  • 神灵万物有灵论者相信的存在于某些自现象或物体中的精灵
    A spirit believed by animists to inhabit certain natural phenomena or objects.
  • 以鬼魂形式出现以鬼魂或其它超自物体的形式居住、拜访或出现
    To inhabit, visit, or appear to in the form of a ghost or other supernatural being.
  • 呼吸呼气和吸气,尤指自地和任意地
    To inhale and exhale air, especially when naturally and freely.
  • 而人类个体的基因生来就是正常的,很少发生突变(变异)。
    Most of an individual's genes, however, are inherently good.
  • 遗嘱要先认证,后我们才能继承遗产。
    The will has to be proved before we can inherit.
  • 遗嘱要先认证,後我们才能继承遗产。
    The will have to is prove before we can inherit.
  • 压抑自的冲动可能会引起心理上的问题。
    Inhibition of natural impulses may cause psychological problems.
  • 变态的违背自的情感的;不人道的
    In violation of natural feelings; inhuman.
  • 但是,有些人歪曲事实或不顾基本的事实,对中国的计划生育事业妄加评论,指责其“违反人权”、“不人道”,甚至把他们的价值观念强加于中国,以“保护人权”为借口向中国施加压力,干涉中国的内政,这是中国断不能接受的。
    However, some people, distorting or disregarding the basic facts, have made improper comments on China's family planning programme, criticizing it as a "violation of human rights," and denouncing it as "inhumane." They have even tried to impose their values and ideas on China, using the excuse of "protecting human rights" to put pressure on China and to interfere in China's internal affairs. This is totally unacceptable.
  • 我们再也不能漠视任何政府公进行不人道的行为。
    And we must never again turn a blind eye when a government anywhere engages in gross inhumanity.
  • 说后来的人们对铁塔予以歌颂,但最初艺术家和作家对它却进行了猛烈的攻击。
    Initially, artists and writers vehemently denounced the tower although later generations sang its praise.
  • 他最初看起来好像只是个普普通通的小孩,但他的热情使他与众不同。
    Though initially he had seemed an ordinary kid, his zeal had set him apart.
  • 共产党和红军不但在现在充当着抗日民族统一战线的发起人,而且在将来的抗日政府和抗日军队中必要成为坚强的台柱子,使日本帝国主义者和蒋介石对于抗日民族统一战线所使用的拆台政策,不能达到最后的目的。
    Not only are the Communist Party and the Red Army serving as the initiator of a national united front against Japan today, but in the future too they will inevitably become the powerful mainstay of China's anti-Japanese government and army, capable of preventing the Japanese imperialists and Chiang Kai-shek from carrying through their policy of disrupting this united front.
  • 可是汽车的问题,常常同人一样,真正重要的部分不在表面。既所有的车都没钥匙,内部情况便无从考验。违规停车局执行主任布里克菲尔德承认说,“好像买装在口袋里的猪一样,全凭运气,”……。
    But the problem with cars, as often with people, is that what truly matters lies beneath the surface, and since there were no keys available for any of the autos, their innards had to remain untested. "It is like buying a pig in a poke," admitted Elizabeth Brickfield, the director of enforcement for the Parking Violations Bureau. …
  • 而,社会学家把原因归结为被误导的更高贵的种族的观念以及天生的对有色人种的不信任。
    Sociologists , however , attribute them to the misguided concept of a superior race and an innate mistrust of people of color.
  • 这种能力一部分来自个人夭赋,当也有不少人通过接受高等教育提高自己的学习能力和各种知识的融会贯通能力。
    Some of this skill is innate, but many people enhance their ability to learn -- and to relate different aspects of learning -- through college and university courses.
  • 股市下调了,接着又重新上升。主队在第九局突猛醒过来,赢了这场比赛
    The stock market declined, then rallied. The home team rallied in the ninth inning to win the game.
  • 汤姆:有时候一场比赛可以打到最后一局,而比分仍是零比零。
    Sometimes a game can go right up to the last inning and the store will be nothing to nothing.
  • 客栈老板之死仍是个谜。
    The death of the innkeeper still remains a mystery.
  • 使变得不自或不清白。
    make less natural or innocent.
  • 而,长远的效益很可能来自于创新功能的或垂直工业的应用程序。
    Long-term benefits, however, are likely to come from innovative functional or vertical-industry applications.
  • 我们仍拥有敢於创新的企业家、勤奋努力和灵活的工作人口、非常高的储蓄率,以及开放的贸易和思想。
    We still have innovative entrepreneurs, a hard working and flexible workforce, a very high savings rate, and openness to trade and ideas.
  • at&t很快地察觉到错误,并削减费率以及开始改善服务品质,但是它还是得面对流失掉原有客户市场。经过这次教训之后,at&t学会了什么叫做补偿率。
    AT&T saw its error quickly,though,cut its rates,and began offering innovative packages.It still faces heavy competition,but it now knows quite a bit about the Law of Compensation.
  • 宇宙广阔无垠,宇宙中的东西千差万别、数不胜数,而“世界上没有不可认识的东西,而只有还没有被认识的东西,而将来科学和实践的力量会加以揭示和认识的”(斯大林)。
    Although the universe is wide and endless and the things in it are so different and so innumerable, "There are no things in the world which are unknowable. But only things which are still not known, but which will be disclosed and made known by the efforts of science and practice.
  • 吉姆总是在最不恰当的时候突出现。
    Jim always bobbed up at the most inopportune moment.
  • 他总是在最不合宜的时刻突露面。
    He is always bobbing up at the most inopportune moment.
  • 她总是在最不恰当的时候突出现。
    She is always bobbing up at the most inopportune moment.
  • 调查不是因自原因而死人的公共官员。
    a public official who investigates by inquest any death not due to natural causes.
  • 况且中国人的火箭设计细节,当也不能轻易向外人泄漏,美国人不知底里,又如何指点?
    Moreover, the Chinese cannot easily give out the details of their own rocket design. How can the Americans who don't know the ins and outs of the thing give any guidance?
  • 你也太粗心了,竟提起他已故的妻子来
    It is rather insensitive of you to mention his dead wife
  • 你也太粗心了,竟提起他已故的妻子来.
    It was rather insensitive of you to mention his dead wife.
  • 而一切这些,离不开动员老百姓。
    But all these are inseparable from the mobilization of the common people.