  • 我们可以万无一失地想当认为我们这一代人任意的行为将给未来的人造成负面的影响。
    We can safely assume that the indiscriminate acts of our generation will have an adverse impact on future generations.
  • 而,要维持良好的治安,在灭罪方面取得显着的成果,广大市民的支持是不可缺少的。
    Nevertheless, the support of the community is indispensable for the maintenance of public order and crime fighting.
  • 没有许多别的必要的东西固也没有胜利,而这是胜利的最基本的条件。
    There are, of course, many other conditions indispensable to victory, but political mobilization is the most fundamental.
  • 他突然觉得不舒服。
    He became suddenly indisposed.
  • 绝大多数婚礼都会遵循长期以来形成的传统,但还是有足够的空间让美国人来发挥他们的个性。
    Although most weddings follow long-held traditions,there's still room for American individualism.
  • 家族制度的理想必是和私人个人主义的理想势不两立的。
    The ideal of the family system is necessarily dead set against the ideal of personal individualism.
  • 不要为言辞而言辞,但是说话时还是应该表现你的个性与能力。
    Your speech should not call attention to itself, but it should reveal the individuality and ability of the speaker.
  • 擦洗机器的最好办法是把它拆成几个组成部分,后一件件单独擦洗。
    The best way to clean the machine is to break it down into its component parts and clean each piece individually.
  • 资产倒卖(廉价收买经济上有困难的公司,後将其资产逐一变卖获利的做法)
    Practice of buying at a cheap price a company with financial difficulties and then selling its assets individually to make a profit
  • 有充裕的储备固值得欣慰,但我感到信心十足,主要是因为香港人那种不屈不挠的精神。
    Ample reserves are a comfort, but my greatest reason for confidence is the indomitable spirit of the people of Hong Kong themselves.
  • 我们仍拥有年青和适应力强的工作人口、维持高储蓄率、开放贸易、兼容不同的思想意念,以及秉承一贯坚毅不屈的精神,奋发自强,精益求精。
    We still have the young and flexible workforce, the high savings rate, openness to trade and ideas and an indomitable spirit to improve ourselves.
  • 我们仍拥有年青和适应力强的工作人口、维持高储蓄率、开放贸易、兼容不同的思想意念,以及秉承一贯坚毅不屈的精神,奋发自强,精益求精。
    We still have the young and flexible workforce, the high savings rate, openness to trade and ideas and an indomitable will to improve ourselves.
  • 我们仍拥有年青和适应力强的工作人口、维持高储蓄率、开放贸易、兼容不同的思想意念,以及秉承一贯坚毅不屈的精神,奋发自强,精益求精。
    We still have a young and flexible workforce, a very high savings rate, openness to trade and ideas and an indomitable spirit to improve ourselves.
  • 这即是说,明确、坚决而充分地告诉红军人员和根据地的人民,关于敌人进攻的必性和迫切性,敌人进攻危害人民的严重性,同时,关于敌人的弱点,红军的优良条件,我们一定要胜利的志愿,我们工作的方向等。
    That is to say, we should tell the Red Army and the people in the base area clearly, resolutely and fully that the enemy's offensive is inevitable and imminent and will do serious harm to the people, but at the same time, we should tell them about his weaknesses, the factors favourable to the Red Army, our indomitable will to victory and our general plan of work.
  • 喽,正是由于你在印度尼西亚的体验使你萌发灵感写了电影《东方的月亮》。
    And of course it was your experience in Indonesia that inspired your film Eastern Moon.
  • 这时代,就是印尼的社会经济从自经济走向市场经济的时期。
    During his time, Indonesia was undergoing a transition from a natural economy to a market economy.
  • 后来有读者指出这些照片反映的是印尼军人在东帝汶的暴行,而与五月暴乱无关,但由于印尼华妇遭强暴已是不争的事实,照片张冠李戴并没有使华人的满腔怒火降温。
    Although the photos were later said to be taken of Indonesian soldiers' atrocities in East Timor, and not related to the anti-Chinese riots in May, the indignation of Huaren remained unabated. There is no denying that the rape of Chinese women happened in May in Indonesia.
  • 动物园,植物园尤指户外的封闭性场所,用于在自条件下饲养观察和研究用的存活动物和植物
    A place, especially an indoor enclosure, for keeping and raising living animals and plants under natural conditions for observation or research.
  • 而,突变异种更加迅速地发动了诱导性防御,大约是通常水平下的四倍。
    The mutants, however, switch on their inducible defences more quickly, and to approximately four times the normal level.
  • 实现工业化仍是我国现代化进程中艰巨的历史性任务。
    It remains an arduous historical task in the process of our modernization drive to accomplish industrialization.
  • 农村富余劳动力向非农产业和城镇转移,是工业化和现代化的必趋势。
    Surplus rural labor moving to non-agricultural industries and to cities and towns is an inevitable trend in industrialization and modernization.
  •    农村富余劳动力向非农产业和城镇转移,是工业化和现代化的必趋势。
    It is an inevitable trend of industrialization and modernization for surplus rural labor to move to non-agricultural industries and to cities and towns.
  • ,他年轻的时候不勤奋,而现在他工作很卖力。
    If he was not industrious in his youth, he now works very hard.
  • 聪明固好,但勤奋更好。
    It is good to be clever , but it is better to be industrious.
  • 香港能够取得骄人的经济成就,其中一个主要原因,当是我们拥有勤奋苦干、适应力强和技术熟练的工作人口。
    One of the major reasons for our remarkable economic success is undoubtedly Hong Kong's industrious, flexible and skilled workforce.
  • 男同志也要勤俭持家,但宣传以妇联为主,你们向男同志宣传,大姐向大哥宣传。
    Of course, men should also be industrious and thrifty in managing their households. But the publicity work should be mainly the responsibility of women's federations. You should conduct publicity among the men.
  • 她从大城市来,但是她总是保持勤奋学习的传统。
    Though she comes from a big city, she still keeps up the excellent tradition of industriously working all the time.
  • 阻碍这一法律通过的徒努力。
    an ineffectual effort to block the legislation.
  • 一种极轻的无色元素,六种惰性气体之一,最难液化,在天气中有较为经济的可提取量。
    a very light colorless element that is one of the six inert gasses; the most difficult gas to liquefy; occurs in economically extractable amounts in certain natural gases (as those found in Texas and Kansas).
  • 我想了一下,有五个字:肿、散、骄、奢、惰。当,全军总的面貌不是这样。
    I've thought these problems over and would like to sum them up in five words: bloating, laxity, conceit, extravagance and inertia. Of course, I don't mean that these five words present the general picture of the army.
  • 实际上,长征三号乙的这次失利故障虽出在惯性平台上,但其故障性质仅属于元器件的质量问题,根本不涉及平台的设计方案,更不涉及所谓对制导系统的改进。
    In fact, although the LM-3B had a failure in its inertia platform, the main cause was the quality of component, which had nothing to do with the platform design scheme, to say nothing of an "improvement'' of the guidance system.
  • 所以,战争的结果,灭亡的不会是中国而是日本帝国主义的统治集团,这是无可逃避的必性。
    Therefore, it is an inescapable certainty that it will not be China but the ruling circles of Japanese imperialism which will be destroyed as a result of the war.