  • 纺织行业作为三年脱困的行业突破,在基本完成压锭和减员任务的同时,全年实现利润8亿元,结束了长达6年之久的亏损局面。
    As the breakthrough point for the three-year difficulty relief, the textile industry achieved a profit of RMB 800 million all year around while accomplishing the tasks of both spindle and staff reductions on the whole, thus ending the deficit situation that had lasted for as long as 6 successive years.
  • 为此,1997年中央经济工作会议确定把纺织工业作为国有企业三年改革解困突破,要求用三年左右时间,压缩淘汰1000万落后棉纺锭,分流安置120万下岗职工,实现国有纺织工业整体扭亏为盈。
    To revitalize the textile industry, in 1997, the central government decided to bail out State-owned textile enterprises first, so as to provide experience to the reform of State-owned firms of other industries in trouble. The reform scheme includes eliminating 10 million obsolete cotton spindles and laying off 1.2 million workers within three years, targeting to turn the textile industry from a loss-maker into a profit-maker.
  • 那些男孩子向火车窗外吐水。
    The boys were spitting out of the train window.
  • 她甚至不屑朝对手吐一唾沫。
    She wouldn't even bother to spit on her opponent.
  • 例如:提醒人们不能吃香胶、不可乱丢垃圾、不得在公共汽车和地铁车厢里吃东西、不可随意摘花草树木、不能随地吐痰、上厕所不忘抽水等等。
    They warn people, for example, against littering, spitting, chewing gum, eating or drinking in a bus or train, damaging flowers, trees or other plants, and leaving the toilet unflushed after using it.
  • 例如:提醒人们不能吃香胶、不可乱丢垃圾、不得在公共汽车和地铁车厢里吃东西、不可随意摘花草树木、不能随地吐痰、上厕所不忘抽水等等。
    They warn people, for example, against chewing gum, littering, eating or drinking in a bus or train, damaging flowers, trees or other plants, spitting, and leaving the toilet unflushed after using it.
  • 至于凯蒂,当她听说主人只顾照料这个陌生人而失落了她的鞭子时,就向那小笨东西呲牙咧嘴啐了一以发泄她的脾气,然而,她这样费劲却换了他父亲一记很响亮的耳光,这是教训她以后要规矩些。
    and Cathy, when she learned the master had lost her whip in attending on the stranger, showed her humour by grinning and spitting at the stupid little thing; earning for her pains a sound blow from her father to teach her cleaner manners.
  • 象口水一样流淌
    To flow like spittle or saliva.
  • 如果我告诉你我去哪,你愿意保证守如瓶吗?
    If I tell where I'm going, promise you won't split on me?
  • 通过尾端部分保护的开哨。
    a split pin that is secured (after passing through a hole) by splitting the ends apart.
  • 海茨帕因痛苦而目瞪呆,瞅着她衣服前的污点。
    Hesper gasped with pain. She stared at the brown stain that splotched the front of her dress.
  • 客人们无休止的争吵当然破坏了宴会的胃
    The never-ending quarrel among the visitors certainly spoiled their appetite for the banquet.
  • 现在不要吃东西,那会破坏你正餐的胃
    Don't eat anything that will spoil your appetite for dinner.
  • 科技英语的一个重要的,也许是令人惊奇的特点是:无论是书面的传达,还是头的交流,二者都是可以作为正式文体而通用的。
    An important and perhaps surprising feature of technical English is that its normal style is common to both written and spoken communication.
  • 反正我已经说出了。
    I have spoken out.
  • 头通知;头语言;话语轻松的人;尖刻的人。
    a spoken message; the spoken language; a soft-spoken person; sharp-spoken.
  • 巧克力秀的发言人斯特凡尼说:"今年,我们有了更多不同寻常的味。
    "We have more unusual flavors this year," said Stephanie Teuwen, a spokeswoman for the show.
  • 你为什么不现在就用棉球擦洗一下伤呢?
    Why do not you sponge the wound now?
  • 有长柄和出的开的器皿。
    an open vessel with a handle and a spout for pouring.
  • 有柄和出的大的金属或陶瓷制成的器皿;用来盛放酒精饮料(通常是酒)。
    a large metal or pottery vessel with a handle and spout; used to hold alcoholic beverages (usually wine).
  • 大肚壶一种有一个把手和壶并带有一个盖儿的很大的容器,常用金属或陶瓷制成,用来盛酒或其它液体
    A large vessel, usually of metal or pottery, with a handle and spout and often a lid, used for holding wine or other liquors.
  • 伤口不断冒血。
    A cascade of blood spouted from the hole.
  • 水从管子的裂喷出。
    Water spouted from the break of the pipe.
  • 他跳起身,跑到门
    He sprang up and rushed to the door.
  • 她跳起身向门跑去。
    She sprang up and rushed to the door.
  • 它靠近长江,东面一直顶到南京、上海,西南直迫汉,是打过长江的重要跳板,敌人时时刻刻受到我们过江的威胁。
    Being close to the Yangtze River and leading directly to Nanjing and Shanghai in the east and Hankou in the southwest, they provide an important springboard for us to cross the Yangtze River, constituting a constant threat to the enemy.
  • 伤口淌著血.
    The wound was spurting blood.
  • 血从伤口涌出。
    Blood spurted out from the wound.
  • 他没有话答,只是笑,笑到嘴里含的一饭都喷出来,撒得满桌上,还是吃吃不休。
    He did not answer but broke into laughter, sputtering his mouthful of food all over the table; He continued to eat without pause.
  • 间谍渴得难受极了。
    He spy was maddened with thirst.
  • 这小两为了钱吵吵闹闹5余年。
    Don't keep squab bring with me. I'm sick of you!
  • 发生角因坏脾气引起的小的争吵;为琐事争吵
    To engage in a petty, bad-tempered quarrel; squabble.