  • 向不自觉的学生灌输知识并易事。
    It's hard work to pump facts into unwilling students.
  • 大家明天一定要按时上班。最近晚点打出勤卡的人太多了,老板常恼火。
    Be sure to be at work on time tomorrow, everybody. The boss is on the warpath because so many people have been punching in late recently.
  • 我们准时到达那里是常紧要的。
    That we arrive punctually is very critical there.
  • 我们的老师对标点符号常重视.
    Our teacher is very fussy about punctuation.
  • 刺破皮肤,例如在一些洲文化中;因为宗教目的。
    puncture the skin, as, for example, in some African cultures; for ritual purposes.
  • 1989年我方曾向贵公司订购标题中所列机器5套,那批机器常令人满意。
    We purchased from you five sets of the captioned machine in 1989. The machines have been very satisfactory.
  • 单纯军事观点在红军一部分同志中常发展。
    The purely military viewpoint is very highly developed among a number of comrades in the Red Army.
  • 清教徒之所以憎恨“折磨狗熊”游戏,并因为它给狗熊以痛苦,而是因为它给观众以欢乐。
    The puritan hated bear - bait not because it gave pain to the bear but because it gave pleasure to the spectator.
  • 清教徒之所以憎恨“折磨狗熊”游戏,并因为它给狗熊以痛苦,而是因为它给观众以欢乐。
    The puritan hate bear- bait not because it give pain to the bear but because it give pleasure to the spectator.
  • 我发现要了解他演讲的主旨是常困难的。
    I found it difficult to understand the purport of his speech.
  • 仅仅10英里远的路程,你的信竞要走一个月,实在令人奇怪!除你是有意拖延了很长时间。
    That your letter should be a whole month in making ten miles is strange to me unless you purposely sent it by John Long, the carrier.
  • 但达西并等闲之辈。
    But Darcy's no pushover.
  • 她并全部合格, 但我认为我们可以为她放开一些限制.
    She doesn't have all the qualifications but I think we should stretch a point in her favour.
  • 这种新型号质量常好,而且也不贵。
    This new model is of high quality and is not expensive either.
  • “这是一个常棘手的问题。”“的确”
    It's a very delicate problem.”“Oh, quite.”
  • 这些罕见的邮票常珍贵。
    These stamps have great value because of their rarity.
  • 我要是逮住这个流氓, 狠狠揍他一顿不可!
    If I ever catch the rascal I'll really wallop him!
  • 一收到你的信,我常高兴。
    Upon receiving your letter, I was as happy as could be.
  • 她母亲是一个常文雅的女人。
    Her mother is a woman with great refinement.
  • 法移民获得必要的居留证後即可使身分合法.
    Illegal immigrants can regularize their position by obtaining the necessary residence permit.
  • 约翰打网球常认真。
    Tennis is a religion with John.
  • 常虔诚,每周去教堂三次。
    She is very religious and goes to church three times a week.
  • 世俗音乐是指宗教的音乐。
    Secular music refers to music which is not religious.
  • 他生病的整个阶段都表现出凡的忍耐力。
    He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness.
  • 岔恨使他的回答常尖锐。
    Resentment edged his reply.
  • 学生们常尊敬他们的历史老师。
    The students have great respect for their history teacher.
  • 这是个常有钱的家庭。
    This is a wealthy family.
  • 这条小溪里的水常清澈。
    The water in this rill is very clean.
  • 洲最长的河流是尼罗河。
    The longest river in Africa is the Nile.
  • 巴拿马运河在运输上起到了常重要的作用。
    The Panama Canal has played a very important role in transportation.
  • 他是个常浪漫的人。
    He is a very romantic person.
  • 当上了歌剧明星也决事事如意。
    Being an opera star is not all roses by any means.