| - 原谅别人最难的事之一是迈出第一步——尤其是当你有一段时间不和伤害你的人讲话了。
One of the hardest things about forgiveness is making that first move especially when you haven't spoken to the person who hurt you for a while. - 就连他和戈尔之间的冷淡关系也在9月13日有所缓和。那天克林顿几乎整夜未眠,一直在等戈尔,几乎被"9·11"危机击垮的戈尔从布法罗驱车赶到查帕阔时已是凌晨3点,他们一直交谈到黎明。
(Hillary is less forgiving.) Even the cold relationship with Al Gore thawed on Sept.13, when Clinton waited up until 3 in the morning for Gore, grounded by the crisis, to arrive in Chappaqua from Buffalo by car. - "为了在风暴来到之前收完小麦,我们就只好放弃休息的时间了。"
We'll have to forgo our rest hour to gather in the wheat before the storm begins. - 如果我们计划今天把这事做完,就只好放弃吃中午饭的时间。
If we are going to finish this today, we'll have to forgo our lunch hour. - 修改asic可能要以推迟6至9个月产品上市的时间为代价。更有甚者,可能强迫拥有基于过时硅电设备的客户升级。
Modifying an ASIC can cost six to nine months in time-to-market and, even worse, can force forklift upgrades on customers who own equipment based on out-of-date silicon. - 他养成了在街头长时间独自漫步的习惯。
He forme the habit of take long solitary walk through the street. - 在这两者之间我愿选择前者。
Of these alternatives, I prefer the former. - 用于以前的时间的快速的船。
a fast ship used in former times. - 从前地以前或过去的时间;早先
At a former or past time; previously. - 过去的某一时间;以前
At one time in the past; formerly. - 参与有强大武装力量的人类之间的战俘交换这样的固定不变的风险。
the constant risk that attends the exchanges of human beings formidably armed. - 经常的文化交流肯定有助于发展我们两校之间的友好关系。
Frequent cultural exchange will certainly help foster friendly relations between our two universities. - 小女孩的母亲住院期间我们照料她。
We fostered the young girl while her mother was in hospital. - 砂箱铸造车间内保持砂模用的框架
A frame for holding a sand mold in a foundry. - 开始时只是铸造车间的罢工,后来大部分装配工人也卷了进去。
It started as a strike in the foundry, then that brought out most of the assembly workers as well. - 他被一家工厂雇佣,在翻砂车间当童工。
He was taken on by a factory as a child labourer in the foundry shop. - 如果你想让香水的味持续时间长一些,那么,在洗完澡以后,先喷些淡香水在身上打底,然后再在脉搏处抹上浓香水。
“ If you want your fragrance to last longer, spritz on the eau de toilette version as a base after you get out of the shower then apply the more concentrated perf ume to your pulse points. - 正如作家和社会批评家弗朗·莱布维茨所说:“在这个国度,人们不只是认为时间是金钱,一切都是金钱。”
As writer and social critic Fran Lebowitz puts it, "In this country, they don't only think time is money. They think everything is money.' - 你要在坦诚与唐突之间取其中.
You must find a mean between frankness and rudeness. - 朋友间应该坦诚相见。
Friends should be frank with each other. - 我们两国人民之间的兄弟友谊
fraternity between our two peoples - 这些与世隔绝的人之间有强烈的兄弟般的情谊。
There is a strong spirit of fraternity among these isolated people. - "医生二十分钟后有空,你能等那么长时间吗?"
"The doctor will be free in 20 minutes, can you wait that long?" - 你能不能让我离开工作岗位半天时间?我有点紧急事情需要处理。
Could you free me from duty for half a day? I've got something urgent to handle - 在交换机和服务器两边同时消除了pci到局域网介质转换的i/o开销,把两者间的连接从由于速度较低的局域网介质而更明显化的吞吐量限制中解放出来。
The I/O overhead of PCI-to-LAN media conversions is eliminated on both the switch and server sides, freeing the connection from throughput constraints imposed by slower LAN media. - 这小伙子用自己大量的业余时间来为病弱的老年人做事。
The lad gives his spare time freely to help the weak and sick old people. - [白宫和国会之间的]预算协定虽然引起一些争论,但终于使联邦政府实行付现的办法,削减不断增长的[政府]债务将近5000亿元。这样才能把钱用在储蓄和增加就业的投资上。
And though controversial, the budget agreement finally put the Federal Government on a pay-as-you-go plan, and cut the growth of debt by nearly $500 billion. And that frees funds for saving and job-creating investment. - 这意味着要腾出时间去爱抚你的孩子、亲吻你的爱人,要让别人先于你感到舒畅惬意。
It means taking time to hug your kids, kiss your spouse and let the other fellow ahead of you on the freeway. - 去年冬天严寒期间他滑了一跤,跌断了腿。
He slipped and broke his leg during the big freeze last winter. - 夜间气温降到零度以下。
That night, the temperature dropped below freezing. - 房间里冷极了,我们能不能生个火?
It's freezing in this room; can't we have a fire? - 在晚间游戏中,美国人不劳而获的欲望疯狂到了极点。
The American passion for getting something for nothing reaches a frenzy in evening game shows.