  • (植物学)有使雌性器官组织受精力的。
    (botany) capable of fertilizing female organs.
  • 这位秘书不但讲而且写西班牙语。
    The secretary both speaks and writes Spanish.
  • 劳驾,你告诉我到火车站怎么走?
    I'm sorry to bother you, but can you direct me to the railway station?
  • 我不为这类事发烦。
    I cannot be bothered with all that sort of thing.
  • 这个瓶能装一升。
    This bottle takes a litre.
  • 他可以随心所欲,畅所欲言。这样虽然容易授人以柄,给自己造成伤害,但却保持轻松愉快的心情,使自己不那么压抑。
    Willfully chipper, perhaps, barely hiding his hurt; but looser and less bottled up.
  • "我希望有更多的人与我分享这种兴奋和快乐的感觉,"他说。
    "I hope more and more people can share the excitements and enjoyment with me," he said. write them down so you can get them out. It's better than keeping them bottled up inside.
  • 事实上,按分析人士的说法,磁盘上的数据库可是因特网商务中下一个大瓶颈。
    In fact, the on-disk database may be the next big bottleneck in I-commerce, according to analysts.
  • 基因研究专家认为遗传学方面基因研究的进步够显著改进用药状况,它们也够使得现在的医疗保健机构处于上下两难的瓶颈状态。
    Genetic research experts agreed that developments in genetics will profoundly effect medicine for the better, they could also cause a significant bottleneck for health care organizations.
  • 消除下一跳跃路由查找的瓶颈(甚至在最坏的流量条件下),加上无阻塞1千兆位/秒转发通道,让千兆位路由器获得线速性
    Elimination of the next-hop route lookup bottleneck -- even under worst-case traffic conditions -- combined with the nonblocking 1G bit/sec forwarding paths allow the multigigabit router to achieve wire-speed performance.
  • 在新兴的内部网环境中,用户从分布在整个企业内的很多不同服务器上访问信息,故流量常常是不可预测的和不稳定的,在这种情况下,路由器可成为网络性的瓶颈。
    In emerging intranet environments, where users access information from many different servers distributed throughout the enterprise, traffic flows are often unpredictable and unstable.In such instances, the router may become the bottleneck to network performance.
  • 此间大多数经济学家说,加利福尼亚的经济衰退尚未度过难关。预计经济复苏最早将在1995年,在以前可恶化。
    Most economists here say that California's economic slump has not bottomed out and that it may grow worse before the earliest projected recovery in1995.
  • 在陆地或水中航行的平底的机动工具。
    a flat-bottomed motor vehicle that can travel on land or water.
  • 肉毒杆菌毒素一种由肉毒杆菌产生的抗蛋白水解消化作用的烈性神经毒素
    Any of several potent neurotoxins produced by botulinum and resistant to proteolytic digestion.
  • 我也听见那枞树枝子重复着那戏弄人的声音,而且也知道这是什么原因。可是它使我太烦了,因此我决定,如果可的话,把这声音止住。
    I heard, also, the fir bough repeat its teasing sound, and ascribed it to the right cause: but it annoyed me so much, that I resolved to--silence it, if possible;
  • 相信我只花了25美元就买了一台电视吗?
    Can you believe that I bought a TV for $25?
  • 来自科罗拉多博尔德市国家大气研究中心等地的研究者们,对于只要温度小幅升高就造成的影响感到惊讶。
    The researchers, from the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, and elsewhere, were surprised by the size of the effect generated by only a small rise in temperature.
  • 他厄运不断,但似乎每次都恢复元气。
    He's had no end of bad luck, but he just seems to bounce back every time.
  • 我愿意早点交货,因为早交就可以早收货款。不过我不开空头支票。
    I'd like to deliver earlier, because if we did so we could have the payment earlier, but I can't give you a check whack I know will bounce.
  • 很少人持乐观看法,认为市况很快就会复原。第一波士顿[财务]公司总裁兼总经理考克斯说,“目前市况不振。这种情况我预料还要继续一段时间。我预料要经过一段相当时间才挽回颓势。”
    Few are optimistic that the business will bounce back quickly. "Business is down, and I would expect it to stay down for some time," said Archibald Cox Jr., the president and chief executive of the First Boston Corporation. "I expect that it will take a meaningful period of time before we right the ship."
  • 辗转上过几所不太有名的大学后,他认识到“眼下只有在公司里才受到最好的教育,”于是就退学了。
    After bouncing around a few junior colleges, he dropped out after realizing that "the best education is give by corporations these days.
  • 她说:“重要的是应该给妇女们量体裁衣,这样她们的运动胸衣才让乳房组织紧贴胸脯,从而减小跳动幅度。”
    “ It is vital that women are measured and fitted so that their sports bra holds the breast tissue close to the chest wall to minimise bouncing,"she says.
  • 每颗微型卫星都将配备一套双稳态接收器,不仅接收自身发射器发出的地面返回信号,也接收其邻近微型卫星发出的信号,以此提高所采集图像的分辨率。
    Each microsatellite would have a bistatic receiver that would not only detect radar signals bouncing off Earth from its own transmitter, but also the signals sent by its neighbors, improving the resolution of the images collected.
  • 指出中国的疆界吗?
    Can you bound China?
  • 保险能行!
    It's bound to work.
  • 不可能成功。
    Success is bound not to.
  • 人民群众有无限的创造力,他们够做出奇迹来。
    The masses have boundless creative power. They can do mighty works.
  • 很多人对此可会觉得可笑,但是我对烟花女子总是无限宽容的,甚至也不想为这种宽容态度与人争辩。
    All this will perhaps seem absurd to many people, but I have a boundless forbearance towards courtesans which I shall not even trouble to enlarge upon here.
  • 此湖是芬兰最美丽的湖泊之一,在这儿你欣赏极为壮阔的湖泊全景,当然这要归功于陆地的平缓起伏,它让你对纯朴而辽阔的乡村美景赞叹不已。
    The lake is one of the most beautiful in the country and offers one of the most panoramic views,thanks to the many small rises in the land,which allow you to admire the un-spoiled and boundless countryside.
  • 这件事有可能吗?
    Is it within the bounds of probability?
  • (橄榄球)没接住传球或者没在边界内接住传球。
    (football) not caught or not caught within bounds.
  • 是可能[不可能]的
    Be within [out of] the bounds [range] of possibility...