  • 奢侈无节制地浪费或
    To waste or squander extravagantly.
  • 你们不要以为中国乱不起来,林彪、“四人帮”帮派体系的人,就是不听党的指,他们唯恐天下不乱。
    Don't think that there can be no more chaos in China: those who belong to the factional systems of Lin Biao and the Gang of Four are deaf to the Party's directives and would like nothing better then nationwide confusion.
  • 领导班子就是作战指部。搞生产也好,搞科研也好,反派性也好,都是作战。
    A leading group is like a command post, and efforts to boost production, carry on scientific research or combat factionalism are all like military operations.
  • 助人仙女动她的魔杖.
    The fairy godmother waved her (magic) wand.
  • 就在目前这个时刻,说不定还有一些重要的创造发明尚未发作用。
    At this very moment there are probably important inventions lying fallow.
  • 击剑时的剑表演技能。
    the act or art of using a sword as in fencing.
  • 挥霍钱财不是难事。
    It’s easy to fiddle away a fortune.
  • 失误棒球队员接球或传球不准,而在发正常时应可以使对手出局或阻止对方跑垒员进垒
    A defensive fielding or throwing misplay by a player when a play normally should have resulted in an out or prevented an advance by a base runner.
  • 一次指如意,调度适宜,终获胜利的总统竞选,也是有良好的形式的;中国旧式官吏小心训练起来的谈笑和吐痰的姿态,也是有良好的形式的。
    there is good form in a presidential campaign well directed, well maneuvered and leading gradually to a finale of victory, and there is good form, too, in one's laughter or spitting, as so carefully practised by the old Mandarins in China.
  • 布拉德利,詹姆斯·布坎南1856-1917美国金融家和慈善家,因为其酷爱钻石和霍无度的生活方式而获得其绰号
    American financier and philanthropist who gained his nickname because of his attraction to diamonds and his extravagant lifestyle.
  • 他如果从少年时起就惯于作远虑,惯于积极活动,他在这方面的习惯越巩固,他的高尚感情就越加发展,身心就越加获得了锻炼;他从小所看到的榜样越好,他利用他的身心力量以改善他周围情况的机会就越大;他的正当活动所受的束搏越少,已往努力的成就越大,所获得的成果越巩固,他的有组织、守纪律的活动就越加能够博得社会的同情和尊敬,他的心情由于偏见、谬论、迷信、无知等而受到的打击也越少;在这样的情况下,他的身心力量对生产目标将作更大的发,将获得更大的成就,对于他已有的劳动成果也将作更加圆满的利用。
    the more he has been from his youth accustomed to forethought and activity, the more his nobler feelings have been developed, and body and mind cultivated, the finer examples that he has witnessed from his youth, the more opportunities he has had for utilising his mental and bodily powers for the improvement of his condition, also the less he has been restrained in his legitimate activity, the more successful his past endeavours have been, and the more their fruits have been secured to him, the more he has been able to obtain public recognition and esteem by orderly conduct and activity, and the less his mind suffers from prejudices, superstition, false notions, and ignorance, so much the more will he exert his mind and limbs for the object of production, so much the more will he be able to accomplish, and so much the better will he make use of the fruits of his labour.
  • 在水中动鳍以前进。
    propel oneself through the water in a finning motion.
  • 老大更受重视、承担责任和发领导能力的机会更多。
    The firstborn gets more attention, more opportunity for responsibility and leadership.
  • 他对我挥舞着拳头。
    He shook his fist at me.
  • 拳一击把他打倒在地。
    He knocked him down with one blow of his fist.
  • 他在我面前舞拳头。
    He waved his fist in my face.
  • 无力的肌肉;他软软的握着她的手;给了一个柔软的握手;一个微弱的姿势好像掉了想知道所有的欲望的-g.k.切斯特顿;无力的一握。
    flaccid muscles; took his lax hand in hers; gave a limp handshake; a limp gesture as if waving away all desire to know G.K.Chesterton; a slack grip.
  • 放风筝;挥旗子
    Fly a kite; fly a flag.
  • 公路上一个想搭乘便车的人手叫我停车。
    A hitchhiker flagged me down on the highway.
  • 交通警察旗命令那辆经过的汽车停下来。
    The traffic police flagged the passing car down.
  • 医生手截住一辆汽车,搭车上医院.
    The doctor flagged down a passing car and got a ride to the hospital.
  • 女王经过时,孩子们舞着旗子。
    The children waved their flags as the Queen passed.
  • 石脑油一种高度发性的易燃液态碳氢化合物混合物,从石油、煤焦油和天然气中提炼出来,并用作石油、溶剂和制造各种化合物中
    Any of several highly volatile, flammable liquid mixtures of hydrocarbons distilled from petroleum, coal tar, and natural gas and used as fuel, as solvents, and in making various chemicals.
  • 各种易发、易燃烧的液态烃类混合物,主要用作溶剂。
    any of various volatile flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixtures; used chiefly as solvents.
  • 丙酮一种无色,易发,极易燃的液体状酮体,ch3coch3,广泛用作有机溶剂
    A colorless, volatile, extremely flammable liquid ketone, CH3COCH3, widely used as an organic solvent.
  • 石油类是石油当中易发,易点燃的成分。通过蒸馏获得,用作溶剂
    A volatile, flammable fraction of petroleum, obtained by distillation and used as a solvent.
  • 氯苯一种用于制造酚、ddt及苯胺和用作一种普通溶剂的无色易发的可燃液体,c6h5cl
    A colorless, volatile flammable liquid, C6H5Cl, used to prepare phenol, DDT, and aniline and as a general solvent.
  • 发、易燃烧的烃类(乙烷、庚烷、辛烷等)混合物,来自石油,主要用作内燃机燃料。
    a volatile flammable mixture of hydrocarbons (hexane and heptane and octane etc.) derived from petroleum; used mainly as a fuel in internal-combustion engines.
  • 官决定从两侧对敌人发起进攻。
    The commander decide to attack the enemy on both flank.
  • 当他被指偷盗时,他勃然大怒。
    When he was accused of stealing he flared up.
  • 他一下子就抓住了我当时正在发的论点中的一个基本错误。
    He quickly seized on a basic flaw in the argument I was developing.
  • 急抛,急速动突然地抛或掷
    To toss or flip suddenly.