  • 用来纸或皮革打孔的钳子。
    pliers for perforating paper or leather.
  • 我会把买票的事托付你。
    I'll leave buying the tickets to you.
  • 交给我吧。
    Leave it to me.
  • 交给我管吧。
    Leave it with me.
  • 最好的队员都投奔大俱乐部去了,留他们这些不怎么样的球员。
    The best players have gone off to the big clubs, leaving them the dross.
  • 当人们上了年纪而变得善良之时,他们只是把恶魔留下的东西来上帝献祭而已。
    When men grow virtuous in their old age, they only make a sacrifice to god of the devil's leavings.
  • 当人们上了年纪而变得善良之时,他们只是把恶魔留下的东西来上帝献祭而已。
    When men grow virtuous in their old age, they only make a sacrifice to god of the devil 's leavings.
  • 学生们讲了关于现代作家的一课。
    He lectured to his students on modern writers.
  • 今天我准备学生们讲课。
    I am going to lecture to my students today.
  • 主席将演说者介绍观众。
    The chairman introduced the lecturer to the audience
  • 几年来,外国轿车在英国的销量一直比英国的大;英国公司正在要求其政府对外国(进口)轿车的销售加以限制,以便它们一个迎头赶上的机会。
    For several years more foreign cars have been sold in Britain than British ones; the government is now being asked to limit the sales of foreign cars to give British companies a chance to make up leeway.
  • 剩余的肉馅糕;她还有钱多,所以去看电影了;还剩下些零钱;把剩下的三明治留着晚餐吃;没用完的养。
    leftover meatloaf; she had a little money left over so she went to a movie; some odd dollars left; saved the remaining sandwiches for supper; unexpended provisions.
  • 我的腿动了手术。
    He operated on my leg.
  • 他囗头遗言上遗留我一点小小遗产作为他对我关爱的表徵。
    He left me a small legacy in a nuncupative will, as a token of his kindness to me.
  • 这笔遗产要分几个孩子?
    How many children has the legacy to be divided between?
  • 书是伟大的天才留人类的精神财富。
    Book is the legacy that a great genius leaves to mankind.
  • 听到对你有帮助的消息,特别是听到你留遗产的消息。
    To hear news which are helpful to you, especially to hear that you have be left a legacy.
  • 听到对你有帮助的消息,特别是听到你留遗产的消息。
    To hear news which is helpful to you, especially to hear that you have is leave a legacy.
  • 法律上可以转让另一个所有者。
    legally transferable to the ownership of another.
  • 法律没有兼职工人提供任何保护。
    The legislation offers no protection to part - time workers.
  • 重新提出将(例如,方案)再一次地发委员会讨论
    To refer(proposed legislation, for example) to a committee again.
  • 他将他的财产留他合法婚姻所生的子女。
    He leave his property to his legitimate offspring.
  • 他将他的财产留他合法婚姻所生的子女。
    He left his property to his legitimate offspring.
  • 我们一个合理的迟到理由。
    Please give us a legitimate reason for being late.
  • 通过法律手段(私生子)以合法地位
    To establish(a child born out of wedlock) as legitimate by legal means.
  • 对他的跑腿工作,他的员工封他一个管理学位:"到处走硕士"。他的跑腿工作中含有他的信念:上层管理人员必须接近员工。
    His employees awarded him a M.B.W.A.Degree--“Master By Walking Around”for the legwork expended in his belief that upper management should remain close to workers.
  • 雷锋同志把他的一切献人民,我们大家树立了一个好榜样。
    Comrade Lei Feng, who gave his all to the people, set a good example to all of us.
  • 香港电灯有限公司(港灯)负责供电香港岛及邻近的鸭?洲和南丫岛;
    The Hongkong Electric Company Limited (HEC) supplies Hong Kong Island and the neighbouring islands of Ap Lei Chau and Lamma;
  • 请在你方便的时候写信我。
    Please write me a letter at your leisure.
  • 我叫他方便时我写信。
    I asked him to write me at his leisure.
  • 他为人可靠,我确信他不会把坏东西我。
    He is trustworthy and I am dead sure he wouldn't hand me a lemon.
  • 我倒了一杯柠檬水。
    She filled my glass with lemonade.