Chinese English Sentence:
  • 血管被拴物(凝块或气泡)堵
    occlusion of a blood vessel by an embolus (a loose clot or air bubble or other particle).
  • 伊利美国宾夕法尼亚州西北部城市,位于伊利湖边,在纽约州布法罗城西南部,作为一个输入港,伊利于1753年由法国人建造,1795年展现在普里斯克要岛上。人口108,718
    A city of northwest Pennsylvania on Lake Erie southwest of Buffalo, New York. A port of entry, it was laid out in1795 on the site of Fort Presque Isle, built by the French in1753. Population,108, 718.
  • 一个坚固或得到加固的地方;堡垒
    A stronghold or fortified place; a bulwark.
  • 另一个严重问题是交通堵,在所有的主要街道上,汽车长龙首尾相接,缓缓向前爬行。
    Another serious problem is traffic congestion, endless queues of cars crawling bumper to bumper through all the main streets.
  • 不要这样漫不经心地把所有的衣服胡乱进那只包里。
    Don't bundle all the clothes into that bag so carelessly.
  • 别把茶叶倒在洗涤槽里;你会把它弄住的。
    Don't throw tea leaves down the sink; you'll bung it up.
  • 多为木质的用来堵桶口的子。
    a plug for a bunghole in a cask.
  • [布什的]僚属说,布什本周末与竞选失败的民主党总统候选人马萨诸州州长杜卡基斯举行一次化干戈为玉帛的会议。
    And aides say Bush may hold a bury-the-hatchet meeting at the end of the week with Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis, the defeated Democratic presidential nominee.
  • 他们把人们进公共汽车。
    They crowded people into the buses.
  • 发薪日这一天,全家人都会将自己个贼饱,因为我们每个人都清楚未来的几个星期粮食将变得越来越少。
    On payday we would eat until we were ready to bust, knowing that as the week progressed food would become less available.
  • 各种集会和会议是杜尔多夫繁忙的日常生活中极其重要的一部分。这个城市就像一台润滑良好的机器一样,平稳而高效地为其日常商务观光者提供服务。
    Conventions and congresses are very much a part of the hustle and bustle of daily life in Dusseldorf and, like a well-oiled machine, the city caters for its regular business visitors with calm efficiency.
  • 孩子们将旅行用品进小货仓里。
    The boys stowed supplies for the trip into the little cabin.
  • 交通阻时,听到一片不和谐的喇叭声
    Heard a cacophony of horns during the traffic jam.
  • 悄撒和维拉斯就是例证。
    as it was with Julius Caesar and Septimius Severus.
  • 法萨卢斯希腊东北部萨利一古城,公元前48年,裘力斯·凯撒曾于此决定性地打败了庞培
    An ancient city of Thessaly in northeast Greece. Julius Caesar decisively defeated Pompey nearby in48 b.c.
  • 一长串的路边咖啡馆是杜尔多夫居民的骄傲和乐园。比特内尔咖啡馆是长期以来一直受到人们青睐的咖啡馆之一。
    A string of pavement cafes are the pride and joy of Dusseldorfers and one of the long-time favorites is Café Bittner.
  • 在分配装置内部的旋转以正确连接火花端点的凸轮。
    the cam inside the distributor that rotates to contact spark plug terminals in the correct order.
  • 剑桥的英国剑桥的或美国马萨诸州剑桥的或与之相关的
    Of or relating to Cambridge, England, or Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • 他把口袋都满了糖果。
    He crammed as much candy into his pockets as they would hold.
  • 用糖果塞饱
    Gorged themselves with candy.
  • 这个孩子的口袋里满了米糖块。
    The child stuffed his pockets with candy.
  • 的第四次尝试是在1998年,当时来自澳大利亚东北海岸的一场风暴撕裂了气球的罩蓬,结果他从29000英尺(9000米)的高空垂直掉进了太平洋的珊瑚海,万幸的是他并没有受伤,这次失败的尝试差点成了一次灾难。
    Fossett's fourth solo bid ended in near disaster in 1998, when a thunderstorm off Australia's northeastern coast shredded his canopy and sent him plummeting 29,000 feet (9,000 metres) into the Coral Sea. He was unhurt.
  • 说她计划请当地的学校帮助募集700罐食品。
    Hussey said she plans to ask local schools to help collect about 700 cans of food.
  • 卡罗琳·斯特朗新买了一台冰箱,她在里面了一大堆食物,从蔬菜到罐装果汁应有尽有。
    Caroline Strong just bought a new refrigerator she keeps stocked with everything from vegetables to cans of juice.
  • 马萨诸州坎顿市的器官培育研究所和加利福尼亚州拉·约拉的高级组织研究所的研究工作都需用新生儿施割礼后的包皮。
    Organogenesis in Canton, Mass, and Advanced Tissue Sciences in La Jolla, Calif. both depend on foreskin from circumcised newborns.
  • ;35毫米的透视镜盖
    A bottle cap; a35-millimeter lens cap.
  • 使涨满使填得超过了容量
    To cause to fill beyond capacity.
  • 麻萨诸州海岬,一直延伸到大西洋;一个著名胜地。
    a Massachusetts cape extending into the Atlantic; a popular resort area.
  • 拜疆共和国首都。
    the capital of Azerbaijan.
  • 气门减少进入汽化器的空气以得到更浓的燃料混合物
    To reduce the air intake of(a carburetor), thereby enriching the fuel mixture.
  • 门内燃机上通过减少流向汽化器的空气量使燃料混合物浓度提高的装置
    A device used in an internal-combustion engine to enrich the fuel mixture by reducing the flow of air to the carburetor.
  • 管道内由于气泡引起的填(多指在热天气里发生的这种堵,那时候在内燃机内部管道里的汽油燃烧产生汽泡,阻住汽油通往汽化器的通。
    a stoppage in a pipeline caused by gas bubbles (especially a stoppage that develops in hot weather in an internal-combustion engine when fuel in the gas line boils and forms bubbles that block the flow of gasoline to the carburetor).