  • 他说客队获胜是应该的,虽说比分相不大。
    He said the visitors had deserved their win although the margin was narrow.
  • 这部机器设计很差。
    This machine is of bad design.
  • 参与土地产品初始分配的阶级在性质和名称上,各地也有不小的别。
    The very nature and designation of the classes who originally share among them the produce of the soil, vary not a little in different places.
  • 这座建筑物可容纳2000人, 但设计很.
    The building seats 2000 people, but is of poor design.
  • 更不满的比标准得更远的;更不合意的或更令人不满的
    Being further from a standard; less desirable or satisfactory.
  • 最令人不满的比理想或标准得最远的;最不合意的或最令人不满的
    Being furthest from an ideal or a standard; least desirable or satisfactory.
  • 尽管异悬殊,还是赢得了比赛
    Won the game despite overwhelming odds.
  • 一种计算机软件,用于监视计算机系统,以便检测、记录并尽可能地校正出现的错。
    Software that monitors a computer system to detect, record and possibly to correct errors.
  • 但这些困难和异不应该使我们徘徊不前。
    But these difficulties, these differences, should not deter us.
  • 我们看到他的身体一个星期一个星期地下去了。
    From week to week we could see his health deteriorate.
  • 英镑一贬值使我们的估计数了几千镑
    The devaluation of the pound has put our estimate out by several thousands
  • 英镑一贬值使我们的估计数了几千镑。
    The devaluation of the pound have put our estimate out by several thousands.
  • 这些说法可以分为文化的别和开发的别。
    These claims can be divided into cultural differences and developmental differences.
  • 开发别更多的是成熟产品类的结果,以及如何推动随后的改进,而不是数据仓库和数据集市特色的任何真正别。
    Developmental differences are more the result of a maturing product class, and how the ensuing improvements are promoted, than of any true difference in warehouse and data mart feature sets.
  • 倾角来自垂直或水平线、面、位置或方向的偏
    A deviation from a vertical or horizontal line, plane, position, or direction.
  • 某数值偏离参考值的一种系统偏
    A systematic deviation of a value from a reference value.
  • 磁针的偏差
    the deviation of the magnetic needle
  • 偏度偏;一特定数量的偏
    Deviation or a specified amount of deviation.
  • 与平均数偏最大的值。
    an extreme deviation from the mean.
  • 标准偏数的平方
    The square of the standard deviation.
  • 性行为变态性行为或体验中的怪癖或偏
    Peculiarity or deviation in sexual behavior or taste.
  • (船或飞机航行时)受水流或气流影响对航线的便移、偏
    the deviation (by a vessel or aircraft) from its intended course due to drifting.
  • 允许变量容结构长度上允许存在的偏离某一既定标准的误,常常用百分数来表示
    The permissible deviation from a specified value of a structural dimension, often expressed as a percent.
  • 可怜的芭蕾舞演员必须把多年不断的辛劳献给她无益的苦事,之后她才能在芭蕾上大放异彩。
    The poor ballet dancer must devote years of incessant toil to her profitless task before she can shine in it.
  • 她在4月出乘飞机回来后,她的踝关节开始增大到树干大小,但医生起初认为她患了糖尿病,但化验结果却显示为阴性。
    Her ankles had swelled to the size of tree trunks after a plane ride back from a business trip in April, but the tests for diabetes -- his first thought -- had come back negative.
  •  为了弄清楚中美两国贸易统计异过大及美国贸易统计反映的对华贸易逆过大的原因,1994年,美方同意中方倡仪,在中美商贸联委会下成立双边贸易统计小组,进行专题研究。
    To diagnose the large difference in the bilateral trade statistics by China and the United States and the large US trade deficit against China under US statistics, the US side agreed to a proposal made by China in 1994 on establishing a bilateral trade statistics expert group under the Sino-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade to undertake special studies of the subject.
  • 个别差异诊断测量
    diagnosis and measurement of individual difference
  • 由对话控制提供的一种功能。为进行错校正和其它目的,把信息分组后放入链中。
    A facility provided in dialog control. Messages are grouped into chains for error recovery and other purposes.
  • 八度和音两个相八度的音的和声组合
    Two tones eight diatonic degrees apart that are sounded together.
  • 我只一本书就可配齐狄更斯全集了。
    I need one volume to complete my set of Dickens.
  • 我只一本书就可以有全套狄更斯作品了。
    I need one more volume to complete my set of Dickens.
  • 去哪儿出差了?
    Where did you go?