  • 草原上最美丽的野花之一,有大朵的、直立的、铃状蓝色花;在潮湿的草原和田野上,从科罗拉多东部至布拉斯加、向南至新墨西哥和德克萨斯。
    one of the most handsome prairie wildflowers laving large erect bell-shaped bluish flowers; of moist places in prairies and fields from eastern Colorado and Nebraska south to New Mexico and Texas.
  • 夏延怀俄明州首府,位于州的东南部且接近布拉斯加州与科罗拉多州的边界,作为联合太平洋铁路的一个分界点而始建于1867年。人口50,008
    The capital of Wyoming, in the southeast part of the state near the Nebraska and Colorado borders. It was founded in1867 as a division point for the Union Pacific Railroad. Population,50, 008.
  • 因此凡是一个国家,既培养了在它领域以工业的一切部门,使工业达到了高度完善阶段,又拥有广大疆土和充分发展的农业,使它工业人口在生活必需品和原料方面的需要,绝大部分可以由本国供应,那么它就拥有最高的生产力,因而也就是最富裕。
    That nation will therefore possess most productive power, and will consequently be the richest, which has cultivated manufacturing industry in all branches within its territory to the highest perfection, and whose territory and agricultural production is large enough to supply its manufacturing population with the largest part of the necessaries of life and raw materials which they require.
  • 女式衬领一种穿在茄克上衣或纸领服装的女式衬领
    A woman's blouse front worn under a suit jacket or low-necked garment.
  • 蜜腺像腺体的器官,位于花的外部或部能分泌甘美的液体
    A glandlike organ, located outside or within a flower, that secretes nectar.
  • 私人经济,不待说,现时是占着绝对的优势,并且在相当长的期间也必然还是优势。
    Needless to say, private enterprise is now preponderant and will inevitably continue to occupy a dominant position for a considerable time.
  • 暗面是指我们自己在的消极因素。我们把自己一切消极的思想感情,也就是我们甚至不想让自己的伴侣和好友知道的东西,全都压抑下去并使其进入无意识之中,其中既有我们已知的,也有未知的。
    The dark side is our inner negativity, where we have suppressed in our unconscious all our negative thoughts and feelings that we do not want even our partners or best friends to know about. It includes both what we know about ourselves and what we do not.
  • 特因为他俩粗心大意而训斥他们。
    Bennett got on them both for their negligence.
  • 斜机动车或飞机等转弯或越过障碍时向侧倾斜
    The lateral inward tilting, as of a motor vehicle or an aircraft, in turning or negotiating a curve.
  • 入世同样意味着中国在谈判桌上获得一席之地,同时在全球范围促进和规范贸易发展问题上具有发言权。中国发出的必将是能够反映所有发展中国家和新兴国家市场的观点和要求的呼声。
    And accession will also mean a place at the negotiating table and a voice in the promotion and regulation of trade at a global level-a voice that can reflect the views and needs of all developing and emerging markets.
  • 包括152个国家和地区在的wto准成员国中,有76国政府在wto成立当天就加人了这一组织,另外大约有50国政府当时正处在国审批程序的不同阶段,其他的则忙于人世条件的谈判。
    Out of a potential membership of 152 countries and territories, 76 governments became members of the WTO on its first day, with some 50 other governments at various stages of completing their domestic ratification procedures, and the remainder engaged in negotiating their terms of entry
  • 主谈人不让其他政府小组成员知道该报告的容。
    The chief negotiator keep the report secret from the rest of the government team.
  • 主谈人不让其他政府小组成员知道该报告的容。
    The chief negotiator kept the report secret from the rest of the government team.
  • 这些国反叛者正得到邻国政府的支持,这是公开的秘密。
    It's an open secret that the rebels are receiving support from the neigh-bouring coutry's government.
  • 经济复兴;新的城附近。
    a revitalized economy; a revitalized inner-city neighborhood.
  • 战延伸到临近的省;疾病延伸到偏远山区。
    The civil war carried into the neighboring province; The disease extended into athe remote mountain provinces.
  • 同亚太各国开展对话与合作是中国亚太安全政策的重要容,是中国睦邻友好政策的组成部分。
    Conducting dialogue and cooperation with Asia-Pacific countries is an important content of China's policy concerning Asia-Pacific security, and a component part of its policy of good-neighborliness and friendship.
  • 另外,香港亦要增强与邻近地区的经济联系,以保持区金融和商业中心的地位。
    Hong Kong also needs to enhance its economic ties with the neighbouring region, in order to maintain its status as a regional financial and commercial centre.
  • 利不论到哪里,总是深得人心。
    Nelly carries all before her, wherever she goes.
  • 尼尔森一家正希望在短期定居澳大利亚。
    The Nelsons are hoping to settle in Australia in the near future/ in the not too distant future.
  • 胎蛋白正常情况下存在于胎儿体的任何抗原,若存在于成人体则会由于某种赘生物或肝病而造成体有不正常的反应
    Any of several antigens normally present in a fetus and occurring abnormally in adults as a result of certain neoplastic conditions or diseases of the liver.
  • 她紧张地在室走来走去。
    She fluttered nervously about the room.
  • 他表现出很有信心的样子以掩盖心的紧张.
    An outward show of confidence concealed his nervousness.
  • 置于巢中放或似放进巢
    To place in or as if in a nest.
  • 北部冰冠位于基本覆盖了整个火星北半球的一个深奥的凹陷处的部,在接近极地处,海拔下降。
    The northern ice cap sits nestled within a deep depression that covers essentially the entire northern hemisphere of Mars and drops in elevation as it nears the pole.
  • 一次聚会最讨厌的事情是事后的收拾,但是如果我们不怕麻烦,我们可以在一个小时收拾干净。
    The worst thin about a party it clearing up afterwards, but if we grasp the nettle we can get it all done in a hour.
  • 克拉夫特-埃宾,理查德·冯1840-1902德国科医生和精神病学家,特别以他对性偏离的研究和病历总集性精神变态(1886年)的出版而闻名
    German physician and neurologist particularly known for his studies of sexual deviance and the published collection of case histories Psychopathia Sexualis(1886).
  • 尼日利亚首都和最大城市、经济中心;位于尼日利亚西南部的几亚湾的一个港口。
    capital and largest city and economic center of Nigeria; a port located in southwestern Nigeria on the Gulf of Guinea.
  • 晚饭是有填充物的辣椒,没人想吃。
    We were having stuffed peppers that nigh and nobody wanted to eat them.
  • 活动举行期间,每晚均有来自区和世界各地的名人参加精彩的音乐会、音乐短片放映会和时装表演。
    Celebrities from around the region and the world took part nightly in a spectacular concert, music video broadcast and fashion show.
  • 这是城最贵的夜间娱乐场所。
    It's the most expensive nightspot in town.
  • 孔令辉在第一次发球权结束时,以0领先瓦尔德尔。
    Kong Linghui beat Waldner 5 to nil at the end of the first serving.