  • 伯克和他的助手已经证实,观看一部有趣的电影,或者是听到一则令人捧腹的笑话而开怀大笑都能促使体内有关力的荷尔蒙含量得到有效控制并降低血
    Berk and others had already shown that actually watching a funny video, or just laughing at a joke, could make healthful changes in the levels of hormones involved in stress and lower blood pressure.
  • 主持这一研究的家庭医学助理教授、辅助医学和替代医学领域研究者李·伯克说,这一切都表明对愉快事件的期待也能减轻力,促进免疫系统。
    This all suggests that anticipation of a funny event can lower stress and stimulate the immune system, Lee Berk,an assistant professor of family medicine and researcher in complementary and alternative medicine who led the study said.
  • 肉糜缩饼一种北美印第安人用干瘦肉条捣碎并拌上油脂和浆果然后制成小饼的食品
    A food prepared by Native Americans from lean, dried strips of meat pounded into paste, mixed with fat and berries, and pressed into small cakes.
  • 把赌金在那匹老马上就是白扔钱!
    It's a waste of money betting on that old nag!
  • 正序连赢一种赌注,如在赛马中,下注者在一次比赛中要恰好按顺序在第一名和第二名上才算赢
    A method of betting, as on a horserace, in which the bettor must correctly pick those finishing in the first and second places in precisely that sequence.
  • 苹果汁从水果中(尤指苹果)出的汁,用于饮料中或制成其它产品,如食用醋
    The juice pressed from fruits, especially apples, used as a beverage or to make other products, such as vinegar.
  • 现公开招标油设备。
    Bidding now open for ill-pressure device
  • 如今想起,我不禁感到惊奇,一个大老爷们把自己置于如此屈辱和力之下该需要多大勇气,他究竟是怎样做到的呀——没有痛苦,也没有埋怨。
    When I think of it now, I marvel at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to subject himself to such indignity and stress. And at how he did it---without bitterness or complaint.
  • 用来铺块石面路或其他区域的黑色含沥青的材料;通常覆盖在碎的石头上。
    a black bituminous material used for paving roads or other areas; usually spread over crushed rock.
  • 南非黑人准备与白人迫者斗争到底。
    The blacks in South Africa are prepared to burn their boats in their fight against the white oppressors.
  • 套柄铁锤铁匠用于槽或辗铁的铁锤
    A hammer used by a blacksmith for grooving or spreading iron.
  • 一种刀刃藏在刀柄中的刀;当按按纽时刀刃自动弹出。
    a knife with the blade hidden in the handle; the blade springs out when a button is pressed.
  • 他们由于没有缩开支而受到了责备。
    They were blamed for their failure to hold down expenditure.
  • 铰链叶片是带钢冲出来的。
    Hinge leaves are blanked out of strip steel.
  • 这些零件是用条钢冲出来的。
    There parts are blanked out of strip steel.
  • 梅格决定大权独揽,她不想出嫁……因此,她过着独身生活,并且用伊丽莎白女王的专制统治,用高手段统治一切。
    Determined to ride the fore-horse herself, Meg would admit no helpmate…and so, in single blessedness and with the despotism of Queen Bess herself, she ruled all matters with a high hand.
  • 眼球对视光盘增加力削弱视力。
    increased pressure in the eyeball causes damage to the optic disc and impaired vision (sometimes progressing to blindness).
  • 我的靴子挤了我脚趾上的水泡。
    My boot is pressing against a blister on my toe.
  • 张伯伦的政策是:一方面大举封锁德国的西面,迫德国的西部;
    His policy was, first, to impose a large-scale blockade on Germany and bring pressure on her from the west;
  • 用来治疗高血的口服受体阻滞药。
    an oral beta blocker (trade name Sectral) used in treating hypertension.
  • 抑制物限制、阻止或制的东西
    Something that restrains, blocks, or suppresses.
  • 你的血只是稍稍高一点。
    Your blood pressure is only a little high.
  • 温血动物的血通常是相当高的。
    warm-blooded animals tend to have relatively high blood pressures.
  • 美国骂我们镇学生,他们处理国内学潮和骚乱,还不是出动了警察和军队,还不是抓人、流血?
    The United States has blamed us for suppressing the students. But didn't the U.S. itself call out police and troops to deal with student strikes and disturbances, and didn't that lead to arrests and bloodshed?
  • 他们对它的血腥镇进行了英勇的回击。
    They fought back heroically against its bloody suppression.
  • 鲸鱼类的喷水孔在鲸目动物(如鲸、海豚)头顶,用于换气的单鼻孔或双鼻孔中的一个。当鼻孔在水面上时,由动物肌肉牵引而张开,在水下时,由水的力合上
    An opening or one of a pair of openings for breathing, located on the top of the head of cetaceans, such as whales and dolphins. The blowhole is opened by muscles upon surfacing and closed by the pressure of water upon diving.
  • 重击声用或似用钝器弄出的低的声响;沉闷的声响
    The muffled sound produced by or as if by a blow with a blunt object; a thud.
  • 重击,捶击用或似用钝器打击以发出低或沉闷的声响
    To beat with or as if with a blunt object so as to produce a muffled sound or thud.
  • 质言之,每个农村都必须造成一个短时期的恐怖现象,非如此决不能镇农村反革命派的活动,决不能打倒绅权。
    To put it bluntly, it is necessary to create terror for a while in every rural area, or otherwise it would be impossible to suppress the activities of the counter-revolutionaries in the countryside or overthrow the authority of the gentry.
  • 使…浓缩;压缩
    To make concentrated; boil down.
  • 煮器在全的情况下散发出的蒸汽。
    steam coming from a boiler at full pressure.
  • 那种锅炉受不住力。
    That boiler will not hold up under pressure.