  • 东方集团以前由亚洲和特别是东几个国家组成的共产主义集团
    The former Communist bloc of countries in Asia and especially in Eastern Europe.
  • 盟十五个会员国的领袖们周一同意修改该组织的决策流程,并修订条约使盟能在未来数年内能纳入最多达十二个新会员国,而这些新会员国大多为前共产集团的成员。
    Leaders of the15-nation European Union agreed Monday to revise the organization's decision-making process and overhaul its treaty to enable it to take in up to a dozen newcomers in the years ahead, mostly from the former Soviet bloc.
  • 洲大型的淡水水蛭,曾用于放血。
    large European freshwater leech formerly used for bloodletting.
  • 洲的吸血苍蝇的一属。
    European genus of bloodsucking flies.
  • 水蛭,蚂蟥,洲医蛭蛭纲环节幼物中几种主要水生吸血或食肉环节蠕虫中的一种,其中的(洲医蛭)过去曾被医生用于为病人放血
    Any of various chiefly aquatic bloodsucking or carnivorous annelid worms of the class Hirudinea, of which one species(Hirudo medicinalis) was formerly used by physicians to bleed patients.
  • 矮的洲灌木,有极早盛开的铃铛状的红花。
    dwarf European shrub with very early-blooming bell-shaped red flowers.
  • 洲的一种常绿植物,具有白色或微紫色花朵,冬天开花。
    European evergreen plant with white or purplish roselike winter-blooming flowers.
  • 洲的一种秋季开花的草本植物,花黄色;在美国栽培。
    fall-blooming European herb with a yellow flower; naturalized in the United States.
  • 北美多年生草本植物,秋季开紫色、粉红色或白色小花;洲有广泛分布。
    North American perennial herb having small autumn-blooming purple or pink or white flowers; widely naturalized in Europe.
  • 任何一种早期盛开的木犀科灌木,属于连翘属植物种;原产于亚洲东部和洲南部,但由于其枝条和明亮的黄色钟状的花而广被移植。
    any of various early blooming oleaceous shrubs of the genus Forsythia; native to eastern Asia and southern Europe but widely cultivated for their branches of bright yellow bell-shaped flowers.
  • 洲淡水中蓝绿色细长小鱼。
    small European freshwater fish with a slender bluish-green body.
  • 白色有毛的洲蛾子,尾部有黄色的簇毛。
    white furry-bodied European moth with a yellow tail tuft.
  • 丹麦籍诺贝尔获奖人波尔所成立的“哥本哈根学派”,也吸纳了洲各国在核物理领域最优秀的人才等等。
    Danish Nobel Prize Laureate Bohr's "Copenhagen School" also attracted the best brains in nuclear physics from all over Europe.
  • 红额金翅雀一种小的亚大陆的雀鸟(红额金翅雀属)羽毛略带棕色,黑翼,特别醒目的是头前部有黄色或红色斑点
    A small Eurasian finch(Carduelis carduelis) having brownish plumage with black wings boldly marked with yellow and a red patch across the face.
  • 洲一些最漂亮的城市被炸成了一片废墟。
    Some of the finest cities in Europe were laid waste by bombing.
  • 一个靴子形状的半岛,位于洲南部,伸入地中海。
    a boot-shaped peninsula in S Europe extending into the Mediterranean Sea.
  • 大西洋沿岸国家的大西洋沿岸国家的或与之有联系的,尤指这那些洲及北美国家
    Of or concerning countries bordering the Atlantic Ocean, especially those of Europe and North America.
  • 遍及北部地区的主要分布或发生在北美和亚北部地区的,尤指植物
    Distributed or occurring chiefly throughout the boreal regions of North America and Eurasia. Used especially of plants.
  • 洲玉米蛀虫蛾子的幼虫;玉米的一种严重的害虫。
    larva of the European corn borer moth; a serious pest of maize.
  • 爪哇印度尼西亚的一个岛屿,被大西洋西部的爪哇海从婆罗洲分开。它是早期印度-爪哇文化的中心,后来改信伊斯兰教,直到16世纪晚期洲人(主要是荷兰人)到来
    An island of Indonesia separated from Borneo by the Java Sea, an arm of the western Pacific Ocean. Center of an early Hindu-Javanese civilization, Java was converted to Islam before the arrival of the Europeans(mainly the Dutch) in the late16th century.
  • 开往洲的轮船曾在香港停靠。
    Ships bounded for Europe touched at Hong Kong.
  • 这又是中国资产阶级同历史上美各国的资产阶级特别是法国的资产阶级的不同之点。
    In this respect, then, the bourgeoisie in China differs from the earlier bourgeoisie of the European and American countries, and especially of France.
  • 这种两面性,就是美历史上的资产阶级,也是同具的。
    Even the bourgeoisie in European and American history had shared this dual character.
  • 当艾森豪威尔将军在洲战区统领美国军队时,看见了希特勒的高速公路,他自言自语道:“用这种方式在全国范围内运输军需品多好啊。
    When General Eisen-bower was commanding the U.S. forces in the Euro-pean theatre, he saw Hitler's autobahns and said to himself, "What a nifty way to move military equip-ment around the country.
  • 洲十瓶式保龄球锦标赛。
    The European Ten Pin Bowling Championships.
  • 开放地带,通常带有泥媒,覆盖着石南花和洲厥以及苔藓等。
    open land usually with peaty soil covered with heather and bracken and moss.
  • 洲的一种结露莓的蔓生悬钩子。
    creeping European bramble bearing dewberries.
  • 洲的一种结红色浆果的蔓生悬钩子属植物。
    European trailing bramble with red berrylike fruits.
  • 语系的日尔曼语族
    the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family
  • 枝杈密布的亚树种;在秋天树叶变成紫红色。
    densely branched Eurasian plant; foliage turns purple-red in autumn.
  • 可以,牌子是“米茄”。
    Yes. The brand is "Omega".
  • 最头痛的事情:洲和巴西。
    Headaches: Europe and Brazil.