  • 会谈以后,一位宫资深官员向记者简报时,也将会谈结果故意做正面解释。他说,“简而言之,我们已经保住了美国认为必要的试验、研究与发展的权利。”
    A senior White House official, briefing reporters after the talks, also gave the outcome a more positive spin than seemed warranted when he said, "In shorthand terms, we have retained the U.S. right to do that testing, research and development we think is necessary."
  • 任何有判断力的观众都能明无误地看出这四个人物的性别①:两个身上袍子稍短一点的是男性,头上戴着披风帽;两个穿的袍子稍长一点的是女性,头上都带着帽兜。
    The sex of the two male allegories was plainly indicated by the comparative shortness of their tunics and their Phrygian caps, whereas the female characters wore robes of ample length and hoods on their heads.
  • 美国人度假时会尽可能地变得比平时更美国化,穿上花色奇异的短裤、色的旅游鞋和写有叛逆性口号的t恤衫。
    When they go on holiday Americans become even more American than usual, if that's possible, wearing crazy-patterned shorts, white running shoes, and T-shirts with offensive slogans.
  • 他终於明他眼睛近视了,於是去配了眼镜。
    He finally realize that he is shortsighted and go to the optician.
  • 他终于明他眼睛近视了,于是去配了眼镜。
    He finally realized that he was shortsighted and went to the optician.
  • 胎儿体内大量的胎蛋能预示着胎儿神经中枢系统的反常(例如脊骨裂)的物质。
    an abnormally large amount of this fetoprotein in the fetus can signal an abnormality of the neural tube (as spina bifida or anencephaly).
  • 目前,他忙于就国防授权法案的数目与内容与宫摊牌,而将关闭[军事]基地一事搁置。
    Right now, he is so involved in the showdown with the White House over the size and shape of the defense authorization bill that he has let base closing go by the boards.
  • 生长于新西兰,多年生植物,其花艳丽,呈色。
    showy white-flowered perennial of New Zealand.
  • 灌木状的加利福尼亚梣木,开引人注目的乳色花朵。
    shrubby California ash with showy off-white flowers.
  • 切碎的椰丝放在奶油面糊中再撒上霜状糖,以之为馅做成的蛋糕。
    cake containing shredded coconut in batter and frosting.
  • 椰子的可食用的色果肉;常切碎后使用,如在蛋糕和咖哩食品中。
    the edible white meat a coconut; often shredded for use in e.g. cakes and curries.
  • 椰子肉椰子可食用的果肉,常切碎用作食物和糖果或用于提取椰子油
    The edible white flesh of the coconut, often shredded and used in food and confections or for the extraction of coconut oil.
  • 父亲用古文和话文大量创作了各类有关哲学与文学的文章、带有社会讯息及对人性有精确观察的现代短篇小说和剧本。%$
    Father wrote profusely in both modern and classical Chinese and in different forms ranging from essays on philosophy and literature, modern short stories and plays with a social message and shrewd observations on human nature.
  • 由于关切苏联抱怨美国在外交方面做得不够,宫星期六宣布布什将于星期日首途赫尔辛基与戈尔巴乔夫商讨波斯湾情势及其他事务。
    Concerned by Soviet complaints that the U.S. has given diplomacy short shrift, the White House announced on Saturday that Bush will head to Helsinki this Sunday to discuss the gulf Situation, among other things, with President Mikhail Gorbachev.
  • 伯劳,鸫一种东半球伯劳鸟(林?伯劳),具有黑相间羽毛和红色冠顶
    An Old World shrike(Lanius senator) having black and white plumage with a reddish crown.
  • 搅打的奶油和龙虾黄油做成的色沙司。
    white sauce with whipping cream and shrimp butter.
  • 一种灌木,春季开许多色的小花。
    shrub having copious small white flowers in spring.
  • 地中海地区一年生灌木,黄色花。
    shrubby annual of the Mediterranean region with yellowish-white flowers.
  • 美国西南的灌木状梣木,开芳香色花朵。
    shrubby ash of southwestern United States having fragrant white flowers.
  • 美国东部(康涅狄格州至佛罗里达州)的一种硬的具角质的黑色浆果,叶下面披色的绒毛,果实甜。
    stiff shrubby blackberry of the eastern United States (Connecticut to Florida).
  • 她那苍的颜色,突露的颧骨,两目炯炯的瞪视,至今忆起,还有些可怕。
    Her ashen complexion, prominent bony forehead, with two glaring eyes, still gave me shudders whenever I think of her, even today.
  • 脸上带着害羞的微笑,穆罕默德说道:"如果你问她们什么样的男人符合她们的条件,她们的回答都一样:人,有房子,年龄50岁左右。
    "When you ask them what sort of guy they want, they all say the same thing: white, with a house, aged about 50 ," he said, smiling shyly.
  • 我有三只幼小可爱的暹逻种小猫。
    I have three small pretty white young Siamese cats.
  • 有灰色斑点的蓝色暹罗猫。
    Siamese cat having a bluish cream body and dark gray points.
  • 北美洲和西伯利亚水域中脊背呈青铜色的鲑。
    bronze-backed whitefish of northern North America and Siberia.
  • 西伯利亚和东亚升麻,有异味,花绿色。
    bugbane of Siberia and eastern Asia having ill-smelling green-white flowers.
  • 苏联东北部的一个半岛;位于令海和鄂霍次克海之间。
    a peninsula in eastern Siberia; between Bering Sea and Sea of Okhotsk.
  • 北太平洋位于阿拉斯加州和西伯利亚之间的部分;通过令海峡与北冰洋相连。
    part of the North Pacific between Alaska and Siberia; connected to the Arctic Ocean by the Bering Strait.
  • 斯皮茨狗科的色或奶油色皮毛的西伯利亚狗。
    Siberian breed of white or cream dog of the spitz family.
  • 在学校里,我和兄弟姐妹的英文都取得很好的成绩。那是因为妈妈坚持督促我们练习文法和词汇,虽然她本身对它们并不太明
    My siblings and I pulled through school with good English grades, partly because my mother insisted on supervising our grammar and vocabulary practices though she didn’t understand much.
  • 人们可能会听到一个做了变性手术的男人坦说,这样他就可以完完全全地像个女同性恋者那样生活。人们可能还会听到一个妻子说她与她的姐夫生了个孩子,而且还想再要一个,这样她的孩子就可以有兄弟姐妹了。
    One may hear the testimony of a man who had a sex-change operation so he could live a fulfilled life as a lesbian, or a wife who had a baby by her sister's husband and wants another so the child will have siblings (her own husband doesn't know about the situation, but presumably will soon if he's at home watching television).
  • 马沙拉葡萄酒产于西西里岛的甜或干的强度葡萄酒
    A sweet or dry fortified wine of Sicilian origin.