  • 停电频率和持续时
    frequency and duration method
  • 时间同步与频率同步
    time and frequency synchronization
  • 时间与频率基准
    time and frequency primary standard
  • 您旅行后可能想清洗一下,我来告诉您洗手在哪里。
    You would probably like to freshen up after your trip, so let me show you where the washroom is.
  • 如果你不是每个星期都有时看精神科医生,不用烦恼。
    If you don't have time to consult a psychiatrist each week, don't fret.
  • 两国之一再发生的冲突
    constant friction between the two nations
  • 家庭成员有些摩擦。
    There is some friction among the family members.
  • 小夫妻俩之经常的冲突终于导致了离婚。
    The constant friction between the young couple finally caused divorce.
  • 不幸的是,二人之很快就发生了摩擦。
    Unfortunately, friction soon developed between them.
  • 这些孩子们有很长时的友谊了。
    The boys have had a long friendship.
  • 浪费时间[精力, 金钱]
    fritter away time [energy, money]
  • 保罗历史不及格,因为他总是浪费时不好好学习。
    Paid failed history because he frivoled away his time instead of studying.
  • 那家商店是为外国谍打掩护的。
    That store was a front for foreign agent.
  • 医学知识的新领域正随着时向前推进。
    The frontiers of medical knowledge are being pushed forwards as time goes on.
  • 医学知识的新领域正随着时向前推进。
    The frontiers of medical knowledge are being pushed farther outwards as time goes on.
  • 汽车的挡风玻璃在夜结了霜.
    The car windscreen frosted over during the night.
  • 很多层摞在一起,层夹有甜食,常覆盖有霜状白糖的蛋糕。
    cake having layers held together by a sweet filling and usually covered with frosting.
  • 因长时的拖延而发泄
    Was in a froth over the long delay.
  • 放入,插入在各部分之插入或添入
    To insert or introduce between parts.
  • 插入插到其他成分之;使插入
    To insert between other elements; interpose.
  • 在字行写入在已印刷或已写好的字行插入
    To insert between printed or written lines.
  • 插入或紧紧地挤在两人或两物之
    insert or squeeze tightly between two people or objects.
  • 插入在其他成分或部位之插入或添入
    To insert or introduce between other elements or parts.
  • 把手指插入两层之,用力将之分开。
    Insert your finger between the layer and press them apart.
  • 中缀在一个字中加入语素
    To insert(a morphological element) into the body of a word.
  • 钱财如粪肥,成堆臭四围,撒向田去,大地硕果累。
    Riches is like muck, which stink in a heap, but spread abroad make the earth fruitful.
  • 花了4年时寻找大学教书的工作机会却失望而归之后,去年八月,普雷昂·布瑞舍斯在位于马萨诸塞州中部的联合牵引式挂车学校开始了她另一门功课的学习。
    But last August, after a fruitless, four-year search for a university teaching job, she began a different course of study, at the United Tractor Trailer School in central Ma ssachusetts.
  • 他不能用太的时和你辩论这件事,他还有别的事要做。
    He can't spend too much time arguing with you about the matter. He had other fish to fry.
  • 维多利亚瀑布非洲中部偏南的大瀑布,位于赞比亚西南和津巴布韦西北之的赞比亚河上,有108。3米(335英尺)高。它是在1855年11月被大卫·李维斯托发现的
    A waterfall,108.3 m(355 ft) high, of south-central Africa in the Zambezi River between southwest Zambia and northwest Zimbabwe. The falls were discovered by David Livingstone in November1855.
  • 王平:中国的练功叫功夫,意思就是花时才有成就。
    Wang Ping: The Chinese way of practice skills is called kung fu.It means it takes time to get achievements.
  • 因为当时从赣抚两河前进的敌人军力,比起红军来优势并不很大(十万对四万)。
    For the enemy force advancing from the area between the Kan and Fu Rivers was not very greatly superior to the Red Army in strengh (100,000 against 40,000).
  • 现时,临时市政局在市内各区共设有38图书馆,另有两新馆即慈云山和乐富图书馆的工程,也进行得如火如荼。
    The council now operates 38 libraries in the urban areas. Works for the new Tsz Wan Shan library and the new Lok Fu library were also well under way.