  • 要离去,一个陌生人拽我的袖子。
    A stranger plucks at my sleeve as I am leaving.
  • 我们把在租来的房里发现的家具全部扔掉了。
    We gave the heave-ho all the furniture found in the flat we had just rented.
  • 杰瑞说,嗓子比才更沙哑。
    said Jerry, more hoarsely than before.
  • 足球有脚法之说,而曲棍球你才提到了棍法。
    in football, we have foot work. And in hockey you mentioned stick work.
  • 把杰妮嫁给了一个我不了解的男人,这里又来了另一个女儿蒂娜,要求我为她置办一件出自名牌设计师之手的婚纱和为她支付一次去伦敦的蜜月旅行。
    I'd just given Jenny to a man I didn't know and there stood Deanna, asking me for a designer wedding dress and a London honeymoon.
  • 啊,我到达香港,我是从机场打来的。
    Oh, I've just arrived at Hongkong and I'm call ing from the airport.
  • 愎自用到了不可挽救的地步,老是与主管人员发生冲突。
    She's hopelessly headstrong; she always gets up against people in authority.
  • 托座,隅撑l形的简易性结构,一臂固定于一垂表面上,另一臂水平伸出以支撑一个架子或其它重物
    A simple rigid structure in the shape of an L, one arm of which is fixed to a vertical surface, the other projecting horizontally to support a shelf or other weight.
  • 他的改革计划已彻底失败,也许他觉得在他遭到挫败之后不应该再使自己成为众矢之的。
    His reform scheme had failed so miserably that perhaps he felt he ought not raise a hornet's nest about his head so soon after the troubles he had gone through.
  • 玛丽:“我到苏格兰,我住在一家青年招待所。”
    Mary:"I have just arrived in Scotland and I'm staying at a Youth Hostel."
  • 到苏格兰,我住在一家青年招待所。
    I have just arrived in Scotland and I'm staying at a Youth Hostel.
  • 玛丽:“我到苏格兰,我住在一家青年招待所。”
    Mary: "I have just arrived in Scotland and I'm staying at a Youth Hostel."
  • 偷运的货物;失窃的汽车。
    hot merchandise; a hot car.
  • 她有志气、性格强,有助於她渡过难关。
    Her courage and good humour saw her through the bad times.
  • 她有志气、性格强,有助於她渡过难关。
    Her courage and good humour see her through the bad times.
  • 才更加阴沉的黑云布满了驼背人的脸,他笑得很凄惨,然后那笑也消失了。
    A cloud, darker than before, covered the hunchback's face again; and his smile became sad, and then faded away.
  • 让我们住进了临时营房就又出发了。
    No sooner were we hutted than we were on the march again.
  • 当警察看到烟雾的时候,那仅仅说明事情开始露头。
    When the police see the smoke, that is only the tip of the iceberg.
  • 假设这后一半劳动人口停止工作,政府或教区让他们赋闲并供养他们一整年,即便在这种情况下,前一半劳动人口也能象以前一样生产出他们自己的必需品和后一半劳动人口的必需品,并能保持原料和工具的存量不减少;的确,非生产性阶级要么会挨饿,要么将被迫生产自己的口粮,整个社会在一年中将只有够维持生活的必需品;
    Suppose that this second half of the labouring population ceased to work, and that the government or their parishes maintained them in idleness for a whole year: the first half would suffice to produce, as they had done before, their own necessaries and the necessaries of the second half, and to keep the stock of materials and implements undiminished : the unproductive classes, indeed, would be either stared or obliged to produce their own subsistence, and the whole community would be reduced during a year to bare necessaries;
  • 才我说我们制度不健全,其中也包括这个在内。
    It is an illustration of the imperfections in our institutions which I referred to a moment ago.
  • 该种类的不成熟时期的;尤其是在或具有被孵化的像蠕虫一样饲养的幼虫时期的特征的。
    immature of its kind; especially being or characteristic of immature insects in the newly hatched wormlike feeding stage.
  • 最后那个命令下达完,所有的帆就都收了下来,船在凭借惯性向前滑行,几乎觉不到是在向前移动了。
    At this last command all the sails were lowered, and the vessel moved almost imperceptibly onwards.
  • 这时的人类雄伟毅,但却骄横不虔。
    This was a race of manly men, but insolent and impious.
  • 第一次袭击一发生,我就立即启动政府各项应付紧急事件的计划。
    Immediately following the first attack, I implemented our government's emergency response plans.
  • 才对我母亲说话无礼,我要同你讲理。
    I have a bone to pick with you about the impolite way you spoke to my mother just now.
  • 最近提交辞呈的以色列外长佩雷斯曾说:“和平是一种协议,不能强行施加,不是单方面的行为,也不是权力的表现。
    Foreign Minister of Israel Shimon Peres who resigned recently puts it this way; “Peace is a matter of an agreement, not a matter of imposition, not a matter of a one-sided act, not a matter of power.
  • 不论这些指示开始看来有多抽象、多不切实际,都要切实遵行。
    Follow the instructions, no matter how abstract or impractical they may, at first, appear to be.
  • 我感到他们争论过。
    I got the impression (that) they'd just had an argument.
  • 这是酿出来的新酒,但是我认为你会发现它很有喝头。
    it's an impudent young wine but I think you will find it quite potable.
  • 他们来得很不是时候,我们开始吃饭。
    They arrived at an inconvenient time ---we had just started the meal.
  • 但她一进门,我们就感到有一种说不清道不明、充满活力和强的气氛,尽管她的步子慢悠、声调甜柔。
    But you felt. The moment she entered. That something vital and strong and somehow indestructible had come in with her, although she moved slowly, and her voice was sweet and soft.
  • 伯恩:不过,女衫的价格恐怕不是完全性的。
    But I'm afraid the price of blouses is not entirely inelastic.