  • 过了很长的时他们才完成计划。
    It is quite a long time before they fulfil the plan.
  • 如果夫妻两人能把腾出时相守在一起看作头等重要的事情,美满的婚姻就由此开始了。
    A fulfilling marriage begins when two people make time together their No.1 priority.
  • 机场铁路工程由展开至完竣,前后只需四年的时,一再证明香港仍是发展迅速的城市,而一直以来,我们都能实践承诺。
    Completed in four years, the Airport Railway has proved yet again that Hong Kong remains a fast moving city with a well-proven track record of fulfilling our promises.
  • 为确保我们的学校有良好的师资,我在施政报告中提出了教师学位化和专业化的目标,把原定二零零七年令学位小学教师增加至百分之三十五的目标,提前在二零零一学年实现,并期望早日公布规定所有新入职教师须持有学位和受过师资训练的时表。
    To ensure the quality of teachers in our schools, I set out in my Policy Address the goal of raising the professional status of teachers. All new teachers will be required to be trained graduates. The date for graduate posts making up 35 per cent of all primary teaching posts will be advanced from 2007 to 2001. It is also hoped that the schedule for the fulfilment of the requirement that all new teachers should be trained graduates could be announced as soon as possible.
  • 她的时全部用在她的三个孩子身上了。
    Her time is fully occupied with her three children.
  • 我们所有的房都住满了。
    All our room is fully occupied.
  • 两个功能部件之的一种共享界面,在一定的条件下,根据功能特性、公共的物理连接特性、信号特性以及其它特性来定义。
    A shared boundary between two functional units, defined by functional characteristics, common physical interconnection characteristics, signal characteristics, and other characteristics, as appropriate.
  • 通常根据时来记录事件或物理状态的一种功能部件[操作装置]。
    A functional unit that records events and physical conditions, usually with respect to time.
  • 它与xml命名空的功能相似。
    It is similar to the namespace functionality used for XML.
  • asic解决了性能问题,但要花12至18个月时来开发,并需要不多见的专门工程人才来具体实现,同时具备固定不变的功能性。
    ASICs solve the performance problem but can take 12 to 18 months to develop;require scarce, specialized engineering talent to implement;and have fixed functionality.
  • 函数集合之的函数。
    (mathematics) a symbol that represents a function from functions to functions.
  • 资金的时间价值
    time value of funds
  • "房里只布置了最简单的必需品,一张床、一把椅子和一张桌子。"
    "The room was furnished with the simplest essentials, a bed, a chair, and a table."
  • 屋子的陈设都很简单朴素。
    The room was furnished in austere style.
  • 这个房是用红色和棕色装饰的暖色调。
    The room was furnished in warm reds and browns.
  • 他的房间陈设简陋。
    His room was scantily furnished.
  • 这房间陈设奢华。
    The room was luxuriously furnished.
  • 你是想找一有家具的房子吗?
    Are you trying to find a furnished house?
  • 这个房除去了豪华的家具以後, 看上去光秃秃的.
    The room looked bare, shorn of its rich furnishings.
  • 道路泥泞不堪,布满了牛车压出的车辙。
    The country roads were muddy and full of furrows left by farm carts.
  • 第三节 由此可见,在列举和划分各种接促进生产的劳动时,无需把为生产性劳动者生产口粮或其他生活必需品的劳动包括在内,因为这种劳动的主要目的就是生产口粮本身;
    3. From these considerations it appears, that in an enumeration and classification of the kinds of industry which are intended for the indirect or remote furtherance of other productive labour, we need not include the labour of producing subsistence or other necessaries of life to be consumed by productive labourers; for the main end and purpose of this labouris the subsistence itself;
  • 尽管在那儿干了30多年,她与职工之依然直来直去,有时也刺儿你一下,我就喜欢她的那种性格。
    She'd been there 30 years but was still a gadfly.I loved that.
  • 以三拍的速度行进的步态;介于小跑和疾跑之
    an smooth 3-beat gait; between a trot and a gallop.
  • 马最简单的步态;界于走和快跑之
    an easy gait of a horse; midway between a walk and a trot.
  • ·作为国际“法庭”,它解决缔约国之的贸易争端。
    .As an international "Court" in which govern-merits can resolve disputes with other GAIT members.
  • 他们应少到各处游荡, 多用些时照看子女.
    They should spend less time gallivanting about and more with their children.
  • 我们没有时到处闲逛。
    We have no time to gallivant about.
  • 他把时都消磨在赌场的赌博上。
    He spends all his time gambling in the casino.
  • 她是一个在世误入歧途的女子。
    She was a woman ganging a wee bit gleed in her walk through the world.
  • 气体在海洋与大气的交换
    gases exchange between ocean and atmosphere
  • 遍及星际空的微粒或气体组成的云。
    clouds of particles or gases occurring throughout interstellar space.
  • 他胳膊上的割伤很深,需要几个星期的时才能痊愈。
    The deep gash in his arm would take weeks to heal over.