  • 如果一个人杀了足够数量的人,且杀人方法怪诞,那他也有资格进人馆。
    One can qualify for the hall of fame by murdering sufficient people in a sufficiently interesting way.
  • 因其在矿井中导致窒息而得
    So called because it causes suffocation in mines.
  •  行政长官的产生办法根据香港特别行政区的实际情况和循序渐进的原则而规定,最终达至由一个有广泛代表性的提委员会按民主程序提后普选产生的目标。
    The method for selecting the Chief Executive shall be specified in the light of the actual situation in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and in accordance with the principle of gradual and orderly progress. The ultimate aim is the selection of the Chief Executive by universal suffrage upon nomination by a broadly representative nominating committee in accordance with democratic procedures.
  • 请看,这是展于虔的画“游春图”的仿制品。展于虔是隋朝一位伟大的画家。
    Look, this an imitation of the famous painting "Spring Outing" by Zhan Zhqian, who was a great artist of the Sui Dynasty.
  • 3.在经营商业中使用会使公众对商品的性质、制造方法、特点、用途或数量易于产生误解的表示或说法。第十条之三〔商标、厂商称、虚伪标记、不正当竞争:救济手段、起诉权〕
    3. indications or allegations the use of which in the course of trade is liable to mislead the public as to the nature, the manufacturing process, the characteristics, the suitability for their purpose, or the quantity, of the goods.Article 10ter
  • 她的誉被许多罪行所玷污。
    Her reputation is sullied by crimes.
  • 他的誉被许多罪行玷污。
    His reputation is sully by many crimes.
  • (这是邓小平同志分别会见香港工商界访京团和香港知人士钟士元等的谈话要点。)
    (Summation of separate talks with members of a Hong Kong industrial and commercial delegation and with Sze-yuen Chung and other prominent Hong Kong figures.)
  • 通过字唤或叫(一个人)
    To summon or call(a person) by name.
  • 此时我无论如何想不起他的字了。
    I couldn't summon up his name at the moment.
  • 有些电影明星连在教堂里也戴上太阳眼镜,惟恐上帝可能认出来而要请他们签
    Some movie stars wear their sunglasses even in church; they're afraid God might recognize them and ask for autographs.
  • 中情局的科学家正在研究超乎寻常的超级计算机程序和人工智能,这可能有助于分析人员把几十万个字、地址和银行账号联系起来。
    CIA scientists are investigating exotic supercomputer programs and artificial intelligence that might help analysts link hundreds of thousands of names,places and bank accounts.
  • 年内,有66人员获擢升至高级警司或以上职阶,80总督察升为警司,143高级督察升为总督察,13警署警长升为督察,52警长升为警署警长,328警员升为警长。
    In 1997, 66 officers were promoted to the rank of Senior Superintendent and above, 80 Chief Inspectors and 143 Senior Inspectors were promoted to Superintendents and Chief Inspectors respectively, 13 Station Sergeants were promoted to Inspectors, 52 Sergeants were promoted to Station Sergeants and 328 Police Constables to Sergeants.
  • 学校主管已为下学年招聘了3新教员。
    The superintendent has signed up three new teachers for next year.
  • 苛严的上级军官;不留情面的批评
    An unsparing superior officer; unsparing criticism.
  • 过时分类;两个主要植物部之一,包含所有结果植物;现显花部。
    in former classification systems: one of two major plant divisions, including all seed-bearing plants; superseded by the division Spermatophyta.
  • 直到一千年后的现在,他的字仍为人们所熟悉,原因是人们相信一种迷信的说法。
    and even now, a thousand years later, his name is still familiar. The reason for this is a superstitious belief.
  • 特别答复申诉书中的陈述和指控,并提供所有的理由说明被申诉方(域持有方)要保留和使用该有争议的域(回复书的这个部分应按照服务提供方的补充条例中对文字或页面限定的规定排版);
    Respond specifically to the statements and allegations contained in the complaint and include any and all bases for the Respondent (domain-name holder) to retain registration and use of the disputed domain name (This portion of the response shall comply with any word or page limit set forth in the Provider's Supplemental Rules.);
  • 我们的供应商可能称不同,所在国度不同,甚至所讲的语言也不同。
    One vision even though our supplier partners may go by many different names, and may live in many different countries, and speak many different languages.
  • 所谓“第一次询价”,也就是说,是向以前未做过交易的供货商发出的询价。这种询价开头应告知对方你是如何得知他的姓的。
    A "first inquiry",that is,an inquiry sent to a supplier whom you have not previously dealt with,should begin by telling him how you obtained his name.
  • 普:是的,的确是不虚传,当之无愧。
    Yes, it surely deserves the praise.
  • 控制另外一个人电脑奇妙之处在于:你能够冒他/她的在网上冲浪。
    The great thing about controlling another person's computer is you can surf the Web as if you were him or her.
  • 她女儿正被培训成一外科医生。
    Her daughter is training as a surgeon.
  • 外科医生切开了病人的胸部
    The surgeon opened up the patient's chest.
  • 姓家名;姓
    A family name; a surname.
  • 在姓之前的;第一个
    A name before one's surname; a first name.
  • 我姓王,名铁成。
    Wang is my surname, and Tiechen is my given name.
  • 邓帆,姓邓名帆。
    Deng Fan. Deng is my surname and Fan is my given name.
  • 先生用在男性姓或全前作为有礼貌的称呼
    Used as a courtesy title before the surname or full name of a man.
  • 小姐用在一个少女或单身女子姓或全之前的有礼貌的称呼
    Used as a courtesy title before the surname or full name of a girl or single woman.
  • 单上的姓氏都特别标出,以便计算机容易打印出。
    All the surname in the list have is specially flag so that the computer can print them out easily.
  • 刚才我挨了批,因为我称呼一个爵士没用头衔而直呼其
    I was taken to task not long ago for calling a knight by first name and surname, without the title.