  • 网络技术虽尚处于初级阶段,但是它已经可以被称为是一个新颖的大众媒体。
    Networking technology is still in its infancy, yet it has reached already the point where we can call it a new mass medium.
  • 步兵仍是现代化军队中的一个重要的组成部分。
    The infantry is / are still an important component of the modernized armies.
  • 步兵仍是现代化军队中的一个重要的组成部分。
    The infantry is/ are still an important component of the modernized armies.
  • 你现在还迷恋着她,但不久就会猛醒悟过来的。
    You're infatuated with her now, but the scales will soon fall form your eyes.
  • 你现在被她迷住了,但你很快就会识破她的真面目的。(恍大悟,不再受骗)
    You are infatuated with her now, but the scales will soon fall from your eyes.
  • 身上还有这种疹子就仍有传染性。
    When you have this anthema, you are still infectious.
  • 异体接种诊断(法)早期传染病的一种诊断方法,将假定的被感染的个体或组织暴露给清洁的、实验室饲养的蚊子、壁虱或其它带菌者,后通过检查带菌者来确定传染性微生物是否出现
    Diagnosis of an infectious disease at an early stage by exposing a presumably infected individual or tissue to a clean, laboratory-bred mosquito, tick, or other vector and then examining the vector for the presence of the infective microorganism.
  • 从这些事实中可能推断出两种截相反的结论.
    It is possible to infer two completely opposite conclusions from this set of facts.
  • 没有必要用“党国喉舌”之类的心态去解读“社会使命”这句话的背后含义,因为我们实在需要一种“新加坡角度”的存在,要不,不仅是国际社会无法听到我们的声音,连自己人说话,也会遭外界的无情干扰,不能达到有效的交流。
    One need not infer that, to carry out their mission, the media must speak for the government or the ruling party, but we do need a "Singapore perspective". Otherwise, our voice can hardly reach the international community, nor can there be effective communication within our people amid the jarring noise from without.
  • 而,你所说的仅仅是你的推理。
    However, what you have said is merely your inference.
  • 他穷,他并不觉得低人一等。
    Poor as he is (=Though he is poor), he doesn't feel inferior.
  • (四五)中国由劣势到平衡到优势,日本由优势到平衡到劣势,中国由防御到相持到反攻,日本由进攻到保守到退却——这就是中日战争的过程,中日战争的必趋势。
    45. China moving from inferiority to parity and then to superiority, Japan moving from superiority to parity and then to inferiority; China moving from the defensive to stalemate and then to the counter-offensive, Japan moving from the offensive to the safeguarding of her gains and then to retreat -- such will be the course of the Sino-Japanese war and its inevitable trend.
  • 战略的主动地位,自以战略的进攻战为较能掌握和发挥,而贯彻始终和普及各地的主动地位,即绝对的主动权,只有以绝对优势对绝对劣势才有可能。
    It is natural that the strategic initiative can be better maintained and exercised through a strategic offensive, but to maintain the initiative always and everywhere, that is, to have the absolute initiative, is possible only when there is absolute superiority matched against absolute inferiority.
  • 由此可知,战争力量的优劣本身,固是决定主动或被动的客观基础,但还不是主动或被动的现实事物,必待经过斗争,经过主观能力的竞赛,方才出现事实上的主动或被动。
    Thus it can be seen that although superiority or inferiority in the capacity to wage war is the objective basis determining initiative or passivity, it is not in itself actual initiative or passivity; It is only through a struggle, a contest of ability, that actual initiative or passivity can emerge.
  • 这四个人早已是朋友,但勾心斗角一定会出现,而猜一猜谁会在暗斗中占上风则已经成了华盛顿的一项游戏。
    Though all four are friends, it has already become a Washington parlor game to guess who will prevail in the inevitable infighting.
  • 越战电影仍声势煊赫。现有一个与众不同的影片。《铁三角》一片用于记录敌军的希望、梦想、恐惧以及内战时间不亚于用在“好人”-即我方-身上的时间。
    The Vietnam pictures are still coming fast and furious, and here's one with a twist – "The Iron Triangle" spends as much time documenting the hopes, dreams, terrors and infighting among the enemy camp as it does among the "good guys" – you know, our side.
  • 屋顶斜面多种多样的角;大自是无限多样性的。
    the varying angles of roof slope; nature is infinitely variable.
  • 古代国家所使用的人手,与全人口对比,不知比现在要增加多少倍,工作比现在艰苦,各个人所拥有的土地面积比现在的大,而一般群众吃的、穿的却比不上现在。
    The ancient nations employed (in proportion to the whole population) infinitely more hands, the work was much harder, each individual possessed much more land, and yet the masses were much worse fed and clothed than is the case in modern nations.
  • 而她在我们心中留下的,是对纯粹的可知世界的强烈兴趣,她为我点燃的好奇求知的热情从未消失。
    But she left a passion in us for the pure knowable world and she inflamed me with a curiosity which has never left.
  • 如此,农民自不必以阻谷为限制食粮价格的方法,也不会以拒绝某些工业品入乡为经济自卫的方法了。
    If these things were done, the peasants would naturally find it unnecessary to ban the outflow of grain as a method of keeping down the price, nor would they have to prohibit the inflow of certain manufactured goods in economic self-defence.
  • 听说印度电影的年产量与美国差不多。但美国电影仍是全球最有影响力的。
    I hear India produces almost as many movies as America, but American movies are still the most influential in the world.
  • 大批家用电气产品突涌进市场。
    There was a sudden influx of household electric products onto the market.
  • 美国社会普遍不拘泥小节.但是美国人还是希望与他交谈的人,把他们正在做的任何事情都放开,专心来听他的话。
    Despite the informality that pervades U.S. society, people in the States expect those whom they speak to put aside whatever they are doing and listen.
  • 他婉拒了王室对他工作的表彰,这显是出于谦逊--他已故的妻子说"他不想要奖章"--友好、不拘礼节的气氛不仅表现在他所拍的照片中,而且也表现在这对王室夫妇直称他为"埃迪"。
    He apparently refused royal recognition for his work out of modesty--his late wife claimed that " he didn't want medals" --and a tone of friendly informality prevailed,not only in his pictures,but in his being simply "Eddie" to the royal couple.
  • 比起工作失误后再寻求帮助,这样的沟通与交流当更加值得你去做。
    It’s much easier to ask for assistance informally than it is to ask to for help after having an operational error or deviation.
  • 这个答案显错了;她躺在床上而且明显是非常痛苦;他显很重要,不能在来宾名单上漏掉;显,这完全是胡说八道;她显在这儿住过一段时间;我认为他拥有这些财产,但很明显不是如此;你显错了;(plain经常非正式地代替plainly使用,例如在heisplainstubborn(他显很固执)里)。
    the answer is obviously wrong; she was in bed and evidently in great pain; he was manifestly too important to leave off the guest list; it is all patently nonsense; she has apparently been living here for some time; I thought he owned the property, but apparently not; You are plainly wrong; (`plain' is often used informally for `plainly' as in he is plain stubborn).
  • 这里自少不了扫描电镜sem分析,傅里叶红外光谱分析等手段。
    Here it goes without saying that it will not be done without resorting to scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis and Fourier infrared spectroscopic analysis.
  • 而,为了控制或证明国会对著作权政策的尝试是正当的,最高法院很少行使解释著作权条款的权力。
    The Court, however, has infrequently exercised its authority to interpret the Copyright Clause for the purpose of cabining or justifying Congress's forays into copyright policy.
  • 豪,威廉1729-1814北美英军总司令。虽他在多次战役中打败了乔治·华盛顿,但他无力使其投降,并于1778年返回英国
    American inventor and manufacturer who designed early sewing machines(1845 and1846) and subsequently won patent-infringement suits against a number of manufacturers, including Isaac M. Singer.
  • 他和他夫人散步时突想到了一个绝妙的主意。
    An ingenious idea suddenly came upon him when he was taking a walk with his wife.
  • 对她学生的灵活性感到惊讶;惊讶的是他竟想起了我的名字;让人惊讶的表演。
    surprised by her student's ingenuity; surprised that he remembered my name; a surprised expression.
  • 那些不以为的马来人,可以没完没了的争论下去。但是,事实胜于雄辩,因为这些规定,新加坡回教理事会和回教社会发展理事会才得以成立。
    And the ingrate can probably argue till the cows come home but the fact that that particular safeguard has made possible the establishment of the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) and the Council for the Development of Singapore Muslim Community (Mendaki) for the Malays says much for itself.