  • 想象吗?从此以后,我们平时野餐带去的食物和学校的盒饭将会大变样噢!因为最近美国的军事科学又取得了一项成果,发明了"防水三明治"。
    Picnics and packed school lunches may never be the same again,thanks to the latest breakthrough by military science -- the non-soggy sandwich.
  • 戴尔成功的天才之处在于看到了互联网够使顾客成为创造经济价值的积极参与者。
    The genius of Dell's breakthrough was to see that the Internet could be used to make the customer an active partner in creating economic value.
  • 要在实战中的体、技、战术和心理方面,在训练中的营养和恢复方面取得突破性的应用成果。
    Make a breakthrough in the application of the scientific and technological achievements in the physical strength, technical ability, tactics and psychology in the actual battles and nutrition and recovery in the course of training.
  • 有些美国人要进一步削弱他(戈尔巴乔夫),甚至鼓励苏联解体。那仅予以反动派可乘之机,而无助于改革派。
    Some Americans want to go further and undermine him(Gorbachev), even to encourage a breakup of the Soviet Union. That would only play into the hands of reactionaries, not help the reformers.
  • 然而,维沃继续说道,在弄清楚慧星分裂的原因之前,他们不完全确信所观察到的现象。
    He cautioned, however, that they couldn't be absolutely sure this is what they saw until they figured out what caused the comet's breakup.
  • 有些美国人要进一步削弱他(戈尔巴乔夫),甚至鼓励苏联解体。那仅予以反动派可乘之机,而无助于改革派。
    Some Americans want to go further and undermine him (Gorbachev), even to encourage a breakup of the Soviet Union. That would only play into the hands of reactionaries, not help the reformers.
  • 他表示沉痛的作法未赢得同情。
    His breast-beating emotionalism won little sympathy.
  • 龙骨脊一种在功或形状上象船的龙骨的结构,如鸟的胸骨
    A structure, such as the breastbone of a bird, that resembles a ship's keel in function or shape.
  • 但在蝶泳和蛙泳时,运动员必须要双手同时触到池壁才转身,所以他们采用旋转转身法。
    But in the races of butterfly and breaststroke, they can't turn until both hands have simultaneously touched the wall of the pool, so they take a spin turn.
  • 屏住气多长时间?
    How long can you hold your breath?
  • 鱼离开水就不呼吸。
    Fish cannot breathe out of water.
  • 大家都说那位新任将军给军队增添勇气。
    They say the new general is able to breathe courage into the army.
  • 这位新任总经理给公司增添新的活力?
    Will the new general manager able to breathe new life into the company?
  • 当空气很干净时,我才呼吸的更顺畅一些。
    I can breathe better when the air is clean.
  • 没有呼吸或者只有很艰难才呼吸。
    not breathing or able to breathe except with difficulty.
  • 通过压缩喉部使不呼吸而杀死。
    kill by constricting the throat and preventing from breathing.
  • 请不要催我。我只慢慢地爬,要不然我会喘不过气来。
    Please don't try to hurry me. I can only climb at a walking pace, or I get quite breathless.
  • 二者都减轻娱乐业和全球化的惊人步伐对国会的负面影响。
    Either or both could mitigate the narcotic effect that the entertainment industry and the breathtaking pace of globalization have had on Congress.
  • 有时候她希望她回到英格兰;有时候她的摄影技术会让人吃惊;有时他们来一个月,有时来六个月。
    sometimes she wished she were back in England; sometimes her photography is breathtaking; sometimes they come for a month; at other times for six months.
  • 只有在控制下进行人工繁殖的鸟儿才进行合法交易。
    And only birds bred in regulated captivity can be legally traded.
  • 有人会怀疑,他因某种程度的缺乏教养而傲慢无礼;
    Possibly, some people might suspect him of a degree of under-bred pride;
  • 从后膛装弹的枪炮上的一个金属闩,在开火前我们先把这个闩向后拉,放进弹药,再把它关上,然后才进行战斗。
    a metal block in breech-loading firearms that is withdrawn to insert a cartridge and replaced to close the breech before firing.
  • 他是养猪能手。
    He is a master in pig-breeding.
  • 他是养猪能手。
    He is a master in pig - breeding.
  • 在办公室里布兰达的确是个干而有进取心的人。
    Brenda sure be a go- getter at the office.
  • 在办公室里布兰达的确是个干而有进取心的人。
    Brenda sure is a go - getter at the office.
  • 我们怎样才延长短促的人生?
    How can we endeavor to prolong the brevity of human life?
  • 要不是办像酿酒厂或保险公司这样的副业,他们没有多少人只靠艺术就过的舒舒服服。
    Few of them managed to make a good living out of their art alone, without running a sideline such as a brewery or an insurance office.
  • 下周末我们将举行一次聚会,真希望你和布赖恩一起来参加。
    We're having a party next weekend and I do hope you and Brian can make it.
  • 早在1998年,英国伦敦瑞丁大学研究控制论(对信息传递和控制的研究,尤其涉及人及动物大脑与机器及电子装置的差异)的教授布雷恩·沃里克就曾经将一枚芯片植入自己的胳膊,他进行这项实验的目的是为了测试自己的电脑否在楼内无线跟踪他的行迹。
    Back in 1998, Brian Warwick, a professor of cybernetics at Reading University in London, implanted a chip into his arm as an experiment to see if Warwick's computer could wirelessly track his whereabouts with the university's building.
  • 否抗拒贿赂对於警察是决定性的考验。
    The acid test for a policeman is whether he can resist bribe.
  • 另外,李光耀的政府在1960年修订法律条文,控方一旦证明被告生活阔气,超过他的收入所承受的程度,或是拥有同收入不相称的财产,法庭就可以以此作为被告已经受贿的佐证。
    Another method Lee used to stamp out corruption in 1960, his government allowed the courts to treat proof that an accused was living beyond his means or had property his income could not explain as corroborating evidence that the accused had accepted or obtained a bribe," Lee explains.