Chinese English Sentence:
  • 可以借钱给我吗?
    Can I latch on to some of your money?
  • "两个月之后又送来一些钱,并附上一张字条萨姆:`现在仅仅是个25%的小偷!'"
    "Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note: 'Only 25 per cent a thief now!'"
  • 了我更多的自由来处理这件事。
    He allowed me more latitude in this matter.
  • 在如何使用零花钱上,他们予孩子太多的自由。
    They allow their children too much latitude in how they spend the pocket money.
  • 星体拱极的表明一颗恒星位于不会低于地平线的一个定观察者的纬度
    Denoting a star that from a given observer's latitude does not go below the horizon.
  • 布莱克先生他的雇员以一定的自由,但一旦这种自由超过分寸,他就会像一般雇主那样坚决加以管束。
    Mr Black allowed his staff a fair amount of latitude but beyond a certain point he would put his foot down as firmly as the nest man.
  • 狗起这个名字多可笑!
    It is how laughable to this name of dog!
  • 如果我们总是不情愿把用来修路的钱交警察,那将是很可笑的。
    It would be laughable if we weren't always having to fork out money far the police which ought to be spent on roads.
  • 慷慨的分发礼物;批评家们的赞扬很慷慨;慷慨的礼物;他爸爸了他半美元,他妈妈他四分之一美元,他认为他们都很大方;过多的赞美;毫不吝惜的慷慨;他那大方的捐献;呼吁对英国的慷慨帮助。
    distributed gifts with a lavish hand; the critics were lavish in their praise; a munificent gift; his father gave him a half-dollar and his mother a quarter and he thought them munificent; prodigal praise; unsparing generosity; his unstinted devotion; called for unstinting aid to Britain.
  • 然而苔丝下定决心,无论如何也不去克莱家求助。夏天,她很容易在农场找到工作;可是冬天一来,加上她家里过多的生活费,她面临贫困艰难的处境。
    Determined, however, to make no appeal to Clare's family, Tess easily finds summer employment among the farms; But with the coming of winter and too lavish contributions to her family's support, privation stares her in the face.
  • 予合法的地位赋予法律力量或地位;使合法
    To give legal force or status to; make lawful.
  •  第一百五十四条中央人民政府授权香港特别行政区政府依照法律持有香港特别行政区永久性居民身份证的中国公民签发中华人民共和国香港特别行政区护照,在香港特别行政区的其他合法居留者签发中华人民共和国香港特别行政区的其他旅行证件。
    Article 154 The Central People's Government shall authorize the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to issue, in accordance with law, passports of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China to all Chinese citizens who hold permanent identity cards of the Region, and travel documents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China to all other persons lawfully residing in the Region.
  • 组织秘书发本党党员的通知在立法机构中传达政党成员的一个在特定时间保证其出勤率的通知
    A call issued to party members in a lawmaking body to ensure attendance at a particular time.
  • 彼得-李—trw的雇员—在lawrencelivermore的武器设计中几乎什么工作也没做,即使把一些国家防御实验交他也不会去做。
    But Peter Lee -- the TRW employee -- almost certainly had nothing to do with Lawrence Livermore weapons design, even if some National Defense experiments were conducted at the ICF facility where he was hired to work.
  • 关于这个问题、这些观点,我早在去年就已经讲过,所有到中国来访问的贵宾,我都他们讲过,包括《时代》杂志2月15日一期封面上的3个人:格林斯潘、鲁宾、萨默斯。
    I expressed the very same view last year during discussions with many foreign visitors,including Mr Alan Greenspan,Mr Robert Rubin and Lawrence Summers, who were on the cover of the February l5 issue of Time magazine.
  • 法律的制定者;出法律条文的人。
    a maker of laws; someone who gives a code of laws.
  • 不同颜色的沙子分层。
    layer the different colored sands.
  • 这个懒惰的女孩正梦想着嫁一个有钱人, 从此不再工作。
    The lazy girl is dreaming of marrying a millionaire and therefore won't do any work.
  • 我的那株植物正在我以为它死了的时候长出了叶子。
    The plant you gave me leafed out, just when I thought it was dead.
  • 谁将新闻泄露新闻界的?
    Who leaked the news to the press?
  • 这些细节原属秘密,可是不知怎么泄露出去了。
    The details were supposed to be secret but somehow leaked out.
  • 这些细节原属秘密,可是不知怎麽泄露出去了
    The details are supposed to be secret but somehow leak out
  • 作为权宜之计,他用塑料袋把漏洞包上了
    As a temporary shift, he covered up the leak with a plastic bag
  • 要是他们不马上付款,我们就得他们加点压力了。
    If they don't pay soon we'll have to lean on them a little.
  • 另一个消息说她跳上了王室的游艇,并送威廉王子一张自己的照片。
    Another had her leaping onto a royal yacht and leaving a photograph of herself for Will.
  • 我们将把这房子租你一年。
    We will lease you the house for one year.
  • 出租人在一定租赁期限内把财物出租他人的人
    One that lets property under a lease.
  • 由不动产所有权人予租户的第一租借权。
    First lease give by a freeholder to a tenant
  • 她计划把她的房间租一个朋友。
    She planned to lease her apartment to a friend.
  • 指在土地登记处登记的土地,其所有人对土地享有被担保的所有权。租借土地也享有绝对所有权,它予物主一个有担保的有效的租借权。
    Land registered with the land registry, where the owner have a guarantee title to the land(absolute title also exist to leasehold land, give the proprietor a guarantee valid lease).
  • 我把我乡下的房子租赁了几个外国人。
    I am leasing my country estate to some foreigners.
  • 你不管怎样该个答复
    You might at least answer.