  • 如果有桔子水或柠檬水,请我一杯。
    Just a glass of orangeade or lemonade, please, if you have any.
  • 你能借我五美元吗?
    Can you lend me five dollars?
  • 请把铅笔借我用用好吗?
    Would you please lend me your pencil?
  • 你能把那本书借我几天吗?
    Can you lend me that book for a few days?
  • 你可以借我一支吗?
    Can you lend my one?
  • 他把铅笔借给了我。
    He lend me his pencil.
  • 我借给他书。
    I lend him a book.
  • 主动借钱给我?
    Offer to lend me money?
  • 谁借给玛丽一本书。
    Who lend Mary a book?
  • 能借我一个篮球吗?
    Could you lend me a baskeball?
  • 我会借钱给你的。
    I can lend money to you.
  • 我借书给她。
    I lend a book to him.
  • 我将借书给他们。
    I will lend them my books.
  • 我再也不借钱给他。
    I will never lend him money.
  • 他们从不把钱借别人。
    They never lend money to others.
  • 你把自行车借我好吗?
    Will you lend me your bicycle?
  • 谁愿意借我双筒望远镜?
    Would anyone lend me their binoculars?
  • 玛丽借约翰一些书。
    Mary lend john some books. Mary lend some book to John.
  • 他将钱借给公司。
    He lend the company money or he lend money to the company.
  • 我愿意借你100镑。
    I will lend you £ 1 0 0.
  • 他把一本书借谁了?
    Who do he lend a book to?
  • 她把自己的表借了他吗?
    Have she lend her watch to him?
  • 他的书不借任何人。
    He doesn't lend his book to anybody.
  • 他提出要借些书我。
    He offered to lend me some books.
  • 我不能借钱每一个人。
    I can not lend money to everyone.
  • 我实在不能把我的照相机借你。
    I can't possibly lend you my camera.
  • 我将把我的书借他们。
    I will lend my book to them.
  • 贷方没有通过第三者放款借方的贷款;使贷方有更大的处理权的直接借贷。
    a loan by a lender to a customer without the use of a third party; direct lending gives the lender greater discretion in making loans.
  • 转让财产权益,尤其是向放款人这样做的人或予赠款的人
    person who assign an interest in a property( especially to a lender) or who make a grant
  • 贴息一笔贷款的总本金的百分之一,预先支付借出一方,并和利息分开考虑
    One percent of the total principal of a loan, paid up front to the lender and considered separately from the interest.
  • (借贷款时用私人财产作为抵押由借方出据借主的)动产抵押据。
    When a person borrows money and delivers goods as security, he gives the lender a “bill of sale”, i. e. permission to sell the goods if the money is not returned on the stated day.
  • 借点钱给我如何?
    What about lending me some money?