  • 很多东西是由竹子做的。
    A lot of thing is made by the bamboo.
  • 主人拿了一瓶"竹叶青"。
    The host produced a bottle of"Bamboo-Green".
  • 她把爷爷哄骗得(答应)把她嫁去。
    She bamboozled Grandfather into marrying her.
  • 教门正式的宗教禁令、诅咒或逐教门
    A formal ecclesiastical ban, curse, or excommunication.
  • 政府禁止售武器的命令
    A government ban on the sale of weapons.
  • 他指,禁令仍然有效。
    He pointed out that the ban still stands.
  • 盗版唱片被禁止售。
    The sale of pirate record have is ban.
  • 禁止使用地雷的想法并非最近提来的。
    The desire to ban land mines is not new.
  • 赞助体育是他们在电视广告被禁止后作的直接反应。
    Sports sponsorship was the immediate reaction after the television ban.
  • 猴子从栏杆伸手拿走了香蕉。
    The monkey reach out a hand through the bar and take the banana.
  • 猴子从栏杆伸手拿走了香蕉
    The monkey reached out a hand through the bar and took the banana
  • 根蘖,根苗植物底部长的嫩根,例如香蕉、菠萝或甘蔗等的嫩根
    A shoot sprouting from a plant base, as in the banana, pineapple, or sugar cane.
  • 最近几位部长了丑,给首相带来许多难堪。
    Several government ministers have slipped on banana skins recently and caused a lot of embarrassment to the Prime Minister.
  • 香蕉是按量出售的。
    Bananas are sold by weight.
  • 我们坐好后,他们端几大盘堆得满满的香蕉。
    After we were seated, they brought out dishes heaped with bananas.
  • 她端香蕉和甘蔗请我们大家吃。
    She handed round bananas and sugar-cane and invited us to eat.
  • 乐队解散之前,在这家剧院作了最后一次演
    The band played a final gig in this theatre before splitting up.
  • 乐队举行一次震撼的演
    The band gave an electrifying performance.
  • 铜管乐队正在吹奏刺耳的声响。
    The brass band is banging away.
  • 医生把绷带的开,让伤口露来。
    Yank off the bandage the doctor uncovered the wound.
  • 医生把绷带打开,让伤口露来。
    Taking off the bandage, the doctor uncovered the wound.
  • 孩子们的衣着极其整洁,就仿佛是刚从装帽子的硬纸匣里走来一样。
    The children were all extremely neat and clean as if they were just out of a bandbox.
  • 匪首吼叫道:“我们得狠狠地打,使这家伙说藏放财宝的地方!
    The bandit chieftain shouted, “We’ll have to beat the fellow into telling where the treasure has been hidden!”
  • 郊野到处都有散兵游勇,四打劫.
    The countryside was overrun by marauding bands.
  • 起初爵士乐是一种舞蹈音乐,由一些规模较大的乐队以摇摆舞的形式来演
    At the outset, jazz was dance music, performed by swinging big bands.
  • 在1930年代,许多著名的乐队乘着汽车从一个城市到另一个城市巡回演
    During the 1930s, famous bands traveled in buses from town to town.
  • adsl在你需要之处给了高带宽,并且只用一对铜线。
    ADSL delivers high bandwidth where you need it and only uses a single copper pair.
  • 显然,至少在带宽自费的前景实现之前,各公司需要找创新的方法,最大限度地用足现有带宽和尽可能长远地发挥基础设施投资的效用。
    Clearly, at least until the promises of bandwidth freedom come to pass, companies need to find creative ways to maximize existing bandwidth and stretch their infrastructure dollars as far as they can.
  • 我们不是来扯皮的,我们只是要你腾这间房子。
    We are not going to bandy words. We just require you to vacate this room.
  • 当枪开火的时候发砰的一声响。
    There was a bang as the gun was fired.
  • 那人愤怒地走屋把门砰地一声关上了。
    The door shut with a bang after the angry man.
  • 他最近的一本书很受欢迎。
    His latest work came out with a bang.