 在发展商慷慨捐助下,办事处邀请了一队来自北京著名中国社会科学院考古研所的专业考古学家参与这次发掘工作,共同进行野外研计划。
    With a generous donation from the developer, the AMO invited a team of professional archaeologists from the renowned Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, in Beijing to participate in this rescue operation as a joint field study programme.
  • 他这三十年来一直在研考古学。
    He has been studying archeology these thirty years.
  • 考古学中研生物体化石与其相关遗物的分支。
    the branch of archeology that studies fossil organisms and related remains.
  • 它大大突破了藏族传统文化“大小五明”的范围,涵盖了政治、经济、历史、文学艺术、宗教、哲学、语言文字、地理、教育以及考古、民俗、藏医藏药、天文历算和生态保护、经济可持续发展、农业、牧业等社会科学和自然科学的大部分基本学科,成为对西藏社会进行全面研的一个宏大的学科体系。
    It covers most of the basic subjects in the social and natural sciences, including political science, economics, history, literature and art, religion, philosophy, spoken and written language, geography, education, archeology, folk customs, Tibetan medicine and pharmacology, astronomy, the calendar, ecological protection, sustainable economic development, and agriculture and animal husbandry, breaking the narrow bounds of the "Five Major and Five Minor Treatises of Buddhist Doctrine" of traditional Tibetan culture. Thus Tibetology has become a grand system of comprehensive studies of Tibetan society.
  • 这个合股机构在1968年获得由美国建筑研院颁发的建筑公司奖。
    The partnership received the 1968 Architectural Firm Award of The American Institute of Architects.
  • 档案科学技术研究所
    Institute of Archival Science and Technology
  • 德国zdf电视网根据一个德国法医的研,通过对存档照片以及胶片片段的对比,并运用脸部识别技术来判断那个自称是萨达姆的人是否只是他的替身。
    The German television network ZDF, working with a German coroner, took archival photographs and film clips of the leader and used facial recognition technology to determine whether the men said to be him were look-alikes.
  • 科学技术研究档案
    scientific and technical research archives
  • 他的论据无力,经不起推
    His weak arguments won’t bear examination.
  • 我们再研一下这些论据吧.
    Let's go through the arguments again.
  • 他对这些没有新意的枯燥乏味的研感到厌倦。
    He is tired of the arid studies that have produced nothing new.
  • 在美国的城区,研中的统计数据则高达37%。
    Arid figures as high as 37 per cent have emerged from studies in urban areas of the US.
  • 然而人的认识竟怎样从实践发生,而又服务于实践呢?
    But how then does human knowledge arise from practice and in turn serve practice?
  • 后勤现在也在开会,也要着重研后勤工作方面在新的历史条件下出现的新的情况和新的问题。
    The logistical departments are also holding a conference at present.They too should concentrate on the new conditions and new problems in their work that have arisen in the new historical situation.
  • 进一步的研使具有长期生命的于血替代品成为可能,这种干血替代品在必要时可以被迅速再水化。
    Further research studies have led to the possibility of a long-lived dry blood substitute that can be dehydrated rapidly when the need arises.
  • 他正在研一些算术问题。
    He is studying something about arithmetic.
  • 他正在研一些算术问题。
    He is studying some arithmetic problems.
  • 委员会于一九九九年完成《传媒对青少年的影响》和《新来港青少年支援系统》两项研,并向公众发表研结果。
    In 1999, it completed two studies - one on the influence of the media on youth and another on the supportive system for young new arrivals. The findings of the two studies were released to the public.
  • 他把他的一生都献给了当代艺术研
    He had devoted his whole life to the study of contemporary art.
  • 中国现代美术研究
    modern Chinese art research