  • 薄荷一种欧亚薄荷(唇萼薄荷薄荷属),长有香紫蓝色花朵和卵形或近似圆形的叶子,其叶子可生产出一种有用和芳香的油
    A Eurasian mint(Mentha pulegium) having small lilac-blue flowers and ovate or nearly orbicular leaves that yield a useful, aromatic oil.
  • 很长一段时期, 拉语是意大利的文学语言。
    For a long period of time Latin was the literary language of Italy.
  • 中世纪时期用做礼拜式目的的拉语。
    Latin used for liturgical purposes during the Middle Ages.
  • 西派教会的用或从前用拉语作为其礼拜仪式语言的基督教会的,与之有关的,或来自此种教会的
    Of, relating to, or descended from those Christian churches that use or formerly used Latin as their liturgical language.
  • 拉马丁,a.m.l.dep.de
    Alphonse Marie Louis de Prat de Lamartine (1790~1869)
  • 从沙鱼中提取的油,主要用作润滑剂和制肥皂。
    oil obtained from sardines and used chiefly as a lubricant and in soap.
  • 阿伯美国华盛顿州西部一城市,在塔科马西南偏西。位于格瑞斯港,有木材业、渔业和船运业等工业。人口16,565
    A city of western Washington west-southwest of Tacoma. Located on Grays Harbor, it has lumbering, fishing, and shipping industries. Population,16, 565.
  • 美国加利福尼亚州北部城市,临沙斯塔湖以南萨克拉门托河。是旅游胜地,有木材工业和食品加工业。人口41,995
    A city of northern California on the Sacramento River south of Shasta Lake. It is a resort and has lumbering and food-processing industries. Population,41, 995.
  • 很大的一份布丁
    a lumping great helping of pudding
  • 属于或关于马·路德或他的教义的。
    of or pertaining to Martin Luther or his teachings.
  • 他是谁?他就是马。路德。金。
    Who was he? He was Dr. Martin Luther King.
  • ·路德金以主张非暴力的领袖而著名。
    Martin Luther King distinguished himself as a non-violent civil rights leader.
  • 。路德。金恩是民权运动的领袖。
    Martin Luther King was the leader of the civil rights movement.
  • 小马·路德·金如今被称为“金博士”。
    Martin Luther King, Jr. would now be addressed as "Dr. King".
  • 路德的路德的、他的宗教宣传的,特别是他唯一信仰的释罪信条,或与以上有关的
    Of or relating to Luther or his religious teachings and especially to the doctrine of justification by faith alone.
  • 一个伟大的人——一个黑人——……为文明的血脉里注入了新的意义和尊严——小马·路德·金。
    a great people--a black people--...injected new meaning and dignity into the veins of civilization- Martin Luther King Jr..
  • ”次日,即1968年4月4日,当他离开汽车旅馆时,小马.路德.金博士遇刺身亡。
    The following day, April 4, 1968, as he was leaving his motel room, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.was shot and killed.
  • 在马·路德·金的梦想中,不仅人与人之间和平共处,而且白人也要成为黑人的兄弟。
    In Martin Luther King’s dream, not only was the lion going to lie down with the lamb, but white was going to be brother to black.
  • “好了!”她对巴狄斯姑娘说。
    "Good," said she to Mademoiselle Baptistine;
  • 那种分配是被巴狄斯姑娘以绝对服从的态度接受了的。
    This arrangement was accepted with absolute submission by Mademoiselle Baptistine.
  • 米里哀先生到迪涅时有个老姑娘伴着他,这老姑娘便是比他小十岁的妹子巴狄斯姑娘。
    M. Myriel had arrived at D---- accompanied by an elderly spinster, Mademoiselle Baptistine, who was his sister, and ten years his junior.
  • 但是,后来的几年中,马格洛大娘在巴狄斯姑娘房间的裱墙纸下面(我们在下面还会谈到),发现了一些壁画。
    However, in their latter years, Madame Magloire discovered beneath the paper which had been washed over, paintings, ornamenting the apartment of Mademoiselle Baptistine, as we shall see further on.
  • 巴狄斯姑娘的奢望是想买一套客厅里用的荷兰黄底团花丝绒的天鹅颈式紫檀座架的家具,再配上长沙发。
    Mademoiselle Baptistine's ambition had been to be able to purchase a set of drawing-room furniture in yellow Utrecht velvet, stamped with a rose pattern, and with mahogany in swan's neck style, with a sofa.
  • 巴狄斯姑娘是个身材瘦长、面貌清癯、性情温厚的人儿,她体现了“可敬”两个字所表达的理想,因为一个妇人如果要达到“可敬”的地步,似乎总得先做母亲。
    Mademoiselle Baptistine was a long, pale, thin, gentle creature; she realized the ideal expressed by the word "respectable"; for it seems that a woman must needs be a mother in order to be venerable.She had never been pretty;
  • 库仑,查尔斯·奥古斯·德1736-1806法国物理学家,磁性和电的研究先驱者,制定了库仑定律
    French physicist who pioneered research into magnetism and electricity and formulated Coulomb's law.
  • 我们当时家境贫穷,母亲最担心的是我能否深造,她答应让我选择拉文。
    Our family was very poor at that time. Mama's main concern was for my further education. She gave permission for the switch.
  • 在我考完了“七号”,我告诉母亲说,我必须改学拉文才有机获得奖学金,到剑桥大学或牛津大学深造。
    Then, after my standard seven finals, I told Mama I had to switch to Latin to stand any chance of winning a scholarship to Cambridge or Oxford University.
  • 我们的敌人大概还在那里做元朝灭宋、清朝灭明、英占北美和印度、拉系国家占中南美等等的好梦。
    Our enemy is probably still cherishing fond dreams of emulating the Mongol conquest of the Sung Dynasty, the Manchu conquest of the Ming Dynasty, the British occupation of North America and India, the Latin occupation of Cen tral and South America, etc.
  • 是的,这位女士要一杯曼哈顿酒,我要一杯马尼。
    Yes, I think so. This lady will have a Manhattan and I'll have a martini.
  • 唛头manila编号1到150号,150箱蟹肉罐头及油浸沙鱼罐头
    manila No.1-150, 150 cases, canned crab-meat and sardine in oil
  • 霍金斯:国防大学战略研究所高级研究员马·利比奇认为,信息战不是一种“单独地进行战争的技术”更确切地说,信息战有7种不同的形式,每一种都涉及到对信息的保护、控制、削弱和剥夺。
    MR.HAWKINS:Martin Libicki, a senior fellow at the Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University, says that Information Warfare is not"a separate technique of waging war." Rather, there are seven distinct forms of IW, each involving the protection, manipulation, degradation and denial of information.
  • 尽管当时的拉语已经与古典文学中的拉语有了显著的差别,但是开始时拉语口语仍较为统一。
    Spoken Latin remained fairly uniform in the beginning, though it already differed markedly from the Latin of classical literature.