  • 1.订定一明确目标。
    Adopt a definite major purpose.
  • 正因本港恪守审慎理财原则,在九九八年四月底,本港的外汇储备(包括「财政储备」)已累积至962亿美元,高踞全球第三位。
    Thanks to our prudent fiscal management, at the end of April 1998, Hong Kong's foreign reserves, which include our 'fiscal reserve', stood at US$96.2 billion, the third largest in the world.
  • 决议案以百八十票对十票获得通过。
    The resolution was adopted by a vote of 180 in favour to 10 against it.
  • 通过一项宪法修正案
    adopt a constitutional amendment
  • 双方都把后备部队投入了战斗,紧接着场激战开始了。
    Each side committed its reserves and a pitched battle followed.
  • 我们是世界上拥有最多外汇储备的地方之
    we have some of the world's largest foreign currency reserves;
  • 个占据绝大部分阿拉伯半岛的王国;有丰富的石油储量。
    a kingdom occupying most of the Arabian Peninsula; vast oil reserves.
  • 他们没有亲生儿女,就收养了个孤儿。
    As they had no children of their own, they adopted an orphan.
  • 最近俄罗斯情报机构公布的些以前属绝密档案的资料表明,当年克格勃为防止希特勒的遣骸成为新纳粹分子的膜拜物而将他的骨灰撒在东德条不知名的小河里。
    Previously closed files released recently by the Russian secret service reveal that the ashes of Adolf Hitler were scattered secretly by KGB agents in a narrow East German river to prevent his remains becoming an object of neo Nazi pilgrimage.
  • 就像位智者曾经评论的那样,也许某个人要克隆的是未来的阿道夫·希特勒,结果却成了个颇有天分的画家。
    As one wit has observed, someone trying to clone a future Adolf Hitler might instead produce a modestly talented painter.
  • 为了得到笔大学奖学金,阿道夫复读了次六年级。
    Adolf stopped on for an extra year in the Sixth to take a university scholarship.
  • 座水库正在你家乡兴建吗?
    Is a reservoir being built in your home village?
  • 以克孜尔水库、和田乌鲁瓦提水利枢纽等为代表的批现代大型水利工程和大批干支渠及其防渗工程的建成,使全区的引水量、水库库容和有效灌溉面积迅速增加。
    A number of modern, large-scale water conservancy projects represented by Kizil Reservoir and the Ulug Ata key water control project in Hotan and large numbers of trunk and branch canals, as well as seepage control projects have been built, thus rapidly increasing the amount of water diverted, the capacity of the reservoirs and the well-irrigated area in the whole region.
  • 群山之中有个新建的大水库。
    Among the hills is a great, newly built reservoir.
  • 迁移从个地方或住所移到另个地方或住所;重新安居或安置
    To transfer from one place or residence to another; resettle or relocate.
  • 由二零零至零二学年起,当局在150所中学为中学生推行“成长的天空”计划,以期尽早识别有特别需要的青少年,协助他们装备自己,面对人生的种种挑战。
    From the 2001-02 school year, the Understanding Adolescent Project was implemented amongst Form 1 students in 150 secondary schools with an objective of early identification of those young people who need special support and assistance in developing skills for meeting life's challenges.
  • 布什总统聪明地坚持立场,敦促国会对以色列所请求安置苏联犹太人百亿元贷款担保暂不采取行动。他的立场引起沙米尔总理的以色列政府及支持以色列的美国人激烈的抨击。并且个以色列阁员把总统恶意形容成说谎者和反犹者。
    President Bush is wisely standing firm in urging Congress to delay action on Israel's request for $ 10 billion in loan guarantees to resettle Soviet Jews. His request has drawn fierce rhetorical fire from the Israeli Government of Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir and its American supporters, and an Israeli Cabinet minister offensively characterized the President as a liar and an anti-Semite.
  •  ——捕前无职业或者不符合回原单位安置条件的刑满释放人员,回城镇后和般待业人员同样对待,由劳动部门或街道,按照现行就业政策积极予以安置。
    Someone who was jobless when arrested or is no longer suitable in some way to return to his or her former work unit is to be treated the same way as an ordinary person waiting for employment. In accordance with current employment policies, the labour department or neighbourhood committees in the city or town where the prisoner is released is to take positive steps to resettle the reformed criminal.
  • 人人设法安顿下来,抢占位置,踮起脚尖,聚集成群;接着片寂静;
    everyone resettled himself, rose on tip-toe, placed himself in the most favourable position obtainable.
  • 蒙古顿加拿大新不伦瑞克省东南部城市,位于圣约翰的东北部。阿卡迪亚人首先定居于此,1763年德国人重新定居。人口54,743
    A city of southeast New Brunswick, Canada, northeast of Saint John. Originally settled by Acadians, it was resettled by Germans in1763. Population,54, 743.
  • 个需要安置的农业人口的安置补助费标准,为该耕地被征用前三年平均年产值的四至六倍。
    The resettlement fees for each agricultural person to be resettled shall be 4-6 times the average annual output value of the three years preceding the requisition of the cultivated land.
  • 乔治敦暴力研究中心的执行董事艾伦·李普曼说:"当些青春期的孩子表现出天不怕地不怕的样子时,他们心中都隐藏着或多或少的恐惧,实际上他们害怕受到任何的伤害。
    "When you have adolescent bravado and nothing can hurt you, underneath that is really a tremendous fear that everything can hurt you," said Alan Lipman, executive director of the Center at Georgetown for the Study of Violence.
  • 话说回来,他那声令下,台上几个演员不敢违命,又再说话了,观众看,也重新再听,只是完整出戏猛然被砍成两段,现在重新焊接在起,许多美妙的诗句可丢失了不少,格兰古瓦不由心酸,悄悄进行思忖。
    Meanwhile the actors had obeyed his injunction, and the public, seeing that they were beginning to speak, resettled itself to listen; not, however, without having lost many a beautiful phrase in the soldering of the two parts of the piece which had so abruptly been cut asunder. Gringoire reflected bitterly on this fact.
  • 旦你接受了美国人这种基本的青少年天性,对他们的其他文化也就目了然了。那些当初看上去欠考虑或者愚蠢的事,现在却变得迷人,而且充满活力。
    Once one accepts the Americans'basically adolescent nature, the rest of their culture falls into place, and what at first seemed thoughtless and silly appears charming and energetic.
  • 孩子上中学时,当许多妈妈因正处于青春期的孩子与自己开始疏远而痛心时,我突然想出个挽救措施:在她事先不知情的情况下,突然去学校看望她。
    In middle school, when other mothers were already lamenting the estrangement they felt with their adolescent daughters, I hit upon a solution: rescue raids.
  • cbd的第阶段是单片式组件的时代,是今天组件青春期表面矛盾的描述。
    The first stage of CBD is the era of monolithic components, a seeming oxymoron that describes the adolescent state of components today.
  • 调查结果令人担忧。然而,我们还发现尽管有些人体重低于理想体重,却依然努力减肥,这尤以青春期女孩为甚。
    But we found a group who,despite being below their ideal weight,were still trying to lose weight.They were particularly adolescent girls.
  • 第五十条 大中型水利、水电工程建设征用土地的补偿费标准和移民安置办法,由国务院另行规定。
    Article 51 The standards for land compensation and method of resettlement for land requisitioned for building large and medium-sized water conservancy projects and hydroelectric power projects shall be determined separately by the State Council.
  • 个人处于青春期时,经常陷入深思和梦想之中。
    When one is adolescent, one is often caught up in one's thoughts and dreams.
  • 九九七年,民安队继续调派队内40名队员和8名常额职员合力管理新秀越南难民离港中心的日常事务(该中心专供容纳已获外国收容的越南难民)。
    During 1997, it continued to manage the New Horizons Vietnamese Refugee Departure Centre (for Vietnamese refugees accepted for resettlement overseas). The CAS deployed 40 members and eight permanent staff to manage the centre on a daily basis.
  • 汤姆突然从个有礼貌的小孩变成个粗野的少年。
    Tom suddenly changed from a well-behaved child into a loutish adolescent.
  • 按照综合行动计划,凡根据《九五年联合国公约》和《九六七年议定书》所载条款被列为难民的越南船民,均可移居海外;被审定为非难民的人士,则须返回越南。
    The CPA provides that while those Vietnamese migrants who are classified as refugees under the terms of the 1951 United Nations Convention and 1967 Protocol are eligible for resettlement, those who are found not to be refugees should return to Vietnam.