| - 如果你代替我去,将会怎样?
What if you go instead of me? - 当我们凭直觉知道某些事情正在发生或即将发生时,我们的本能就已发生作用了。
When we intuitively know that something is happening, or about to happen, our instinct has kicked in. - 我们本能地懂得,如果我们不把生活中的重大事情讲给它听,不幸将会突然袭击我们。
We know instinctively that misfortune might overtake us if the important events of our lives were not related to it. - 这期工程将提供96公顷土地,作商业、住宅、政府、团体及社区用途。
It will provide 96 hectares of land for commercial, residential, government, institutional and community uses. - 理事会的专题网络着重于卫生宣传、环境卫生、机构和管理改革和各项基于社区的办法,包括道德守则和将性别观点纳入主流。
The Council’s thematic networks focus on hygiene promotion, environmental sanitation, institutional and management reform and community-based approaches,including a code of ethics and gender mainstreaming. - 随着贫困地区扶贫开发的不断深入,中国的扶贫开发工作将进一步制度化、规范化,逐步纳入法制轨道。
With its steady deepening, the work for development-oriented assistance to the poverty-stricken areas should be standardized and institutionalized and gradually put into the orbit of the legal system. - 玛尔龙,玛丽1870?-1938美国的一位厨师,是伤寒的免疫带原者,因她不时地换工作,将伤寒病传染给了五十多人。在卫生官员找到她后,她的余生大部分时间是被禁止与人接触的
American cook and immune carrier of typhoid fever who while moving from job to job infected more than50 people with the disease. After health officials found her, she was institutionalized for much of the rest of her life. - 我将通知他是今天来还是明天来。
I will instruct him whether to come today or tomorrow. - 新老师说她将把启发和教育学生视为己任。
The new teacher said she would make it her business to interest and instruct her pupils. - 饭店消防人员将会告诉你万一着火如何逃生。
The hotel fire officer will instruct you in how to evacuate the building if a fire breaks out. - 我们将象你们所指导的一样做。
We will do as you have instructed. - 当叫我将车驶出城外时,我开始有了信心。
After having been instructed to drive out of town, I began to acquire confidence. - 将您的答案记录在下表中:组件组件状态完成这个练习后就可以停下来并通知指导者。
Record your answers in the following table:ComponentsComponent stateStop and notify the instructor when you have finished this exercise. - 指导员说,新兵将要进行的袭击课目的目的,是将从中挑选出最好的。
The instructor said that the assault course the recruits were about to attempt was designed to sort out the men from the boys. - 将声乐音带与乐器音带混合
Mixed the vocal track and instrumental track. - 像电子和绝缘材料生产等工业过程,也会将氯氟化碳释放到大气之中。
Industrial processes such as electronics and insulation manufacturing also release CFC's into the atmosphere. - ibm长久以来一直是科研领域中的领先者,最近它宣布了处理器制造技术中的两项重大改进:该公司已开始在构成处理器的晶体管之间用铜线代替铝线连接,它还将用硅作为这些晶体管的绝缘器。
IBM, long a leader in the research and development area, recently announced two major changes in processor manufacturing technology: The company has begun using copper rather than aluminum wiring between the transistors that make up the processor, and it will use silicon as an insulator for those transistors. - 他的才气和执着将确保他成功。
His talent and dedication will insure his success. - 请将这批货物投保综合险人民币5000元。
Please insure the shipment for RMB 5, 000 against All Risks. - 我什么时候将这批茶叶投保?
When should I go and have the tea insured? - 根据你方要求,我公司已将你方货物投保至国境为止(包括海关/至目的地)。
According to your request, we have insured your shipment to the border( including customs/to the final destination). - 全国数千个汽车保险代理公司,都将随时提供服务。
Thousands of auto insurance agents all over the country are at the insured person's call, wherever he may travel. - [纽约]州参议院的共和党人士昨天提出了他们自已的方案,去救助财务困难的纽约蓝十字/蓝盾牌[医疗保险公司],以便将该州最大保险公司所争取的提高保费维持在平均百分之十到百分之十五。
State Senate Republicans yesterday proposed their own plan to bail out financially strapped Empire Blue Cross/ Blue Shield and hold rate hikes the state's largest insurer seeks to an average of10% to15%. - [纽约]州参议院的共和党人士昨天提出了他们自已的方案,去救助财务困难的纽约蓝十字/蓝盾牌[医疗保险公司],以便将该州最大保险公司所争取的提高保费维持在平均百分之十到百分之十五。
State Senate Republicans yesterday proposed their own plan to bail out financially strapped Empire Blue Cross/ Blue Shield and hold rate hikes the state's largest insurer seeks to an average of 10 % to 15 %. - 不管你是否深陷种种问题、责任,甚至是不可逾越的障碍的围攻而不能自拔,当你将这一切视之为测验,你总有机会获胜--就是说你能超越挑战。
Whether you're being bombarded with problems,responsibilities,even insurmountable hurdles,when looked at as a test,you always have a chance to succeed,in the sense of rising above that which is challenging you. - 使红军从斗争中日益增加其数量和提高其质量,能在将来三省总的暴动中执行它的必要的使命;使各县地方武装即赤卫队和工农暴动队的数量增加质量提高起来,此时能够与挨户团和小量军队作战,将来能够保全边界政权;
constantly expand the Red Army and enhance its quality through struggle so that it can fulfil its mission in the coming general insurrection of the three provinces; - 他们是谣言的制造厂,“共产党暴动”、“八路军退却”一类的谣言,今后将要与日俱增。
They are manufacturing rumours, and stories such as "the Communists are engaged in insurrection" and "the Eighth Route Army is in retreat" are sure to multiply daily. - 使各县地方武装即赤卫队和工农暴动队的数量增加质量提高起来,此时能够与挨户团和小量军队作战,将来能够保全边界政权;
enlarge the local armed forces in the counties, that is, the Red Guards and the workers' and peasants' insurrection detachments, and enhance their quality so that they are able to fight the landlords' levies and small armed units now and safeguard the political power of the border area in the future; - 如将一个int和一个long值相加,则结果为long。
if you add an int and a long, the result will be long. - 例如,假设我们为浮点变量分配一个整数值,计算机会将int自动转换成float。
For instance, if you assign an integral value to a floating-point variable, the compiler will automatically convert the int to a float. - 若超出这一限制,编译器会将值自动变成一个int,并告诉我们需要对这一次赋值进行“缩小造型”。
If you exceed these, the compiler will automatically make the value an int and tell you that you need a narrowing cast for the assignment. - 他实际上没有什么技能,就是喜欢野生动物和乡村,还有将这一切完好无损地传给下一代的愿望。
He had no real qualifications, just a love of wildlife and the countryside, and a desire to pass it on intact to the next generation.