  • 购买这些异巧克力的顾客都很识货。这些人崇拜有天赋的甜品师恰如篮球迷们拥戴迈克·乔丹一样痴迷。
    The clientele for these exotic chocolates are high-end buyers who follow favored candymakers the way others follow basketball hero Michael Jordan's sports career.
  • 这枚昂贵的彩蛋叫做thewinteregg,出自俄国皇家珠宝匠卡尔·费伯之手。1913年的复活节,俄国沙皇尼古拉二世曾将这枚珠宝作为复活节礼物送给他的母亲。而这件稀世珍宝将于4月19日在著名的christie纽约拍卖行进行拍卖。
    The Winter Egg, produced by Carl Faberge and given by Russian Czar Nicholas II to his mother on Easter 1913, will be sold on April 19 at Christie's New York auction house.
  • 是的,那好。我们就负责那件事。我是克里斯廷马
    Yes, that's right. We are the office for that. This is Christine March speaking.
  • 奥伦美国加利弗尼亚州南部城市,位于圣安那河东北偏北。是盛产柑桔地区的制造中心。人口110,658
    A city of southern California north-northeast of Santa Ana. It is a manufacturing center in a citrus-growing area. Population,110, 658.
  • 他们因此大叫“西藏传统文化遭到了灭绝”也就不足为了。
    Therefore, it is not surprising at all that they clamor about the "extinction of traditional Tibetan culture."
  • 有三样东西早晚会为一般大众始终闹着要的就是:新、新、新
    There are three things which the public will always clamour for sooner or later, namely, novelty, novelty, novelty.
  • 有三样东西早晚会为一般大众始终闹着要的就是:新、新、新
    There is three thing which the public will always clamour for sooner or later, namely, novelty, novelty, novelty.
  • 王平:拉维特罚球的经典之作是60。
    Wang Ping: Chilavert's classic shot was a free kick of 60 meters away.
  • 曼尼坎对散文最感兴趣,如:这几篇为发表而作的《在怀念中的故乡》、《高粱舅》,他也很妙地把短篇小说《落花生》和《五孙舍哥》归为散文。
    Manicam is most taken by the essays, i.e., the works written for publication. These are ''Native Land'', ''Uncle Gao-liang'' and, curiously enough, he would classify the short stories ''Peanuts'' and ''Elder Brother 5th Sun-she'' as essays.
  • ,莱罗伊·罗伯特1906-1982美国棒球运动员,当他加入克里夫兰印第安队时(1948年)他成为美国联盟中第一个黑人投球手
    American baseball player who became the first Black pitcher in the American League when he joined the Cleveland Indians(1948).
  • 时间和气候使这些悬崖峭壁变得千百怪。
    Time and climate fantasticated the cliffs.
  • 穿着特或者正式的衣服。
    dressed in fancy or formal clothing.
  • 自1997年10月可口可乐的富于传色彩的前任首席执行官罗伯特·顾祖塔去世后,依万斯特就证明了自己是一位敢作敢为的领导者并且通过战略性的购置新资产成功和新产品开发而远远领先于百事可乐。
    Since the October 1997 death of his legendary predecessor, Roberto Goizueta, Ivester has proved himself an aggressive leader who continues to push Coca-Cola further ahead of Pepsi through strategic acquisitions and new-product development.
  • 马奎斯,唐纳德·罗伯特·佩里1878-1937美国新闻工作者,他创造了文学形象阿(蟑螂)和猫(梅伊塔贝尔)
    American journalist who created the characters archy the literary cockroach and mehitabel the cat.
  • (计算机科学上)一种译码系统通过合并额外的偶位来发现错误。
    (computer science) a coding system that incorporates extra parity bits in order to detect errors.
  • 利比指出,上述形式相互之间没有多少关联,而且总的来看其概念也不很一致。
    These forms are weakly related, Libicki states, and the overall concept of IW is not very coherent.
  • 那样的巧合实在太离了.
    That was a really creepy coincidence.
  • 这是迹,还是巧合?
    Was it a miracle or a coincidence?
  • 巧得出,我们正好坐同一列火车。
    By a strange coincidence we happen to be travelling on the same train.
  • 巧得出,我们正好坐同一列火车.
    By a strange coincidence we happened to is travelling on the same train.
  • 到他退休的前一末,他正好教了整整四十年的书,这是一个妙的巧合。
    It is a curious coincidence that the day before his retirement, Mr Page will have been teaching for a total of forty years.
  • 这项发明的荣誉属於洛先生和他的合作者。
    The credit for this invention go to mr. lodge and his collaborator.
  • 这项发明的荣誉属於洛先生和他的合作者
    The credit for this invention goes to Mr. Lodge and his collaborator
  • 他收集了一些怪的资料。
    He collected a quantity of curious in-formation.
  • 传说,传,传故事传故事集或传说本身
    A collection or body of legends.
  • 作为一个集体,群众可以创造迹。
    The people as a collective can work wonders.
  • 像一匹年轻的野马,非常好但又非常腼腆,很难轻易的被哄骗。
    like a wild young colt, very inquisitive but very coy and not to be easily cajoled.
  • 利瓦克加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省西南部城市,位于温哥华以东弗雷泽河上。是加工业中心。人口40,642
    A city of southwest British Columbia, Canada, on the Fraser River east of Vancouver. It is a processing center. Population,40, 642.
  • 拉格兰美国佐治亚州西部的一城市,位于哥伦布市北部。于1828年自治,它是一个工业中心。人口25,597
    A city of western Georgia north of Columbus. Incorporated in1828, it is an industrial center. Population,25, 597.
  • 以明显的讽刺和离的情景为特点的喜剧。
    a comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situations.
  • 怪的是,好几组科学家运用不同的仪器来研究c/linear的化学组成,发该慧星几乎没有含碳的分子。
    Curiously, several groups of scientists, each using different instruments to study C/LINEAR's chemistry, found that the comet had few carbon-containing molecules.
  • 幽默感看出、享受或表达有趣的、喜剧性的、离的或荒谬的东西的能力
    The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd.