  • 中国人民银行——中国的国家中央银行,布它将在星期日发行6万枚纪念银币,每枚10元人民币。
    The People's Band of China, the nation's central bank, said it would issue 60,000 commemorative silver coins Sunday, selling at 10 yuan (1.2 dollars) a piece.
  • 二、一切活动,只要有事先布,则规定的时刻一到,立即开始。
    2、All events at the venue will commence promptly at the stated time, after due prior notice to the public.
  • 当一对热情相爱的青年男女开始吃洋葱头的时候,就不妨布他们是已经订下了婚约啦。
    When a couple of young people strongly devoted to each other commence to eat onions, it is safe to pronounce them engaged.
  • 在约翰内斯堡,政府、国际机构和银行、非政府组织和私人伙伴布了二十多个水和卫生方面的伙伴关系倡议-承诺提供十亿多美元的资源。
    In Johannesburg, over twenty water and sanitation partnership initiatives — committing over one billion dollars in resources — were announced by governments, international agencies and banks, non-governmental organizations and private partners.
  • 目前拥有旧时苏联四分之本国民的非苏维埃独联体布成立以后,戈尔巴乔夫先生所代表的克里姆林宫政府似已来日无多。
    With the proclamation of a Non-Soviet Commonwealth that now includes three quarters of the old union's citizens, the Kremlin Government for which Mr. Gorbachev stands, appeared to be on its last legs, …
  • 今晨发布的政府公报称....
    A government communique, issued this morning, states that...
  •  1955年4月,中国政府总理周恩来在印度尼西亚万隆召开的亚非会议上签署了《亚非会议最后公报》(《万隆言》)。
    In April 1955, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai signed the "Draft Final Communique of the Asian-African Conference" (also known as the "Bandung Declaration") at the Asian and African Conference held in Bandung, Indonesia.
  • 公报布亚非会议完全支持联合国宪章中所提出的人权的基本原则,并将“尊重基本人权、尊重《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则”作为和平共处十项原则的第一条。
    The communique declared that the conference fully supports the fundamental principles concerning human rights laid down in the UN Charter, and made the "respect for fundamental human rights and for the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations" the first of the ten principles of peaceful coexistence.
  • 共产党宣言
    Manifesto of the Communist Party
  • <共产党言>于一八四八年初次发表。
    The Communist Manifesto first came out in 1848.
  • *任务言:用指南针而非地形图。
    * Mission Statement - Compass not Road Map.
  • 1993年香港研讨会发表的军转民言认为,国际和平与经济的持续发展是世界各国人民的共同愿望,裁军与和平相辅相成,军转民是推动裁军和促进和平与发展不可缺少的环节。
    The declaration on such transfers issued by the 1993 Hong Kong seminar stated that world peace and sustained economic development are the common wish of all the world's people; disarmament and peace are complementary, and the transfer of military technology to civilian use is an indispensable link in the chain of promotion of disarmament, and the resulting promotion of peace and development.
  • 认真说来,既然政府和各大机构都已布作足了防御电脑千年虫的功夫,我们又何必担忧呢?
    Seriously, why should one worry when the government and key organisations have declared that their systems are Y2K compliant?
  • 今年三月,dmtf布完成了新版公共信息模型(cim)的研究工作,此模型实现了cim模式映射到简便目录访问协议(ldap)的相应目录中,cim定义如何在目录中表示网络设备、系统和应用数据,因而它很容易为den和企业管理目的而被共享。
    In March, the DMTF announced it had completed work on a new version of the Common Information Model that facilitates the mapping of the CIM schema into a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) -- compliant directory.CIM defines how to represent network device, system and application data in a directory so it can be easily shared for DEN and enterprise management purposes.
  • 陪审团告他与这件谋杀案毫无牵连。
    The jury acquitted him of all complicity in that murder.
  • (十二)日军从华中华南撤退,国民党政府布所谓“收复失地”,同时传实行所谓“荣誉和平”的必要性;
    To proclaim "the recovery of lost territories" by the Kuomintang government upon the withdrawal of Japanese troops from central and southern China, and at the same time to carry out propaganda on the necessity of concluding a so-called "peace with honour".
  • 不过,《世界人权言》撰写者的原意并非如此。他们一刻也没有忘记,每项权利必会有其相应的义务附连在一起。
    This was not the vision of those who drew up the Universal Declaration who did not for a moment forget that every right entails, as its natural concomitant, a corresponding duty.
  • 掌握政院实权的是“院使”,一般由中央政府总理全国政务的右丞相兼领。
    Yuanshi, the chief minister having real authority in the Xuanzheng Yuan, was a post generally held concurrently by the right-hand prime minister of the central government who was in charge of the whole nation's governmental affairs.
  • 宣告某物不适于...
    condemn sth. as unfit for
  • 他又康复了, 虽然医生们曾布他得了不治之症。
    He got well again, although the doctors had condemned him.
  • 这房子已被布不能住人了。
    This house is condemned.
  • 第一个公开称想要接替阿拉法特担任巴勒斯坦国总统的卡西姆是一名密苏里"老虎队"的铁杆篮球迷,这个人对向以色列平民实施的自杀性炸弹袭击并不抱谴责态度。
    Qassem, the first man to officially declare his desire to succeed Yasser Arafat as president of the Palestinian Authority is a die-hard Missouri Tigers basketball fan who does not condemn suicide bombing attacks on Israeli civilians.
  • 革出教门被教会逐出或布有罪
    An excommunication or condemnation by church officials.
  • 卡特尔,雅克1491-1557法国探险家,于1535年在圣·劳伦斯河上航行,并布此地归法国所有
    Prime minister of Canada(1858-1862) who served jointly with Sir John Macdonald. He persuaded French Canadians to accept Canada's confederation(1867).
  • 我可以公开布恨他。
    I confess it openly.
  • 信心十足的布是如此。
    confidently declared to be so.
  • 但是也必须指出,我们的传工作还存在严重缺点,主要是没有积极主动、理直气壮而又有说服力地传四项基本原则,对一些反对四项基本原则的严重错误思想没有进行有力的斗争。
    We must point out that there are still serious shortcomings in our propaganda work. Chief among these is our failure to propagate the four cardinal principles actively, confidently and with good results, and to combat effectively the fallacious ideas opposed to them.
  • 先发制人的传策略一种先发制人的广告策略,一方通过首先处理麻烦问题从而预见和抵消来自另一方的潜在的批评
    A preemptive advertising tactic in which one party attempts to foresee and neutralize potentially damaging criticism from another party by being the first to confront troublesome issues.
  • 在第二次世界大战后告成立的联合国的一个原因,就是尽早并且积极地遏制那些侵略成性的独裁者,在他们向无辜者发起攻击和破坏和平之前阻止他们。
    One reason the U.N. was founded after the Second World War was to confront aggressive dictators actively and early, before they can attack the innocent and destroy the peace.
  • 在第二次世界大战后告成立的联合国的一个原因,就是尽早并且积极地遏制那些侵略成性的独裁者,在他们向无辜者发起攻击和破坏和平之前阻止他们。
    One reason the U. N. was founded after the Second World War was to confront aggressive dictators actively and early, before they can attack the innocent and destroy the peace.
  • 由于本港市民深受儒家思想影响,故很多人都有拜祭祖先的习惯。儒家思想虽然不算是一种宗教,但却扬一套以人际关系为本的道德标准。
    Ancestor worship is widely practised in Hong Kong owing to the strong influence of Confucianism, which is not a religion but teaches a moral code based on human relations.
  • 这是把共产主义思想体系的传,当作了当前行动纲领的实践;把用共产主义的立场和方法去观察问题、研究学问、处理工作、训练干部,当作了中国民主革命阶段上整个的国民教育和国民文化的方针。
    That would amount to confusing the dissemination of communist ideology with the carrying out of an immediate programme of action, and to confusing the application of the communist standpoint and method in investigating problems, undertaking research, handling work and training cadres with the general policy for national education and national culture in the democratic stage of the Chinese revolution.