  • 父辈的严峻的法规,不平的社会制度,把他牢牢地控制住了。
    All the rigid rule of his forebears, all the domination of an unjust social order, grip him.
  • 宗教团体和宗教事务不受外国势力的支配,这是为了维护中国民真正享有宗教信仰自由的权利。
    In order to ensure that citizens really enjoy the freedom of religious belief, religious bodies and religious affairs are not subject to any foreign domination.
  • 九国约的作用,是以几个帝国主义国家共同控制中国来代替日本独占中国的局面。由于美国的经济实力超过其他国家,这个约实际上为美帝国主义用“机会均等”的名义压倒对手,进而独占中国准备了条件。
    The aim of this treaty was to create a situation in which the imperialist powers had joint control of China and it actually cleared the way for exclusive domination by the U.S. imperialists, the purpose being to frustrate Japan's plans for exclusive domination.
  • 柔然,是北方草原古老民族东胡人(中国古族名)后裔,五世纪初兴起于蒙古草原,元402年建立了强大政权,同北魏(元386年—元534年)争夺西域。
    The Rouran were descendants of the Donghu, an ancient people rising on the northern grasslands in the early fifth century. After establishing a powerful regime on the Mongolian grasslands in 402 A.D., they struggled with the Northern Wei (386-534) for domination of the Western Regions.
  • 我们积极倡导和维护和平共处五项原则,坚决反对以强凌弱的霸权主义和强权政治,坚持原则,支持道,伸张正义,努力维护广大发展中国家的正当权益,推动建立正合理的国际政治经济新秩序。
    We have actively advocated and safeguarded the Five Principles of Peaceful Co- existence , resolutely opposed the hegemonies and power politics with the strong domineering over the weak. We have upheld principle and justice , striving to let justice prevail and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the vast developing countries , and pushed the establishment of a just and reasonable new international political and economic order.
  • lotus司也说它正在把smime做进domino中,novell司在把它做进groupwise。
    Also, Lotus says it is putting MIME into Domino, and Novell is building into Groupwise.
  • 甚至lotus司也加入进来,在其domino战略之外推出了组件产品quickplace2.0。
    Even Lotus has gotten into the act, moving beyond its Domino strategy with QuickPlace 2.0, its teamware offering.
  • 以下为署理行政长官及香港按揭证券有限司主席曾荫权今日(星期三)出席「二百亿港元债务工具发行计划」签约仪式的演辞全文:
    Following is a speech by Mr Donald Tsang, acting Chief Executive and Chairman of the Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited at the signing ceremony of the Hong Kong Dollar 20 Billion Debt Issuance Programme today (Wednesday):
  • 罗伯特说:"如果众认为这种(器官转卖)现象存在,那么愿意捐献器官的人就会减少。
    "If the perception of the public is that this is going on, then I think it will decrease the amount of people out there that are willing to donate," he said.
  • 关于慈善事业,1997年时代-华纳司共同董事长特德·特纳宣布向联合国发展和援助方案捐赠10亿美元。所捐款项由他的联合国基金会与联合国国际伙伴关系基金协调经管。
    Regarding philanthropy, Time-Warner co-chairman Ted Turner in 1997 announced a $1 billion donation to UN development and assistance programmes, which is administered by his UN Foundation in coordination with the United Nations Fund for International Partnerships.
  • 胡:这次贵司打算进行开开标吗?
    Is tender-opening done publicly?
  • 骡子是驴和母马交配而生的杂种。
    A mule is a hybrid of a donkey and a horse.
  • 公驴,雄驴
    A male ass or donkey.
  • 驴和母马的杂交后代,不会生育。
    sterile offspring of a male donkey and a female horse.
  • 駃騠马与母驴所生的杂交种
    The hybrid offspring of a male horse and a female donkey.
  • 马与母驴的杂交后代,不会生育。
    sterile offspring of a male horse and a female donkey or ass.
  • 骡子是驴和母马交配而生的杂种动物。
    A mule is a hybrid of a male donkey and a female horse.
  • 但是真正集中精力开始开发血液替代品并用于众,是在1986年之后,因为人们关心着供体血液中的hiv病毒。
    Concentrated efforts to develop blood substitutes for public use only seriously started after 1986 because of public concerns regarding HIV) in donor blood.
  • 还未布对他的判决。
    his doom is as yet unsealed.
  • 在这儿真要等到世界末日(很久很久以後)才能有共汽车。
    To get a bus here you have to wait till the crack of doom, ie an extremely long time.
  • 当认为某家企业已不再服务十社会的最大利益的消费者人数达到一定数量时,他们就会以种种方法——如抵制该企业的产品或服务,促使政府官员反对该企业,在新闻媒体上对它进行谴责或者光顾其他司——将该企业置于死地。
    When enough people believe a business no longer serves society's best interests, they may pressure the firm into its doom by boycotting its goods or services, influencing officials against it, condemning it in the media, or patronizing other firms.
  • 我们的门卫为司工作多年,因而已被认作当然是司的人。
    Our doorman has worked for the company for years and has become part of the furniture.
  • 现在我去办室,会对电梯员微微一笑的说:「你早!」我对司昏也投之一笑。
    “As I leave for my office, I greet the elevator operator in the apartment house with a ‘Good morning’ and a smile, I greet the doorman with a smile.
  • 我们的新房子贵了一点,但我们省下了往返的路费,因为主要商店和我办室就在我们家的附近。
    Our new house was a bit expensive, but we save money on traveling because the mainshops and my office are right on our doorstep.
  • 每个宿舍、每个教室和每个办室都与以太网连接,而我用电子邮件附件向我的教授交家庭作业。
    Every dorm,classroom,and office was wired with Ethernet connections,and I was sending homework to my professors in e- mail attachments.
  • 这个在宿舍里开始经营司的小伙子对奥斯汀市外山顶上的地产投资了二千二百万美元来建造房屋。
    The kid who started a company in his dorm room was building a $22 million estate on a hilltop outside Austin.
  • 对于暂时确有困难的,应当采取必要的消防安全措施,经安消防机构批准后,可以继续使用。
    Those who indeed have difficulties for the time being, shall take necessary fire control safety measures and can only continue to use the dormitory after acquiring approval from public security fire control institutions.
  • 对待前人底遗名当平而爱护,因为假如你不这样做,那么这就不啻是一种债务,将来你去位的时候人家一定要偿还你的。
    Use me memory of thy predecessor fairly, and tenderly; for if thou dost not, it is a debt will sure be paid, when thou art gone.
  • 老乔治很久以前就一直在这家司工作。
    Old George has been with this company from the year dot.
  • 自从1987年该司股票上市以来,销售额几乎加倍,去年达到2亿4300万元。
    Since1987, when the company went public, sales have nearly doubled, to$243 million last year.
  • 9年来这家司的规模扩大了一倍。
    The company doubled its size in nine years.
  • 司在9年中规模扩大了一倍。
    The company doubled its size in 9 year.