  • 计划性建的这条铁路为这个内陆国提供一条向东出海的通过。
    The projected line will provide the inland country with an eastern outlet to the sea.
  • 内陆运输由谁来安排,卖方还是买方?
    Who will is responsible for the arrangement of inland transportation, the seller or the buyer?
  • 我们可代你方投保内陆险,但你方承担附加保费。
    We may cover the inland insurance on your behalf, but you will pay for the additional premium.
  • 你管理雇员的方式从他们怎样对待客户,以及他们在工作中进取和创新的程度体现出来。
    The way you manage your staff is reflected in how they treat customers and in the degree to which they are motivated and innovative in their approach.
  • 这样,日本在中国抗战的长期消耗下,它的经济行崩溃;在无数战争的消磨中,它的士气行颓靡。
    Thus Japan's economy will crack under the strain of China's long resistance and the morale of the Japanese forces will break under the trial of innumerable battles.
  • 虽然宇宙广阔无垠,宇宙中的东西千差万别、数不胜数,然而“世界上没有不可认识的东西,而只有还没有被认识的东西,而来科学和实践的力量会加以揭示和认识的”(斯大林)。
    Although the universe is wide and endless and the things in it are so different and so innumerable, "There are no things in the world which are unknowable. But only things which are still not known, but which will be disclosed and made known by the efforts of science and practice.
  • 在远程通信系统中,当报文发往的工作站处于不工作状态时控制站所采取的行动,即接收并存储该报文直到该工作站恢复工作时,再由控制站报文送给它。在报文交换系统中,控制站可以是一台计算机。
    In a remote communication system, the action taken by a control station whereby messages addressed to an inoperative station are accepted and stored at the control station until they can be sent to the destination station. The control station may be a computer in a message switching system.
  • 第二款本条除非在国会其提交各州之日起七年以内,由四分之三州议会批准为宪法修正案,否则不发生效力。
    Section 2. This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States within seven years from the date of its submission to the States by the Congress.
  • 这些夫妇在3月26日举行这次抗议活动,要求政府为他们划出一块特殊的区域让他们进行约会,而不受到聒噪的警察或者讨厌的小商贩们的打扰。
    The couples, who will hold their protest on March 26, are demanding a special area where they can meet without harassment from nosy police officers or inopportune hawkers.
  • (生物学)属于或关于能自己无机物化合成有机食物的生物体(如绿色植物)。
    (botany) of or relating to organisms (as green plants) that can make complex organic nutritive compounds from simple inorganic sources.
  • 所有的输人一输出设备都通过网络与智能随机存储器们连接。
    All input-output devices will be linked to them via networks.
  • 一种低速输入设备,它图形和图象数据转换成用于数字计算机的二进制数值输入。
    A low-speed input device that converts graphic and pictorial data into binary, numeric inputs for a digital computer.
  • 方案也提供了一个广泛的机制,来由非政府组织、学术机构和私营部门的有关投入汇集起来。
    It also provides a broad mechanism for bringing together relevant inputs from NGOs, academic institutions and the private sector.
  • 令我感到颇为意外的是,如果这三重的增长因素加在一起,大致上就可以解释亚洲的发展;
    So if you took into account those triple sources of growth, which were all measurable inputs, they somewhat surprisingly seemed to explain pretty much all of what had happened in Asia.
  • 警方调查他的死因。
    The police will inquire into the cause of his death.
  • 打听有关航班的情况。
    I'll inquire about the flights.
  • 打听有关火车的情况。
    I'll inquire about the trains.
  • 移民归化局的一位官员告知众议院小组委员会,这套斥资3700万美元的系统应该在明年1月30日前启用,约1000多所院校届时提供详细的留学生入学信息。
    The $37 million system is expected to be up and running by Jan.30, with about 1,000 colleges and universities providing detailed information on foreign students who want to attend class, an official with the Immigration and Naturalization Service(INS)told a House subcommittee.
  • 谨将此书献给...
    This book I inscribe(d) to ...
  • 她自己的名字题写在课本上。
    She inscribed her own name on the textbook.
  • 本书献给我的老战友们。
    This book I inscribe to my old comrades-in-arms.
  • 谨将此书献给。。。
    This book I inscribe(d) to...
  • 他的名字题写于书上。
    She inscribed his name on the book.
  • 昆虫从脸上弹掉。
    She flipped the insect from her face.
  • 来的被解放了的新中国,是和来的被解放了的新世界不能分离的。
    The liberated new China of the future will be inseparable from the liberated new world of the future.
  • 在一片基片上或基片中,相关的不可分离的元件连接在一起的组合电路,用以实现某种电子电路功能。
    A combination of connected elements inseparably associated on or within a single continuous substrate to perform an electronic circuit function.
  • 一种有孔的板,可由人工插针插入孔中以控制设备运行。
    A perforated board into which pins are manually inserted to control the operation of equipment.
  • 舌头深入对方嘴中的深情接吻。
    an open-mouthed kiss in which your tongue is inserted into the other's mouth.
  • 当所有的金额用完后,通过卡插入电话然后拨打我们的银行账号,就可以重新向智能卡中注入一定金额。
    When all the money is used up, we will be able to "load" it by inserting it into a telephone, dialing our bank account and transferring money to the card from the account.
  • 嫁接,接枝(嫩枝或芽体)与一个生长的植物通过插入或紧密接合的方法联结成一体
    To unite(a shoot or bud) with a growing plant by insertion or by placing in close contact.
  • 母亲认真地勋章别在儿子的胸前。
    His mother pinned the insignia carefully on her son's chest.
  • 强行,强迫以不合适的坚持或在没有被邀请时自己或某人的观点强加于别人
    To impose(oneself or one's ideas) on others with undue insistence or without invitation.