  • 您要两件都是蓝色纹的吗?
    Would you like both in blue stripes?
  • 美国的国旗是星旗。
    American national flag is the Stars and Stripes.
  • 牛栓藤一种非洲或美洲热带地区的有纹的树木
    Any of several African or tropical American trees having striped wood.
  • 我要有条纹的那个。
    I'd like the striped one.
  • 纹布一种用于制衣而用的纹棉布
    A durable, often striped cotton fabric used in making clothing.
  • 斑马身上有条纹。
    Zebras are striped.
  • 我要有条纹的那个。
    I 'd like the striped one.
  • 非洲南部几乎灭绝的窄纹斑马。
    narrow-striped nearly extinct zebra of southern Africa.
  • 翅膀下有纹的小蝴蝶。
    small butterflies having striped markings under the wings.
  • 最她决定用黄白纹材料。
    Finally, she decided on the white, and yellow striped material.
  • 几种具斑点或纹木材的乔木或灌木的任何一种。
    any of various trees or shrubs having mottled or striped wood.
  • 亚洲中部和南部体型中等的野猫,身上有深色纹。
    medium-sized wildcat of Central and South America having a dark-striped coat.
  • 分步在温带到热带的林地和草地的蛇,身上有黄色或略带红色的纹。
    yellow- or reddish-striped snake of temperate woodlands and grasslands to tropics.
  • 这种小黑鸟有着天真烂漫的眼睛和鲜艳且带纹的大嘴。
    The little black birds have large, brightly striped beaks and innocent eyes.
  • 原产于亚洲东南部的一种树,其木呈浅红色,并有杂色或纹的黑色纹理。
    tree native to southeastern Asia having reddish wood with a mottled or striped black grain.
  • 大型的绿色带白的天蛾幼虫,吃番茄和马铃薯;类似于烟草天蛾幼虫。
    large green white-striped hawkmoth larva that feeds on tomato and potato plants; similar to tobacco hornworm.
  • 这些约一步一步地夺走了当地土人的土地。
    The treaties gradually stripped the natives of their land.
  • 我要两条粘胶带。
    I need two strips of adhesive tape.
  • 此过程中使用的状材料
    Strips of material used in this process.
  • 小姑娘把布撕成了细
    The little girl slitted cloth into strips.
  • 在浓油里炸(如土豆
    To fry(potato strips, for example) in deep fat.
  • 用木或金属做成的装饰性花样。
    an ornamental design made of strips of wood or metal.
  • 菜丝清汤,肉汁菜丝汤配有切成细长的蔬菜的清炖肉汤或原汤
    Consomm or broth garnished with long, thin strips of vegetables.
  • 用于编织的小棕榈叶片
    Leaf strips of any of these plants, used in weaving.
  • 烹饪前将(如绿豆芽)切成细
    To cut(green beans, for example) into thin strips before cooking.
  • (印刷)在铅字行的空隙间隔以铅的。
    (printing) having thin strips of lead between the lines of type.
  • 等我整修这个房间的时候,我要把墙壁油漆成纹的图案。
    When I do this room up I'll paint the walls in strips.
  • 但在中国,这个件已不是什么待争取的件和待解决的问题,而是自然具备只待人去利用的东西。
    In China, this condition is not something which has to be striven for, nor does it present a problem; it is there physically, waiting only to be exploited.
  • 四、努力改善生产件,千方百计提高粮食综合生产能力
    IV. Striving to Improve Production Conditions to Increase the Comprehensive Grain Production Ability
  • 稍加修改通过添加细小的线或笔触的改变或改进
    To change or improve by adding fine lines or strokes.
  • 园丁把插种在地里。
    The gardener struck some cuttings.
  • 珠子被一精制的金链穿在一起。
    The jewels are strung together on a fine golden chain.