  •  有些国家为了促进出口业务,有时会实行一种奖励补助办法,萨依认为“这些都是赠给我们国家的礼物”;由此可以清楚地看到。流行学派以单纯价值理论为评判事物现象的依据时,会发生怎样的错误,用生产力理论来评判这类现象就可以得出正确结论,假定法国因为看到它的工业没有获得充分发展,认为应实行百分之二十五的保护税才使工业获得保障,而英国方面对于它的出口商却给了百分之三十的补助,这种出于英国方面的“礼物”对法国将发生什么影响呢?
    In to what mistakes the prevailing economical school has fallen by judging conditions according to the mere theory of values which ought properly to be judged according to the theory of powers of production, may be seen very clearly by the judgment which J. B.Say passes upon the bounties which foreign countries sometimes offer in order to facilitate exportation; he maintains that 'these are presents made to our nation.' Now if we suppose that France considers a protective duty of twenty-five per cent sufficient for her not vet perfectly developed manufactures, while England were to grant a bounty on exportation of thirty per cent, what would be the consequence of the 'present' which in this manner the English would make to the French?
  • 他没参加他们10岁女儿的舞蹈演出会,第二天,他带着一束玫瑰来看她们。
    After missing their 10-year-old daughter's dance recital, he showed up the following day with a bouquet of roses.
  • 我怎么分辨出苏格兰威士忌和波旁威士忌呢?
    How can I tell the difference between Scotch and Bourbon?
  • 他还会想起,由于陆军统帅的叛变,小波旁官邸也是全部涂上了黄色,索瓦尔说:“黄色毕竟质地很优良,又是那样受推崇,涂上了,上百年都不可褪色。”
    he would recall the Hotel du Petit-Bourbon, all smeared thus, on account of the constable's treason. "Yellow,after all, of so good a quality," said Sauval, "and so well recommended, that more than a century has not yet caused it to lose its color."
  • 我们不允许产生一个新的资产阶级。
    We shall not allow a new bourgeoisie to come into being.
  • 从南半球打华人市场和大中国市场,听起来有些不可思议,但如考察一下目前澳洲网络市场的动向,却不不承认,“咿呀.com”找到了上好的炒作题材。
    It looks like he is attempting the impossible. However, if people know what's happening on the Australian bourse, they may believe that Eyah.com is spinning a good story about itself.
  • 从理论上说,这样可以消除疾病传播的可性,无论是来自牛血红蛋白的疯牛病或人血中感染的新型肝炎病。
    In theory, that should eliminate the possibility of disease transmission, whether of madcow disease from bovine hemoglobin or a suspected new strain of hepatitis from human products.
  • 杰夫:不鞠一个,给每人鞠一个!
    Jeff: Not one bow. You should give each of us a bow.
  • 它们有助于排除肠道内的毒素,制造维生素b,并且够有效控制酵母菌和不受欢迎的细菌的生长。然而抗生素会使它们遭到破坏。
    Both help to detoxify the bowel, manufacture B vitamins and keep yeasts and undesirable bacteria in check, but are damaged by antibiotics.
  • 麻油能通便。
    Castor oil moves the bowels.
  • 这种药去除肠子里的废物。
    This medicine will help to purge waste matter from the bowels.
  • 他能吃两碗菜。
    He can eat two bowls of dish.
  • 雇员们若努力提升自己的技与知识,那不但会保住自己的饭碗,还间接增加国家的生产力,以助国家渡过经济难关。
    If our workers are able to upgrade their skills and knowledge, not only can they preserve their rice bowls, but they can also increase our country's productivity and thus indirectly help to overcome our current economic difficulties.
  • 雇员们若努力提升自己的技与知识,那不但会保住自己的饭碗,还间接增加国家的生产力,以助国家渡过经济难关。
    If our workers are able to upgrade their skills and knowledge, not only can they preserve their rice bowls, but also they can also increase our country's productivity and thus indirectly help to overcome our current economic difficulties.
  • 为了使不识字的群众也参加选举,不少地方群众用豆子代替选票,他们同意谁,就在那位候选人背后的碗中投进一颗豆子,谁得的豆子多,谁就当选。
    To enable illiterates to participate, beans were used in place of ballots in many places. Voters placed beans in the bowls behind the back of the candidates of their choice. Those with the most beans went into office.
  • 抬起这个箱子吗?
    Can you lift this box?
  • 金博士通过这次成功的抵制行动表明,非暴力的群众斗争够改变现状。
    The boycott was a success and Dr.King had showed that peaceful mass action could bring about change
  • 公司间的联合抵制可会有一定作用,为了要求更短的保护期限,也许并不需要签订协议。
    A boycott of companies that do not sign on to a pledge to endorse a shorter term could work.
  • 由于不响应1936年抵制奥运会的号召,美国和其他西方民主国家错过了一次表态的机会,否则(以当时观察家之见)可会迫使希特勒三思而后行,从而使全世界反对纳粹独裁统治的运动得到加强。
    Having rejected a proposed boycott of the 1936 Olympics, the United States and other western democracies missed the opportunity to take a stand that some observers at the time claimed-might have given Hitler pause and bolstered international resistance to Nazi tyranny.
  • 此前,运动胸衣总的来说不太优雅,有母性胸衣的种种功性装饰,却缺少时髦的设计。
    To date,sports bras have largely been ungainly,with all the functional trappings of a maternity bra and little more in the way of stylish design.
  • 八岁时,她借助于腿的支撑架稍微走一走了。
    And at the age of eight she was walking a bit with the aid of a leg brace.
  • 想象婚礼当天,汤普森夫人戴上那串缺了好几颗莱茵石的手链时的情形吗?
    And guess what, she wore that bracelet, the one with several rhinestones missing.
  • 在虚拟远程通信存取方法的高级通信操作程序(acf/vtam)中,一种用以决定是否可以开始一个新的括号(即重新开始一次按类通信)的指示符。接收到该连通指示符的网点按如下二种方式中的一种回答对方:如果可以开始新的括号,发送一个正常响应;如果不开始新的括号,则发送一个异常响应。
    In ACF/VTAM, an indicator used to determine if a new bracket can be started. The node receiving the bid indicator sends a normal response if a new bracket can be started or sends an exception response if a new bracket cannot be started.
  • 关于、类似于苞叶,或具有苞叶的功
    pertaining to or resembling or functioning as a bract.
  • 狡猾的自吹自擂:倘使我不自夸知道一些事情,那我就自夸毫不知情;总之,自吹自擂就是了。
    Cunning egotism: if I cannot brag of knowing something, then I brag of not knowing it; at any rate, brag.
  • 我们可要谨慎,“四人帮”的骨干分子和打砸抢分子,他们的耐之一就是吹呀,捧呀,实用主义呀,有利的事情就干哪,可相当灵活哩!
    We must be cautious, because the hard-core elements of the Gang of Four and those who engaged in beating, smashing and looting during the "cultural revolution" are clever and opportunistic, and they know how to brag about themselves and flatter other people.
  • 这个切罗基族传说讲的是一只"想捉鸭子的兔子"。这只爱说大话的兔子总想在其他动物面前表现的够自圆其说。
    The Cherokee legend, commonly known as "The Rabbit Goes Duck Hunting," is about a rabbit who is a braggart and a trickster able to persuade other animals that he can back up his boasts.
  • 我得说我够读懂盲文。
    I'd say I was able to read Braille.
  • 他的大脑看来功正常。
    His brain seems to be functioning normally.
  • 这纵横字谜真让人大伤脑筋。
    This crossword will really tax your brain.
  • ·那些非常穷、体育很好或者十分聪明因而得到奖学金的人也可以上大学;
    who is needy, sporty or brainy enough to get a scholarship;
  • 刹车踏板移动中心气缸内的活塞;制动液对制动块产生强大压力。
    a brake pedal moves a piston in the master cylinder; brake fluid then applies great force to the brake pads or shoes.