  • 插入电力线中以保护电流的突波动造成的伤害的装置。
    a device inserted in a power line to protect equipment from sudden fluctuations in current.
  • 当所有的金额用完后,通过将卡插入电话后拨打我们的银行账号,就可以重新向智能卡中注入一定金额。
    When all the money is used up, we will be able to "load" it by inserting it into a telephone, dialing our bank account and transferring money to the card from the account.
  • 我对问题豁然开朗。
    I've got an insight into the problem.
  • 她恍大悟嫁给他就要过那种日子,心里十分难过
    She be give an unpleasant insight into what life will be like as his wife
  • 她恍大悟嫁给他就要过那种日子,心里十分难过.
    She was given an unpleasant insight into what life would is like as his wife.
  • 它只是微不足道的一家小银行,却代表了未来的潮流。
    Although it is a small and insignificant bank, it represents the trend of the future.
  • 我突领悟到,个人的决心,不管看起来是多么小、多么无足轻重,但都反映了当前社会的心态,甚至从长远来说,决定了我们社会的走向。
    Then it dawned on me how much our personal resolutions,however small and insignificant they may seem,reflect the current social mentality and,in the long run,determine the course of our society.
  • 反恐中心正努力做着以前做不到的事情,即从大量往往是无关紧要的数据中拣出少量令人费解的信息,后把这些信息联系起来,以挫败某场重大的新攻击。
    The center is trying to do what it could not do before:pluck obscure bits of information from the flood of often irrelevant or insignificant data and connect the dots to foil a major new attack.
  • 好吧,既你执意要这样。
    Well, all right, if you insist.
  • 你们仍坚持自己的价格吗?
    Do you still insist on your price?
  • 而,今天美国显对她的有色公民拖欠着这张期票。
    It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned.
  • 百分之九十的人类既是夫或妻,百分之百的人类既都有父母,婚姻和家庭既是人类生活上最切身的关系,那么,那种产生更好的夫妻和父母的文化,便能够创造更幸福的人生,同时,这种文化便也是更崇高的文化。
    Insofar as ninety per cent of mankind are husbands or wives and one hundred per cent have parents, and insofar as marriage and the home constitute the most intimate side of a man's life, it is clear that that civilization which produces better wives and husbands and fathers and mothers makes for a happier human life, and is therefore a higher type of civilization.
  • 我们已经承认自科学比外国落后了,现在也应该承认社会科学的研究工作(就可比的方面说)比外国落后了。
    We have admitted that we lag behind many countries in our study of the natural sciences.Now we should admit that we also lag behind in our study of the social sciences, insofar as they are comparable in China and abroad.
  • 他竟无礼地叫我离开房间。
    He had the insolence to tell me to leave the room.
  • 否则,他的骄傲和放肆,必会把自己淹死。
    If he does not do this, his conceit and insolence will be his downfall.
  • 一类来自植物和动物的天固醇,是蜡质的不溶物质。
    any of a group of natural steroid alcohols derived from plants or animals; they are waxy insoluble substances.
  • 难解的问题;人民财政…出现的问题长期以来都不能解决或至少未解决。
    an apparantly insolvable problem; public finance...had long presented problems unsolvable or at least unsolved- C.L.Jones.
  • 而,这是很费劲的,因而常用来惩罚冒犯主人的奴隶。后来人们逐渐感到应节省奴隶的劳动,减轻他们的痛苦。
    The muscular exertion, however, which it required, was very severe and exhausting, insomuch that it was often selected as a punishment for slaves who had offended their masters.
  • 因为这种风俗很合于自的血统关系。许多侄子不是更像他的一位叔、伯,而不象父亲吗?
    And, to say truth, in nature it is much a like matter; insomuch that we see a nephew sometimes resembleth an uncle, or a kinsman, more than his own parent; as the blood happens.
  • 很奇怪,我上火车前,竟没有人查看我的车票。
    It was strange that nobody inspected my ticket before I got on the train.
  • 诗人与艺术家往往由自得到灵感。
    Poets and artists often draw their inspiration from nature.
  • 我突想到一个好主意,我们何不试试向相反的方向转一转呢!
    I've just had an inspiration: why don't we try turning it the other way!
  • 一个像她那样身材纤细的女人居能赢得我们如此尊敬。
    She was a tiny little woman to inspire so much veneration.
  • 森林和湖水赋予了现代艺术灵感,而它们清新的色彩也赋予了与自融为一体的芬兰人深沉的性格。
    The forests and waters inspire contemporary works of art;and the meditative soul of the Finns,who blend in with nature,is nourished by these fresh colors.
  • 这篇文章显是在别人授意下写出来的。
    That was obviously an inspired article.
  • 赋予他灵感,使他写出如此优美的诗句。
    Nature inspired him to write such beautiful poems.
  • 这显是一个令人鼓舞的发展。
    This obviously an inspiring development.
  • 为了鼓励人们去保护世界上这最美丽的自奇观之一,黄石国家公园在我们的排名中位居第六。
    For inspiring the vision to preserve one of the world's most beautiful natural wonders,Yellowstone lands at number six on our list.
  • 尽管按揭利率大幅下调以及市民的负担能力亦见提高,但碍于市民对就业前景和入息是否稳定仍有忧虑,加上新推出的楼宇供应充裕,购买意欲仍受到抑制。
    Notwithstanding substantially reduced mortgage rates and improved affordability, buying interests were restrained by concern over job security and income instability, and by the ample supply of new flats in the pipeline.
  • 后返回并选择在每台机器上安装附加的服务器。
    Then go back and choose to install additional server on each of the machine.
  • mpls是通过先装入,后检查包中被称之为标签的短固定长度的身份(id)标志,成为一种在网络上转发信息的简便方法。
    MPLS presents a simple way to forward information through networks by installing and then examining short, fixed-length ID markings called labels in packets.
  • ,帮助制止更多暴力事件的联合国维和部队,并不是到处不受欢迎。
    Of course the installment of UN peacekeepers to prevent further violence is not always unwelcome.