  • 我去试试弄点西来吃。
    I'll try and rustle up something to eat.
  • 我听见有些西在我心的忧闷后面萧萧作响,——我不能看见它们。
    I hear some rustle of things behind my sadness of heart,--I cannot see them.
  • 西发出沙沙声而过。
    Something was rustling along.
  • 我看见一位面色苍白的妇女,穿着已褪色的寡妇丧服,一手牵着小孩,另一手提着从市场上买来的少许西。
    I saw a wan woman in rusty widow's weed leading a child in one hand and carrying her frugal marketings in the other.
  • 他吃西的样子挺残忍,大声咀嚼食物。
    He ate in a ruthless manner , champing his food.
  • 使人盲目牺牲(或崇拜)的事物使人们产生盲目而具毁灭性的热情或者无情地使人们为之牺牲的西,如某种信仰或习俗制度
    Something, such as a belief or an institution, that elicits blind and destructive devotion or to which people are ruthlessly sacrificed.
  • 瘦长的常青的灌木,有悬挂的白色或粉色的花丛;分布在北极、加拿大到美国北部的潮湿的酸性地区。
    wiry evergreen shrub having pendent clusters of white or pink flowers; of wet acidic areas in Arctic and Canada to northeastern United States.
  • 这些沙子一旦经过焚烧,剩余的灰烬就会富含碳酸盐,是降低土壤酸性的好西。
    Or, once in the incinerator the resulting ash will be rich in carbonates, good for making the soil less acidic.
  • 基加利卢旺达的首都和最大的城市,位于卢旺达中部基伍湖以。人口156,700
    The capital and largest city of Rwanda, in the central part of the country east of Lake Kivu. Population,156, 700.
  • 卢旺达,卢旺达非洲中部一国家。曾是德国和比利时统治的卢安达-乌隆迪殖民区的一部分,1962年获独立。殖民区的南部成为布隆迪。基加利是卢旺达首都和最大城市。人口5,109,000
    A country of east-central Africa. Part of the colonial territory of Ruanda-Urundi administered by Germany and Belgium, it achieved independence in1962. The southern portion of the territory became the country of Burundi. Kigali is the capital of Rwanda and its largest city. Population,5, 109, 000.
  • 那霸日本冲绳岛西南部一城市,位于中国海部的琉球群岛,是该岛的一个港口和商业中心。人口303,680
    A city of southwest Okinawa, Japan, in the Ryukyu Islands on the East China Sea. It is a port and the commercial center of the islands. Population,303, 680.
  • 一种弯曲的方马刀;边缘在刃的突起处。
    a curved oriental saber; the edge is on the convex side of the blade.
  • 由于必须弯下腰来从最下面的抽屉中把西拿进拿出,她腰酸背痛了。
    Her back was aching from having to get down in order to put things in and out of the bottom drawer.
  • 我昨天购买的西太多,把我压得腰酸背疼。
    Yesterday I was so loaded with heavy shopping that my back was aching.
  • 目标一个人希望得到的西;目标
    Something that one wishes to achieve; a goal.
  • 用来达到某个目的的西。
    something used to achieve a purpose.
  • 过去的一切统治阶级喜欢提倡这个西,许多所谓圣人贤人也喜欢提倡这个西,但是无论谁都没有真正实行过,因为它在阶级社会里是不可能实行的。
    All the ruling classes of the past were fond of advocating it, and so were many so-called sages and wise men, but nobody has ever really practised it, because it is impossible in class society.
  • 不也是不只对方地域的人,纵令是对西方地域的人,要人有人格,要构成真是“人”的社会,也须要有而一样是有价值的、有用的吗?
    They also apply to both people in the East and in the West. In short, they are timeless and beyond the constraint of space.By and large, core teachings of the two venerable sages have stood the test of time, and they will probably always have a role in human society.
  • 撒哈拉大沙漠的边部分。
    the eastern part of the Sahara Desert.
  • 从撒哈拉南部到肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚的尼罗河人所说的部非洲语系的一个分支。
    a family of E African languages spoken by Nilotic peoples from the Sahara south to Kenya and Tanzania.
  • 在非洲南撒哈拉沙漠地区,有2450万人患有爱滋病,南亚和南亚地区有560万人患病,拉美地区有130万人患病,北美有90万人患病,在西欧有52万人患病。
    24.5 million people are living with the disease in sub-Saharan Africa, 5.6 million in South/Southeast Asia, 1.3 million in Latin America, 900,000 in North America and 520,000 in Western Europe.
  • 迦纳中世纪的一非洲王国。位于现在的塞内加尔部,马里西南部和毛里塔尼亚南部地区。可能于公元建立并繁荣起来。其原因为,它横跨了穿撒哈拉大沙漠旅行队的路线。该王国在11世纪后衰落
    A medieval African kingdom in what is now eastern Senegal, southwest Mali, and southern Mauritania. It was founded probably in the6th century a.d. and prospered because of its location astride the trans-Saharan caravan routes. The kingdom declined after the11th century.
  • 我只说了我想说的西,比如团队合作。
    I just said something I wanted to say, such as teamwork
  • 约翰说:“我说,要是我找到了你的西,那就该谁找到归谁。”
    John said, “I’ll say finders keepers when I find something of yours!”
  • 小型的西一组小型的西,如小型帆船或小型赛车
    A class of small objects, as a class of very small sailboats or racing cars.
  • 北美洲部普通的蝾螈。
    common salamander of eastern North America.
  • 产于美国南部的穴居蝾螈,背部略带褐色。
    brownish-black burrowing salamander of southeastern United States.
  • 销售部主任是一位没有实践经验的指挥者——他要求我们增加销售量,而他自己却从来没有售出过一样的西!
    The sales director is a desk general-he's asking us to increase sales yet he's never made a single sale himself.
  • 生意人尽力怂恿人们买他们并不需要的西。
    Salesmen do their best to lead people on to buy things they do not need.
  • 领取抚恤金的老人们很容易上这些挨家挨户来推销西的人的当。
    Old-aged pensioners are easy meat for some of these door-to-door salesmen.
  • 他们怎么制造这样难卖的西?我希望他们有时候也考虑到我们这些销售员。
    How come they make thing that sell so badly? I wish they would think of us, the salesmen sometimes.
  • 这些都是些实用的西,我希望阅读《英语沙龙》的人在出国学习前都要考虑下这些情况。
    These are practical things and I hope that people who read your English Salon will think about it before going overseas to study.