  • 这样的人异教徒中有些人曾冒充过,如克瑞蒂人埃辟曼尼底斯罗马人努马西西利人安辟道克利斯和蒂安那人阿波郎尼亚斯是也;而基督教会中许多的古隐者和长老确有如此者。
    Such is found to have been falsely and feignedly in some of the heathen; as Epimenides the Canadian, Numa the Roman, Empedocles the Sicilian, and Apollonius of Tyana; and truly and really, in divers of the ancient hermits and holy fathers of the church.
  • 与人为善的态度和治病救人的原
    helping others and "curing the sickness to save patient";
  • 忽略了四项基本原,这也是带有片面性嘛!
    Any view that neglects the Four Cardinal Principles is one-sided.
  • 这些都是互助的原和方针,是积极的方针,不是消极的片面的方针。
    All these principles and policies of mutual assistance are positive, not negative or one-sided.
  • 为解决这些问题,食物环境卫生署发出消除妨扰事故通知,规定有关人士在指定时间内作出改善,否会提出检控。
    To tackle these problems, the FEHD issues statutory notices that require abatement of the nuisance. Prosecution will be initiated against those who fail to comply with the notice within a specified period.
  • “有符号”右移位运算符使用了“符号扩展”:若值为正,在高位插入0;
    The signed right shift >> uses sign extension: if the value is positive, zeroes are inserted at the higher-order bits;
  • 铁路信号故障-安全原
    principle of fail-safe in railway signaling
  • ss7使用带外信令,即在另外的一个物理信道上传送信令消息。
    SS7 uses out-of-band signaling where signaling messages are carried on a separate physical channel.
  • 在核出口方面,作为《不扩散核武器条约》缔约国,中国奉行不主张、不鼓励、不从事核武器扩散和不帮助别国发展核武器的政策,制定了核出口三原,即:仅用于和平目的;
    Regarding nuclear exports, China, a signatory to the NPT, has pursued a policy of not supporting, encouraging or engaging in the proliferation of nuclear weapons and not assisting any other country to develop such weapons. It has laid down three principles regarding nuclear exports: They should serve peaceful purposes only;
  • 叛教,变节,脱党,背信放弃宗教信仰、脱离某政党、背弃行事原或事业
    Abandonment of one's religious faith, a political party, one's principles, or a cause.
  • 按照指定的规改变数据形式,而数据的含义并无明显的变化。
    To change the form of data according to specified rules, without significantly changing the meaning of the data.
  • 这是一个必须坚持的原
    We must never abandon this principle.
  • 年内,机管局继续根据《机场管理局条例》,规划和管理财务状况,而第一期的发展,以一九九五年与政府签订的财务支持协议为依据。
    The AA continued to plan and control its finances within the parameters of the AA Ordinance and, with regard to first-phase development, in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Support Agreement (FSA)signed with the government in 1995.
  • 校方人员和班上的学生说,这两个青年之间自去年九月就酝酿着仇恨,希门尼斯被刺杀乃是最后摊牌。至于仇恨如何开始无人表示知晓。
    School officials and classmates said the stabbing of Mr.Jimenez was a final confrontation in a feud between the two youths that had been simmering since September. No one claimed to know how the bad blood began.
  • 本程序员api所遵循的主要设计原是力求简单性。
    The primary principle guiding the design of this programmers API was simplicity.
  • 贸易及投资委员会负责协调亚太经合组织在贸易投资自由化和便利化方面的工作,而海关程序小组委员会致力简化和协调亚太区的海关程序。
    The CTI co-ordinates APEC's work on liberalising and facilitating trade and investment, and the SCCP works towards achieving the harmonisation and simplification of Customs procedures in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • 清教徒兴起于16和17世纪的英国新教徒一派的成员,主张严格的宗教原和英国教堂的仪式及教义的从简
    A member of a group of English Protestants who in the16th and17th centuries advocated strict religious discipline along with simplification of the ceremonies and creeds of the Church of England.
  • 1973年,海关合作理事会制定《关于简化和协调海关手续的国际公约》,其中有一个关于原产地规的附约,但也只是原性的规定,没有可操作的规
    The ``International Convention on Customs Procedures of Simplification and Harmonization'' stipulated by the Customs Co-operation Council in 1973 contains in its appendix one annex on the rules of origin, which indicates only principles but no enforceable provisions.
  • 坚持政企分开,按照精简、统一、效能的原,进一步转变政府职能,调整政府机构设置,理顺部门职能分工,减少行政审批,提高政府管理水平,努力形成行为规范、运转协调、公正透明、廉洁高效的行政管理体制。
    In keeping with separation of the government from enterprises and the principles of simplification, consistency and efficiency, we should continue to transform government functions, reorganize the government setup, clarify the functions of government departments, reduce administrative examination and approval, and improve government management so as to bring about an administrative system that has standardized behavior and operational harmony and is fair, transparent, clean and efficient.
  • 一组机器代码指令,存放在操作系统内,有时也存放在只读存储器中,用来模拟硬件的一些功能。例如,如果一台机器没有浮点硬件,可以用附加程序来提供浮点操作。
    A sequence of machine code instructions stored within the operating system, and sometimes in read-only memory, which is used to simulate hardware functions.Extracodes may be used to provide floating-point operations, for example, on a machine which does not have floating-point hardware.
  • 这枚thewinteregg堪称一件艺术珍品,它是由透明清澈的水晶雕刻而成的。内部刻有精美的冰晶雕刻,外部镶有白金,上面嵌着玫瑰形钻石。彩蛋摆放在一个可以拆卸的水晶底座上。
    The Winter Egg is made of finely-carved, transparent rock crystal with engravings on the interior simulating ice crystals. The exterior is engraved and applied with platinum-mounted rose-diamond motifs and the egg sits on a detachable rock-crystal base.
  • "原上,政治家的职责就是为公众服务。"
    "In principle, the job of a politician is to serve the community."
  • 我的父母,否就要重复限定词,如
    My father and mother
  • 过去人们围着桌子一起合唱;如今由于唱得较好这一荒唐的理由,而由一个男子独唱了。
    Once men sang together round a table in chorus; now one man sings alone for the absurd reason that he can sing better.
  • 施舍,是个没有单数的词语,因为单独一项慈善行为名不符实。
    Alms-a word that have no singular because a solitary act of charity do not deserve the name.
  • 施舍,是个没有单数的词语,因为单独一项慈善行为名不符实。
    Alms a word that have no singular because a solitary act of charity do not deserve the name.
  • 施舍,是个没有单数的词语,因为单独一项慈善行为名不符实。
    Alms—A word that has no singular because a solitary act of charity doesn't deserve the name.
  • 从柏拉图起,政治就是哲学家们感兴趣的问题。但用于其它意思上时,politics既可接单数形式的动词也可接复数形式的动词。许多其它以-ics结尾的名词用法也是如此,使用者最好是查阅具体的词项以获取准确的信息
    Politics has been a concern of philosophers since Plato.But in its other senses politics can take either a singular or plural verb. Many other nouns that end in-ics behave similarly, and the user is advised to consult specific entries for precise information.
  • 这条原渐被废弃了。
    This rule has sink into disuse.
  • 喀斯特由于腐蚀而产生裂隙,落水洞,潜流和洞穴的不规的石灰岩地区
    An area of irregular limestone in which erosion has produced fissures, sinkholes, underground streams, and caverns.
  • 屏幕上闪出一则消息
    to flash a message on the screen
  • 工作压力总是会伴随着懈怠和低效率,而过高的工作压力伴随着信息超载,引起信息处理的低效、无序,从而导致判断上的失误。
    Very low workload is generally associated with boredom and decreased effectiveness in monitoring performance, while very high workload is associated with information overload that results in decreased efficiency of information processing, which can lead to loss of situational awareness.