  • (五五)大块和小块——一种可能,是敌占地区占中国本部之大半,而中国本部完整的区域只占一小半。
    55. Big areas and little areas. There is a possibility that the enemy will occupy the greater part of Chinese territory south of the Great Wall, and only the smaller part will be kept intact.
  • 商誉是一种无形资产,因为它不作为资产显示在公司的帐目中,除非收购另一公司时它作为所付购买价格的一部分用数字来表示。
    It is an intangible asset, and so be not show as an asset in a company's account, unless it figured as part of the purchase price paid when acquiring another company.
  • 商誉是一种无形资产,因为它不作为资产显示在公司的帐目中,除非收购另一公司时它作为所付购买价格的一部分用数字来表示。
    It is an intangible asset, and so is not show as an asset in a company's account, unless it figures as part of the purchase price pay when acquire another company.
  • 商誉是一种无形资产,因为它不作为资产显示在公司的帐目中,除非收购另一公司时它作为所付购买价格的一部分用数字来表示
    It is an intangible asset, and so is not shown as an asset in a company 's account, unless it figures as a part of the purchase price paid when acquiring another company
  • 借着挑选得当的智囊团,你能够更加了解,自己可以得到哪些力量。本章解说智囊团的两大特色,其一是经济层面的,其二则是心灵上的。
    So you may better understand the "intangible" potentialities of power available to you, through a properly chosen "Master Mind" group, we will here explain the two characteristics of the Master Mind principle, one of which is economic in nature, and the other psychic.
  • 在头脑里能事物前后联系起来,能很好的把握事物。
    arrange and integrate in the mind.
  • 政府取消饭馆的种族隔离。
    The government will integrate a restaurant.
  • 这个城市把所有的公共场所对各族人民开放。
    The city will integrate all public services.
  • 他想他们所有的活动都列在一个节目单上。
    He tried to integrate all their activites into one program.
  • 一些好的建议能使这一计划更为完整。
    Some good suggestions will be able to integrate the plan.
  • 所有的地方机构合并为全国性的机构一直非常困难。
    It has been very difficult to integrate all of the local agency into the national organization.
  • 所有的地方机构合并为全国性的机构一直非常困难。
    It have is very difficult to integrate all of the local agency into the national organization.
  • 然而知识分子如果不和工农民众相结合,则一事无成。
    But the intellectuals will accomplish nothing if they fail to integrate themselves with the workers and peasants.
  • 紧接着www之后就是开发网站服务器,这种服务器数据库与传统系统结合起来,以提供独立于平台的分布式应用。
    The WWW was quickly followed by the development of Web servers which integrate with databases and legacy systems to provide distributed platform-independent applications.
  • 微电子电路中的支承材料,在其上或其内制作集成电路,或者集成电路附着在这些支承材料上。同base。
    In a microcircuit, the supporting material upon which or with in which an integrated circuit is fabricated, or to which an integrated circuit is attached.
  • ?装置和体系机构——纳米级的装置集成到测量和控制配件之中。
    Device and system architecture -- integrating nanoscale devices into measurement and control assemblies.
  • 技术性较强的指挥专业与相应技术专业融合成新专业,对部分军官实行指挥与技术合训;
    New specialties have been brought into being by integrating highly technical command specialties with relevant specialties, and some officers will receive integrated command and technical training.
  • 每项研究都包括了环境影响评估,以确定主要的问题和解决办法,以便环境事宜纳入更详细的土地用途规划内。
    An environmental impact assessment, included in each of these further studies, will identify major issues and solutions, thereby integrating environmental matters into more detailed land use plans.
  • 我们会确保在实施以上措施时,能够资讯科技与我们的教育制度好好配合,让教师和学生一同得益。
    We are determined to ensure that in implementing this initiative we achieve the aim of integrating the use of IT with our education system for the benefit of teachers and pupils alike.
  • 通过简化系统集成和支持多种操作系统和i/o的组合之任务,i2o能让供应商和各公司信息系统部门更快、更成本有效地实现这些技术。
    And by simplifying the task of integrating systems and supporting multiple operating system and I/O combinations, I2O will enable vendors and corporate information systems departments to implement these technologies more rapidly and cost-effectively.
  • 国家在和平时期进行动员准备,武装力量动员和国民经济动员、人民防空动员、交通动员以及国防教育纳入国家总体发展规划和计划。
    The state conducts mobilization preparations in peacetime by integrating mobilization of the armed forces, the national economy and transportation, civil air defense, and defense education into the state's overall development plan and relevant programs.
  • 语音识别与应用程序完整结合,仍需几年时间。
    The industry is still at least several years away from full integration of voice recognition into applications.
  • 解码器能编码后发射出来的信号解码成接收设备可读的信号的一种电子仪器
    An electronic device that decodes a scrambled transmission into a signal that is intelligible to the receiving apparatus.
  • 我们打算这幢房子供你使用。
    We intend this house for you.
  • 年内,规划署曾参与多项大型发展计划,较为瞩目的计有青洲和东南九龙填海计划、东涌及大蚝余下的发展计划、港口后勤用地需求,以及军澳新市镇增加发展密度及扩展。
    During the year, the Planning Department worked on several major development proposals, including the Green Island Development and South-East Kowloon reclamations, the remaining development in Tung Chung and Tai Ho, the port back-up and land requirements and intensification and extension of Tseung Kwan O New Town.
  • 年内,规划署亦参与多项大型发展计划,较为瞩目的有西区发展计划、东南九龙发展计划、中区填海计划第三期、湾仔发展计划第二期、东涌及大蚝余下的发展计划、军澳新市镇增加发展密度及扩展计划,以及大屿山北岸发展可行性研究。
    During the year, the Planning Department also worked on several major development proposals, notably Western District development; South-East Kowloon development; the Central District Reclamation Phase III; Wan Chai Development Phase II; remaining development in Tung Chung and Tai Ho; Intensification and Extension of Tseung Kwan O New Town, and Northshore Lantau Development Feasibility Study.
  • 过去一年所建立的稳固基础,进一步加强这种合作关系。
    This cooperation will only intensify, built on the solid foundation laid during the last year.
  • 第二,随着正面相持的可能之增多,敌人加重其对于我游击根据地的“扫荡”战争。
    Second, as the possibility of a stalemate at the front grows, the enemy will intensify his "mopping-up" operations against our guerrilla base areas.
  • 从今年起,中国纺织工业继续加大结构调整力度。
    From this year, the textile industry in China will take intensive measures on restructuring.
  • 将遗嘱取消的打算。
    The intention to revoke a will.
  • 死球冰球运动中故意球打出防守方区外的行为
    The act of intentionally shooting the puck far out of defensive territory in ice hockey.
  • 这位军误解了敌军的意图,没有料到他们会发动进攻。
    The general misread the enemy's intentions, and didn't expect an attack.