  • 他浏览分类广告栏。
    He glanced his eyes down the classified advertisements.
  • 有传统上划为黑人种的特点。
    characteristic of people traditionally classified as the Negro race.
  • 在图书馆里书籍通常是按科目类。
    In a library books are usually classified by subjects.
  • 规划为综合规划和专业规划。
    Plans are classified into comprehensive plans and speciality plans.
  • 其方法大致可以区如下:
    Some of the methods might be classified as follows:
  • 根据不同的标准成相互连续的级别或者层次。
    classified according to various criteria into successive levels or layers.
  • 你是否看过报纸上的类广告?
    Have you looked over the classified ads in the newspaper?
  • 琼:上星期一我登了一个类广告招聘秘书。
    I placed a classified ad for a secretary last Monday.
  • 一般将与安全相关问题划为标准的通用类别。
    Security-related issues may be generally classified into standard well-known categories.
  • 下表列出一九九六及九七年内泳滩的类。
    The following table shows how beaches were classified in 1996 and 1997.
  • 我正在找类广告栏,你见到了吗?
    I am looking for the classified section. Have you seen it?
  • 仔细阅读类广告栏以寻找新的工作
    Pored over the classified ads in search of a new job.
  • 这样的检验将会作用与任何被类为”已校验”的类法或标识符模式。
    Checking is performed for taxonomies and identifier schemes that are classified as "checked".
  • 分类或分组
    To classify or group together.
  • 分成几类;归类
    To separate into categories; classify.
  • 类把…按种类类或组;
    To separate and group according to kind; classify.
  • 类依据种类成多组;
    To separate into groups according to kind; classify.
  • 根据头脑中的一些陈套来对事物类。
    treat or classify according to a mental stereotype.
  • 我们将把这些问题成三个主题。
    We will classify these subjects under three topics.
  • 成组在散的单位中开、类或包装
    To separate, classify, or package in discrete units.
  • 等,级给予…特定的次序或位置;归类
    To give a particular order or position to; classify.
  • 为了方便起见,我们可把学生为四个组。
    For convenience, we may classify the stydents into four groups.
  • 他开始细心地为他的检验结果类。
    He carefully began to classify the results of his examinations.
  • 我们通常把性格之类型为善与恶。
    We usually classify types of character as good or bad.
  • 根据取款方式的不同对存款进行类较为普遍。
    It is very common to classify deposits according to the method of withdrawal.
  • 写有信息的卡片,用它来将信息类使之有序。
    Card with information write on it, used to classify information into the correct order.
  • 写有信息的卡片,用它来将信息类使之有序
    A card with information written on it, used to classify information into the correct order
  • 类,定等级把…按性质或特征排列、组合或评价;归于一个类别;
    To arrange, group, or rate according to qualities or characteristics; assign to a class; classify.
  • 考虑,当作,在一个子原则下类,或与另一个事物对比时进行归类。
    think of, regard, or classify under a subsuming principle or with a general group or in relation to another.
  • 一种用来给细菌类的染色方法。
    a staining technique used to classify bacteria; those that retain the gentian violet are gram-positive and those that do not retain it are gram-negative.
  • 对旅游景区(点)产生的垃圾,旅游和环保部门采取积极措施,通过收集、类、处理,防止污染生态环境。
    Tourism and environmental protection departments are actively taking measures to collect, classify and dispose of garbage left in scenic spots to prevent pollution of the eco-environment.
  • 中国人将演剧为“唱”和“做”两类,有些戏剧注重于“唱”,另外有些戏剧则注重于“做”。
    The Chinese classify acting into the two classes of singing and acting, and there are plays with emphasis on singing, and other dramas with emphasis on acting.