  • 然后用户会访问某个web服务——无线服务或者接受通过oracle9iaswireless适配器(作为绑定变量)传递给它的用户标识,或者要求用户再次使用用户和密码进行重新认证。
    ? The user then accesses a web service - the wireless service either accepts the user’s identity passed to it through the Oracle9iAS Wireless adapter as a bind variable or can ask the user to reauthenticate them again using a username and password.
  • 社会流公馆,尖拱低矮,萨克逊式柱子粗短,狼牙闸门一道道,好像狮子吼叫个不停②;
    the Hotel of the Lions, with its low, pointed arches on short, Saxon pillars, its iron gratings and its perpetual roar;
  • 哈特,(弗朗西斯)布雷特1836-1902美国作家,因其关于加利福尼亚矿业城镇的小说而著,最著的小说集是咆哮营的幸运儿及其他短篇(1870年)
    American writer noted for his stories about California mining towns. The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Sketches(1870) is his best-known collection.
  • 作为世界最大的水帘,有着无穷无尽游玩方式的维多利亚瀑布在我们的排表上位居第七。
    For being the largest curtain of falling water in the world and providing endless ways to enjoy it,Victoria Falls roars onto our list at number seven.
  • 这两种菜系的著特色菜分别是烤乳猪和北京烤鸭。
    The famous specialities of these two are roast suckling pig and roast Beijing duck.
  • 烤鸡用烤箱的商标称。
    a brand name for a roasting chicken.
  • 经过八次进一步改进鸭子的烤法,其味道更加鲜美。当然,全聚烤鸭店很快就出了
    After further improvement of the way of roasting ducks, his ducks became all the more tasteful and of course, his restaurant soon earned its fame.
  • 两名警察追赶强盗。
    Two policemen run after robber.
  • 1993年她在一部低成本的小片“爱情之地”(lovefield)中出演角色,且第二次获得了最佳女演员提奖:菲佛1992年在timburton的“蝙蝠侠归来”(batmanreturns)一片中扮演紧身皮衣的性感“猫女”及出演1993年martinscorsese根据edithwharton的“纯真年代”(theageofinnocence)改编作品而赢得了观众的喝彩。
    1993's underrated LoveField, for which she received her secondBest Actress nomination, Tim Burton's 1992 adventure Batman Returns, in which she starred a lethally sexy cat suit, and the acclaimed 1993 Martin Scorsese adaptation of Edith Wharton's The Age of Innocence.
  • 小心吧,那你就会使许多人避过犯上抢劫你的罪了。
    Be careful, and you will save many men from the sin of robbing you.
  • 这些标志的含义显而易见,不过为了帮助那些可能还看不懂的思想懒汉们,特地在每个角色的袍子下摆上绣了几个大黑字:锦缎袍子下摆上的字样是:“我为贵族”;丝绸袍子下摆上:“我为教士”;毛料袍子下摆上:“我为商品”;帆布袍子下摆上:“我为耕作”。
    and for the benefit of such sluggish capacities as might have failed to penetrate the transparency of these attributes, on the hem of the brocade robe was embroidered in enormous black letters, “I am Nobility,” on the silk one “I am Clergy,” on the woollen one “I am Commerce,” on the linen one “I am Labour.
  • 他们给他起为罗伯特。
    They named him Robert.
  • 罗伯特:我是一个新生。我的字叫罗伯特。
    Robert: I am a new student. My name's Robert.
  • 那个候选人多次企图破坏罗伯特的誉,但最后还是罗伯特当选了。
    That candidate threw mud at Robert many times, but at last it was Robert who was elected.
  • 使朱莉娅.罗伯茨成的她所饰演的那些银幕女性形象都是蓝领丽人,她们既聪明又风趣,就像她这位在父母离异后与其母和妹妹在佐治亚州的斯米尔纳长大的姑娘一样。
    The young women that Julia Roberts became famous playing were all working-class women who were smart and funny, like the girl who grew up in Smyrna, Georgia, with her mother and sister, after her parents divorced.
  • 现在任何人只要能弹一下吉他,哼几首旧歌,就可以称自己是民间歌手。可是珍妮·罗伯逊却不一样-她可是符其实的。
    Anybody that strums a guitar and mugs up a few old songs can call himself a folk singer nowadays. But Jeannie Robertson's different-she's the genuine article.
  • 传说中罗宾汉的追随者;以个头和力量著
    legendary follower of Robin Hood; noted for his size and strength.
  • 罗宾是一杰出的新闻工作者,他确实很擅长文字工作。
    Robin is an excellent journalist, he really has a way with words.
  • 我们向老板递交了一份圆形签请愿书,要求他改变轮班制。
    We sent a round robin to the boss asking him to change the shift system.
  • 该市市民准备就工厂所造成的空气污染问题向政府递交一份环形签的抗议书。
    The people in the city are sending a round robin to the government to protest the air pollution caused by the factories.
  • 鲁滨逊有一个比礼拜五更好的仆人:他的字叫克鲁索。
    Robinson has a servant even better than friday: his name is Crusoe.
  • 我认为鲁宾逊是一个出身门的人,尽管你今天这样看到他时不会这样认为。
    I believe Robinson is a person of some family, although you wouldn't think so to look at him today.
  • 笛福,丹尼尔1660-1731英国作家,其著的小说为鲁滨逊飘流记,由一个叫亚历山大·塞尔科克的苏格兰海员在荒岛上的探险经历激发灵感创作而成。他还著有摩尔弗兰德斯和疫年记事(都作于1722年)
    British writer whose most famous novel, Robinson Crusoe(1719), was inspired by the exploits of a Scottish sailor and castaway, Alexander Selkirk. He also wrote Moll Flanders and A Journal of the Plague Year(both1722).
  • 这个没有腿的机器人叫“西格”,是由官方出资的日本科学技术公司的一个研究小组研发的。
    The legless robot, called "Sig," was developed by a research team at the government-funded Japan Science and Technology Corporation.
  • 房东说公寓住满了,但他会把罗杰斯的字列入预约单中。
    The landlord said there were no vacant apartments available, but that he would put the Rogers' name on the waiting list.
  • 阿斯泰尔,弗雷德1899-1987美国舞蹈家和演员,以其优美的舞蹈风格和与搭档金杰·罗杰斯的数部电影著,包括大礼帽(1935年)
    American dancer and actor noted for his elegant style and his partnership with Ginger Rogers in several motion pictures, including Top Hat(1935).
  • 警方说,两拐劫嫌疑犯——布里安·莫里斯及罗纳·罗杰斯均为三十岁,住皇后区——用装着空头子弹的自动手枪使他进退不得。
    Two alleged kidnappers –Brian Morris and Ronald Rogers, both 30 and from Queens-kept him at bay with automatic pistols loaded with hollow-point bullets, police said.
  • 来自洛杉矶16岁的惠特尼·罗杰斯说,两年前她只听了一女试飞员在活动日那天为她们学校做的一次讲演,就受到了很大的启发和鼓舞。
    Whitney Rogers, a 16-year-old from Los Angeles, said she needed only to hear a woman who is a test pilot speak to her school on Take Our Daughters to Work Day two years ago to become inspired.
  • 不要相信他的许诺,他是个有的恶棍。
    Don't pin your faith on his promises, he is known to be a rogue.
  • 名单,名簿
    A list or roll.
  • 教师点名。
    The teacher called the roll.
  • bryanadams是八十年代最具有影响力的主流摇滚歌手,他的数张专辑都成为创下了白金记录并多次进入全美排行榜前10
    Bryan Adams was one of the most popular mainstream rock &rollers to emerge in the '80s,producing a series of platinum albums and Top Ten hits.