  • 这消息着实让我了一惊。
    I was astonished at the news.
  • 他看见他的父亲感到很惊。
    He was astonished on seeing his father.
  • 我不只一惊,我大一惊。
    I was more than surprised; I was astonished.
  • 我承认对这种未预料到的供词感到惊。
    I confess to being astonished at this unexpected statement.
  • "走?"老约翰惊地问,"去哪儿?
    "Go?" John said, astonished. "Go where?"
  • 他对于托尼考试不及格十分惊。
    He was astonished at Tony's having failed in the exam.
  • 当罗尔斯·罗伊斯计算出他们的债务是几亿英镑时,公众都十分惊。
    The public was astonished when Rolls Royce computed their debts at several hundred million pounds.
  • 当这位父亲计算出自己的儿子上个月花在消遣上的费用达6,000英镑时,感到非常惊。
    The father was astonished when he computed his son’s expenditure on entertainment at about six thousand pounds last month.
  • 在仅一年的时间里他就取得了令人惊的成就。
    He had achieved astonishing achievements in only one year.
  • 按照多种标准衡量,美国的物质财富都是令人惊的。
    By many measures, the nation's material well-being is astonishing.
  • 他竟然这样对你说话,实在让人惊。
    That he shall speak to you like that is quite astonishing.
  • 她的工作量惊人的多;狗做的恶作剧让人惊。
    she does an amazine amount of work; the dog was capable of astonishing tricks.
  • 而读写课的进展更令人惊——学生只花4个星期就完成了过去需要5.1个月才能完成的学习任务。
    In reading and writing the improvement was even more astonishing 5.1 months' progress in only four weeks.
  • 市中心地段的酒吧、咖啡店、迪斯科舞厅和其他夜生活场所多得令人惊。
    The number of pubs, cafe, discos, and other night-spots in the downtown area is astonishing.
  • 如此巨大的反应真是令人惊异;令人惊奇的成就;需要一大笔让人惊的钱;遭受了令人惊愕的失败;那个穿着仿羔皮呢的人被惊呆了。
    such an enormous response was astonishing; an astounding achievement; the amount of money required was staggering; suffered a staggering defeat; the figure inside the boucle dress was stupefying.
  • 更令人惊是,一幅w87分解图出现在修订报告的第78页上,很有可能与秘书o'leasy在1995年告诉世界的是同一个。
    And what may be even more astonishing, is that a cut-away diagram of the W-87-which may well be the same one secretary O'Leary gave the world in 1995--appears on page 78 of the Redacted Report!
  • 令人惊的是油从25年前发明硅芯片以来,它们的性能已提高了25000倍。
    Astonishingly, their performance has improved 25, 000 times over since their invention only 25 years ago.
  • 表示异议、惊奇或
    showing disagreement, surprise or astonishment
  • 惊得眼睛都突出来了。
    His eyes were popping out with astonishment.
  • 一惊极为惊讶或惊奇的状态;惊异
    A state of extreme surprise or wonder; astonishment.
  • 使大一惊,使目瞪口呆使…被惊压倒;使
    To cause to be overcome with astonishment; astound.
  • 惊地一愣,站着不动了。
    He gave a start of astonishment, and stood still.
  • 你可以想像他们发现房间里空无一人时那惊的样子。
    You may imagine their astonishment at finding the room empty.
  • 我们看了你的信大一惊。
    We were astounded to read your letter.
  • 那份报告中的数字让每个人大一惊。
    The figures in that report astounded everyone.
  • 是小羚羊的跳跃能力,而不是它的奔跑速度使人惊。
    It's the chamois' leaping powers, more than its fleetness of foot, that was astounding.
  • 饭刚刚摆好, 这个饥饿的男孩就狼吞虎咽地起来。
    The hungry boy attacked his dinner as soon as it was served.
  • 我首次试做的巧克力蛋糕难极了。
    My first attempt at a chocolate cake tasted horrible.
  • 他喜欢吃清煮土豆。
    He likes potatoes au naturel.
  • 付40澳元就可以到您想的东西。
    You can have all you want for 40 AU dollars.
  • 发出声地或者高兴地咀嚼或
    To chew or eat(food) audibly or with pleasure.
  • 除了我的婶婶以外,大家都了中饭了。
    All but my auntie have had lunch.