  • 风笛低音管风笛上发单一音调的音管
    Any of the pipes of a bagpipe tuned to produce a single tone.
  • 如果您要租汽车,您可以请服务台为您叫一辆。
    If you have anything to be sent to the laundry, just leave it in the laundry bah behind the door of the bathroom.
  • 如今曼谷的租车都打表计程,当地的惯例是把车费整到最接近的五铢的倍数。
    Taxi are now metered in Bangkok. Local custom is to round the fare up to the nearest five baht.
  • 国际结算银行的年报指,在一九九七年七月二日泰铢自由浮动前的十二个月内,超过1,000亿美元的短期资金流入亚洲(不包括中国和日本)。
    According to the Bank of International Settlement's Annual Report, over US$100 billion of short term capital entered Asia - and this excludes China and Japan - in the 12 months prior to 2 July 1997 when the Thai baht was allowed to float.
  • 此人是用五百美元保释来的。
    The man was bailed out for $500.
  • 把一个在押的人保释来。
    Bail out a person committed to prison.
  • 这批盗贼被保释后不期庭接受审判,却逃到南美洲去了。
    The robbers jumped bail and fled to South America.
  • 丧失,被没收由于没庭而失去(保释)
    To forfeit(bail) by failing to appear in court.
  • 被告的兄弟了500英镑把他保释来。
    The accused's brother paid 500 pounds to bail him out.
  • 犯人的一个朋友答应保释他来。
    One of the prisoner’s friends offered to bail him out.
  • 在被保释后不出庭。
    Not to appear in court after having been released on bail.
  • 引擎了故障,飞行员只好叫大家跳伞。
    When the engine fail, the pilot tell everyone to bail out.
  • 寄托人于信任把个人财产移交给受托人。
    the delivery of personal property in trust by the bailor to the bailee.
  • 戈德比先生开玩笑说,1965年以来,女士们已经从家务劳动中尽快地"被保释来"。
    Mr. Godbey jokes that women have been “ bailing out” of housework as quickly as possible since 1965.
  • 我可以轻而易举地烘烤一只更好的蛋糕。
    I could bake a better cake with one arm tied behind my back!
  • 他们做一次面包要吃六个月,并且是用干牛粪烘来的。
    They make bread for six months at one time; they bake it with dried cow-dung.
  • 他开包取手帕时,钱包掉了来。那条鱼从我手中滑走了。
    Her purse slipped out of her bag when she opened it to bake out the handkerchief.
  • 结果是,警察任何价钱都捉拿不到他,这贝克是知道的。
    The upshot was that the police wouldn't have him at any price and Baker knew it.
  • 从面包房里飘了诱人的香味。
    An enticing smell came from the bakery.
  • 乳糖一种从乳清中提炼的白色结晶物质,用作婴儿食物、面类制品、糖果和药的稀释剂和赋形剂
    A white crystalline substance obtained from whey and used in infant foods, bakery products, confections, and pharmaceuticals as a diluent and excipient.
  • 好面包的秘诀是什么?
    What's the secret of baking perfect bread?
  • 我的帐上今年第一次现收支平衡!
    My accounts balance for the first time this year!
  • 收入与支正好相抵。
    Income and expenditure exactly balance.
  • 在做最后决定前权衡赞成和反对两方面的意见
    Balanced the pros and cons before making a final decision.
  • 坚持财政收支平衡和量入为,是经济工作应当遵循的重要原则。
    Balancing accounts by always keeping expenditures within the bounds of revenue is an important principle we should follow in our economic work.
  • 对第4层负荷平衡设备来说,web应用程序似乎是在使用tcp端ⅱ80--http流量的典型tcp端口,使得web应用程序的流量不能从http流量中区分来。
    To a Layer 4 load-balancing device, Web applications appear to be using TCP port 80 -- the typical TCP port for HTTP traffic -- making Web application traffic indistinguishable from HTTP traffic.
  • 我们从多方获得情报指伊拉克试图获得磁块和高速配平机械:两者都可用于进行气体离心分离机浓缩铀计划。
    We also have intelligence from multiple sources that Iraq is attempting to acquire magnets and high-speed balancing machines; both items can be used in a gas centrifuge program to enrich uranium.
  • 玻尔玻发现太平洋是于偶然。
    Balboa's discovery of the Pacific Ocean took place by accident.
  • 他在那个伸到街上的阳台上种了些花。
    He planted some flowers on the balcony that projects over the street.
  • 阳台突在花园上方。
    The balcony juts out over the garden.
  • 那个阳台伸于街道上方。
    The balcony juts out over the street.
  • 阳台突出几尺。
    The balcony overhangs a few feet.