  • 您在等子时是否愿意到休息室去喝杯鸡尾酒?
    Will you like to have a cocktail in our lounge while you waiting?
  • 您在等子时是否愿意到休息室去喝杯鸡尾酒?
    Would you like to have a cocktail in our lounge while you're waiting?
  • 木匠用螺丝钉把子上松动的木榫头固定。
    The carpenter up the joints of the table which had become louse.
  • 恋人隔著子互送秋波。
    The lovers were making sheep's eyes at each other over the table.
  • 午餐在桌上放着
    Lunch waiting on the table.
  • 我于十月十六日在贵饭店的雅座间为客人预定了十月十九日中午12点20人就午餐的四张包
    On Oct.16 I reserved four tables for20 people for luncheon at 12 at noon on Oct.19 for our guests in the inner room.
  • 摊在桌上的蓝图。
    The blueprints lying on the table
  • 女士,非常遗憾,00的位已经订完了。
    I am sorry, ma'am. We take last orders at seven..
  • 女士,请到这张子坐。
    Come and sit at this table, ma'am.
  • 包括os/2和macintosh在内的几种平台已经与windows在面系统中较量过,1998年,linux也加入这一争斗当中。
    Several platforms, including OS/2 and the Macintosh, have already battled Windows for the desktop, and in 1998 Linux was enlisted for the same campaign.
  • 每逢他留客进餐,马格洛大娘总点上那两支烛,连着蜡台放在餐上。
    When he had any one to dinner, Madame Magloire lighted the two candles and set the candlesticks on the table.
  • 松木面镶有一层桃花心木的装饰薄板。
    The pine table top is overlaid with a mahogany veneer.
  • 史密斯先生在餐上首就坐,不怀好意地看了一下坐在他右边的表兄。
    Mr Smith took his place at the head of the table with a malevolent look at his cousin who sat on his right.
  • 总经理的子上堆满了文件。
    The managing director's desk is covered with piles of paper.
  • 小孩首先应学会餐礼仪。
    Children should learn above all how to observe good manners at table.
  • 他吵吵嚷嚷地走进屋,大声叫妻子给他沏咖啡,“老婆,快点!”他一边大叫,一边用拳头不断地猛击子。
    He entered noisily and called to his wife to make him coffee." And hurry up ya mara (woman)!" he shouted, pounding his fist on the table.
  • 这个子是大理石的。
    This table is made of marble.
  • 他们有大理石餐和椅子吗?
    Do they have marble tables and chairs?
  • 湿杯子在面上留下一个痕迹。
    The wet glass left a mark on the surface of the table.
  • 轻率的男孩子们在面上乱画而把面弄坏了。
    Thoughtless boy have deface the desk by marking on them.
  • 这张子很容易留下印痕。
    The table marks easily.
  • 我们成功地在马克希姆斯预定了一张子。
    We managed to reserve a table at Maxim's.
  • 当我回到曼德利时,马西姆的帽子和手套都已放在上了。
    When I got back to Manderley, Maxim's hat and gloves were lying on the table.
  • 在餐上招待;在饭店当服务员。
    wait on tables; serve as a waiter; in restaurants I'm waiting on tables at Maxim's.
  • ”马克斯韦尔迅速地问道,回头看了看自己上的电话。
    Maxwell asked quickly,looking back at the phone on his desk."
  • 马克斯韦尔把两手放在子上,手里还攥满了文件。
    Maxwell put his hands on her desk.They were still full of papers.
  • 但是今天早上她在外间的办公室停了下来,来到马克斯韦尔的办公旁。
    But this morning she stayed in the outside office.She walked over near Maxwell's desk.
  • 马克斯韦尔站在边,两手握满了电报,钢笔夹在耳后,头发也乱蓬蓬地立在脑袋上。
    Maxwell stood by his desk with his hands full of tele grams.His pen was behind his ear.His hair stood up on his head.
  • 哈维·马克斯韦尔并没有在意他,只是匆匆地与他打了个招呼,然后就冲向自己的办公,一头扎进了等他处理的成堆信件和电报里。
    Harvey Maxwell didn’t pay attention to Pitcher.He said only a quick"Good morning,"and ran to his desk.He dug energetically into the mountain of letters and telegrams that waited for him.
  • 饭后,妈妈把布蒙在子上。
    After meld mother pulls the tablecloth over the table.
  • 一个小时前杰克先生打电话给您,但他说不急,您上放有备忘录。
    You received a call from Mr. Jackson an hour ago, but the said it wasn't urgent. There's memo on your desk.
  • 他们三个人坐在餐馆的餐旁,女招待给他们送来了菜单
    The three of them are at a table in a restaurant. The waitress has brought them menus