  • 美国半数以上的青年人承认曾经用过大麻,几乎五之一的人承认用过可卡因。
    More than half of the nation's young adults admit to having used marijuana and nearly a fifth to having used cocaine.
  • 1999年,全国共查获毒品犯罪案件6.5万起,缴获海洛因5.364吨、鸦片1.193吨、甲基苯丙胺(俗称“冰毒”)16.059吨,以及部可卡因、摇头丸(mdma)、大麻等,破案数和缴获毒品总量别比1998年增加2.4%和33.6%。
    In 1999, China cracked down 65,000 drug-related criminal cases, and confiscated 5.364 tons of heroin, 1.193 tons of opium, 16.059 tons of crystal methamphetamine (commonly known as "ice''), and some cocaine, MDMA and marijuana. In 1999, the number of drug-related cases cracked and the total amount of drugs confiscated increased by 2.4 percent and 33.6 percent, respectively, over 1998.
  • 1999年,全国共查获毒品犯罪案件6.5万起,缴获海洛因5.364吨、鸦片1.193吨、甲基苯丙胺(俗称“冰毒”)16.059吨,以及部可卡因、摇头丸(mdma)、大麻等,破案数和缴获毒品总量别比1998年增加2.4%和33.6%。
    In 1999, China cracked down 65,000 drug-related criminal cases, and confiscated 5.364 tons of heroin, 1.193 tons of opium, 16.059 tons of crystal methamphetamine (commonly known as "ice"), and some cocaine, MDMA and marijuana. In 1999, the number of drug- related cases cracked and the total amount of drugs confiscated increased by 2.4 percent and 33.6 percent, respectively, over 1998.
  • 耳蜗是内耳里螺旋状的部
    Cochlea is spiral-shaped part of the inner ear.
  • 他建议飞机机组人员可以戴上一个,以确保恐怖子不会伪装混入驾驶舱。
    He suggests that airline crews could wear one to ensure that terrorists don't infiltrate the cockpit in disguise.
  • 红褐色自由飞行的大蟑螂,原产于美国南部但现在布广泛。
    large reddish_brown free-flying cockroach originally from southern United States but now widely distributed.
  • 从一开始,科科就表现得十听话,什么事我说一遍就行。
    From the very first,Cocoa has always been exceptionally well behaved.I never have to tell him anything more than once.
  • 科科跳在我身上时,冲击力把肿块从钙壁上离开,这样使我才有可能注意到肿块。
    When Cocoa jumped on me,the force of the impact broke the lump away from the calcium wall.This made it possible for me to notice the lump.
  • 可我知道,我很高兴当时我许愿要和这只杰出的巧克力色卷毛狗共度晚年,因为科科不仅与我享它的生命,而且确实做到使我能健康地活着与它享我的生命。
    What I do know is that I'm glad I made a promise to spend my golden years with this wonderful chocolate brown poodle for Cocoa not only shares his life with me; he has made sure that I will be around to share my life with him!
  • 环带,生殖带某些环节动物蠕虫表皮的膨胀、含腺的鞍状带,例如蚯蚓,泌一种粘性液体而在其卵上形成一层防护层
    A swollen, glandular, saddlelike region in the epidermis of certain annelid worms, such as the earthworm, that secretes a viscous fluid to form a cocoon for their eggs.
  • 他们认为,维生素d,也就是所谓的阳光维生素有助于减缓癌症细胞裂的速度。维生素d在强化牛奶和奶制品、鱼肝油和某些脂肪多的鱼类中的含量也较为丰富。
    They suspect vitamin D,the so-called sunshine vitamin that is also found in fortified milk and dairy products,cod liver oil and some fatty fish,can help to slow down the speed at which cancer cells divide.
  • 出版发行了藏医名著《四部医典》,编写出版了《四部医典系列挂图全集》、《医学百科全书-藏医卷》、藏医《生理学》、《病理学》、《药理学》、《饮食学》、《新编藏医学》等数十种藏医教材或专著。
    Efforts have also been made in the compiling and publishing of "A Complete Collection of Wall Charts of the Four-Volume Medical Cod" and "Medical Science Encyclopedia: Tibetan Medicine", plus dozens of teaching materials and special books about Tibetan medicine, including "Physiology"", "Pathology", "Pharmacology", "Dietetics", and "Newly Compiled Tibetan Medicine",and so on.
  • 用于表示十进制数的一种二进制编码的十进制码,其中每位十进制数用七位二进制数来表示,它们别是8,6,4,2,0,1和0的系数。五-二码表如下:
    A binary-coded decimal code for representing decimal numbers in which each decimal digit is represented by seven binary digits which are coefficients of8, 6, 4, 2, 0, 1, 0, respectively.
  • 威斯康星大学的研究人员对dna链状结构进行编码,使之包含针对某个有待解决的问题的所有可能的答案。史密斯把这个问题比喻为4个人别选购共有4种不同浇料的比萨饼--总共有16种可能的答案。
    The Wisconsin researchers coded DNA strands to contain all possible solutions to a problem Smith likens to four people each ordering a pizza with four combinations of toppings-a problem with l6 possible answers.
  • 困难的部是学会计算机的新编码其馀就轻而易举了.
    The difficult part is learning the new computer codes after that it's all downhill.
  • 而与api相关的特定错误代码的解释,则在api参考部中的每一个api的相关部中都有描述。
    API-specific interpretations of error codes are described following each API reference page.
  • 更重要的是,注册信息所具备的类信息,例如行业代码、产品代码,地理位置代码和商业标识代码(如d&bd-u-n-s号)等,能使其他种类的搜索查询服务通过利用这个核心类信息作为一个起点而提供增值的索引和类服务。这样,在使用这些可能更为个性化,性能更强的搜索服务的时候,同样也能查询到您在uddi上注册的商业信息。
    More importantly, registering information such as industry codes, product codes, geography codes and business identification codes (such as D&B D-U-N-S Numbers?) allows other search services to use this core classification information as a starting point to provide added-value indexing and classification while still referencing your information.
  • 错义一个rna螺旋体中包含的一个因突变而改变密码子的部,它能编码成为另一种不同的氨基酸
    A section within a strand of messenger RNA containing a codon altered through mutation so that it codes for a different amino acid.
  • 在盐里保存的鳕鱼;必须除去盐,用水浸泡使盐层脱落,然后使劲敲打;用来做鳕鱼蛋糕。
    codfish preserved in salt; must be desalted and flaked by soaking in water and pounding; used in e.g. codfish cakes.
  • 为解决某一问题而作出的计划,包括规划和编码、数值析、系统析、打印格式规定以及把计算机结合进一个系统所必需的其它功能。
    A plan for the solution of a problem; consists of planning and coding, numerical analysis, systems analysis, specification of printing formats, and any other functions necessary to the integration of a computer in a system.
  • 字符代码的一部,它和数字一起编码,用来代表非数字信息。
    That part of a character code used with the numeric coding to represent nonnumeric information.
  • 过程被解成清晰的逻辑序列,这使流程图成为描述业务问题和方便应用程序编码的优异工具。
    Processes are broken down into clean, logical sequences, making flowcharts excellent tools for describing business problems and facilitating application coding.
  • 史密斯与同事先是把人工合成的dna基因编码--别用字母a、t、c、g代表--排列成不同的组合,用这些编码的组合来代表待求解问题的答案。
    Smith and his colleagues began by arranging the synthetic DNA's genetic coding-represented by the letters A, T, C and G---in different combinations that represented the numerical solutions to the problem.
  • 用于表示十进制数的一种二进制编码的十进制码,其中每位十进制数用七位二进制数来表示,它们别是8,6,4,2,0,1和0的系数。五-二码表如下:
    A binary-coded decimal code for representing decimal numbers in which each decimal digit is represented by seven binary digits which are coefficients of8,6,4,2,0,1,0, respectively.
  • 传热分系数
    individual heat transfer coefficient
  • 传质分系数
    individual mass transfer coefficient
  • 能够微或能求得不同。
    possessing a differential coefficient or derivative.
  • (统计学)表示频率布成的系数代表相对重要性。
    (statistics) a coefficient assigned to elements of a frequency distribution in order to represent their relative importance.
  • 农村居民恩格尔系数2000年为50%左右,比1995年下降约8个百点,比1954年下降约19个百点。
    Meanwhile, the Engel's coefficient of rural residents was about 50 percent, or a decrease of about 8 percentage points from that of 1995, and approximately 19 percentage points lower than that of 1954.
  • 1954年,农村居民的恩格尔系数高达69%,到1998年,农村居民的消费结构已大大改善,恩格尔系数已降至53.3%,文化娱乐、服务性支出及其他支出在生活消费支出中所占的比重已提高为25.4%,居住和穿的比重别为15.1%和6.2%。
    In 1954, the Engel coefficient of rural residents was as high as 69 percent.By 1998, the consumption structure of rural residents had been greatly improved, with the Engel coefficient decreasing to 53.4 percent; their cultural, recreational and service expenditures had risen to 25.4 percent; and the proportions of accommodation and clothing expenditures were 15.1 percent and 6.2 percent, respectively.
  • 在消费结构方面,农村居民的恩格尔系数(食物性消费占生活消费支出的比重)由1978年的67.7%,降低到1997年的55.1%。城镇居民的恩格尔系数仅为46.4%,比1978年降低了11个百点。
    In terms of consumption structures, the Engel's coefficient (proportion of income going to food) for rural residents dropped from 67.7 percent in 1978 to 55.1 percent in 1997, while that for urban residents declined by 11 percentage points to 46.4 percent.
  • 城镇居民恩格尔系数(食品支出占消费支出的比重)2000年为40%左右,比1995年下降近10个百点,比1978年下降约18个百点;
    In 2000, the Engel's coefficient of urban residents (the proportion of food expenditure in the total consumption expenditure) was about 40 percent, or a drop of close to 10 percentage points from that in 1995, and a decrease of 18 percentage points from that in 1978.