  • 最後假設一下,如果有人對某城進行為期三天的參觀訪問,他衹是盡本份似的~氣走馬觀花地看完了5座教堂、4個博物館和一排賣紀念品的商店,倘若你心情不好,你可能會問,這樣一位疲乏不堪的遊客從與商人的碰面中能獲得什麽好處,可以增進什麽瞭解呢?
    Finally, if you are in a bad mood, you may wonder what good, what understanding could come from the meeting of an exhausted tourist with the merchants of a city that he is visiting in three days, running dutifully through five churches, four museums, and a row of souvenir shops.
  • 一隻肥母豬在大門拱來拱去,不肯給我們讓路。
    A fat sow was grubbing about near the gate and refused to move out of our way.
  • 一個政府可以要求在某一年中,嚮國外出的大豆不超過30萬噸,或進的石油不超過30億桶。
    A government may require that no more than 300, 000 tons of soybeans be exported abroad or that no more than three billion barrels of oil be imported during a particular year.
  • 氣你好象不太感興趣。我還以為你喜歡意大利麵條。
    You do not sound very keen. I think you like spaghetti.
  • “主人在牛欄裏,你要是找他說話,就從這條路繞過去。”
    `T' maister's dahn i' t' fowld. Go rahnd by th' end ut' laith, if yah went tuh spake tull him.'
  • 實施積極的財政政策,决不是可以敞開子花錢,而必須珍惜人民的血汗錢。
    Implementing a pro-active fiscal policy does not mean extravagance in spending. On the contrary, the people's hard-earned money should be used sparingly.
  • 他經常感到幹舌燥。
    He has a spark in his throat.
  • 如內蒙古自治區,那裏有廣大的草原,人又不多,今後發展起來很可能走進前列,那裏有不少漢人。
    For example, take Inner Mongolia, with its vast grasslands and sparse population. In future, it may become one of the most developed areas, and there are quite a few Han people there.
  • 在人稀少的地區開的零售店;裏面賣的商品範圍很廣。
    a retail store serving a sparsely populated region; usually stocked with a wide variety of merchandise.
  • 但是,由於過去西藏教育的基礎十分薄弱,西藏地區的人居住過於分散,西藏人中的文盲、半文盲雖已從過去的大多數人減為少數人,卻仍占不小的比例。
    However, since the foundations of education in old Tibet were very weak and the population sparsely scattered, illiterates and semi-illiterates still make up a considerable proportion in Tibet's population, although they are now in the minority rather than in the majority, as they were in the past.
  • 為了提高少數民族地區的經濟文化水平和人素質,從八十年代初開始,除西藏和人稀少的民族地區外,中國政府在少數民族地區也提倡計劃生育,具體政策由民族自治地區和有關省、自治區根據當地實際情況决定。
    To raise the economic and educational levels of the national minority areas and improve the life quality of the population, since the early 1980s the Chinese government has also advocated family planning in the areas inhabited by national minorities, except for Tibet and sparsely populated minority areas. The concrete policies are worked out by the national minority autonomous areas and the relevant provinces and autonomous regions according to specific local conditions.
  • 她的父母經常有些小的角。
    Her parents always have spats.
  • 她吐水在他的臉上,以此表示對他的蔑視。
    She spat at his face in contempt.
  • 她嚮他[他的臉上]啐了一唾沫.
    She spat at him/in his face.
  • 羅斯故意在黛瑞剋斯的邀請卡上吐了一痰。
    Rossi spat very deliberately, and very messily, upon Durieux's party card.
  • 除非跟他交談,他是絶不開談話的。
    He never speaks unless he is spoken to.
  • 一個侃侃而談的人如果不想讓對方開——儘管對方的確想說什麽——他會故意轉移目光,不讓對方的目光與自己的接觸。
    A person speaking who does not wish to yield the floor to someone who wishes to speak will often deliberately look away so that the would-be speaker cannot catch his eyes.
  • 我在大學所學的專業和你們研究所所涉及的範圍剛好對
    My specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with.
  • 這傢商店專營優質進奶酪。
    The store specialize in high-quality import cheese.
  • 我們瞭解到你們專營小五金的出
    We have come to know that you specialize in export of hardware.
  • 我們瞭解到您是專營小五金出的。
    We have come to know that you specialize in the export of hardwires.
  • 肖:英語,主要是語,偏重會話。
    Mr.Shaw: English,mainly spoken English,specializing in conversation.
  • 李:剛纔你提到你教英語語,擅長教會話。
    Li:Just now you mentioned that you teach spoken English,specializing in conversation.
  • 使計算機程序、例行程序或子例行程序開始運行的動作。通常是根據指定的入條件轉移到一個入點而進行。
    The action of bringing a computer program, a routine, or a subroutine into effect, usually by specifying the entry conditions and jumping to an entry point.
  • 我們的車子從一些礦石加工廠門駛過。
    Our car sped past the gates of factories for processing mineral ores.
  • "我們大傢都認為他幹這項工作不合適,因為他說話吃。"
    "We all don't think he is fit for the job, because he has a speech impediment."
  • 我們頓然緘,安靜下來,之後從前面的山𠔌傳來一聲怪異的喊叫。
    We all fell speechless, and then from the valley ahead a strange cry drifted down to us.
  • 一頓完整的套套包括一個漢堡包、炸薯條和一杯了可樂飲料,還有鋁箔袋裝的番茄醬供調味炸薯條之用。
    With French fries arid Coke, the meal is complete. Tin foil packets of extra catsup are always included and usually used to spice the French fries.
  • 意大利開餡餅,薄的面包面團塗上加香料的混合物,比如番茄沙司和幹酪。
    Italian open pie made of thin bread dough spread with a spiced mixture of e.g. tomato sauce and cheese.
  • 辛辣食物不合我的胃
    Spicy food does not agree with me.
  • 小牛肉清淡可不宜多加調料。
    Veal is too delicate for a spicy sauce.
  • 燈光從窗口瀉出。
    Light spilled out through the window.