  • 恒星光谱分类
    spectral classification of stars
  • 地层划分与对比
    stratigraphic classification and correlation
  • 《国际专利分类法》
    International Patent Classification, IPC
  • 元素地球化学分类
    geochemical classification of the elements
  • 坑探岩石分级
    rock classification for tunnel exploration
  • 学习分类学说
    theories of classification of learning
  • 按演化发展对物种进行的
    A phylogenetic classification of species.
  • 把事物成两个对立部类法。
    classification into two opposed parts.
  • 4·2·2评价分类
    1.1.2 The classification of the assessment
  • 有机化合物的溶度
    classification of organic compounds by solubility
  • 岩相学,岩类学对岩石的描述和
    The description and classification of rocks.
  • 关于或涉及类的:类标准。
    relating to or involving classification:classificatory criteria.
  • 一个有用又有些简单化了的类系统。
    a useful if somewhat simplified classification system.
  • 人类社会的研究与类。
    the study and classification of human societies.
  • 孢粉化石的类和命名
    classification and nomenclature of spore and pollen fossil
  • 《中国科学院图书馆图书类法》
    Classification for Library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 问题仅在于用词和类的不同。
    The question is one of mere language and classification.
  • 应用在榛属的类系统中。
    used in some classification systems for the genus Corylus.
  • 你可以根据部门或类给用户组。
    You can group all users by department or classification.
  • 岩性学对岩石的微观研究、描绘和
    The microscopic study, description, and classification of rock.
  • 误命名,不当名称错误的名字,尤指动植物类中;命名不当
    An erroneous name, especially in taxonomic classification; a misnomer.
  • 科学类的一般原理的研究。
    (biology) study of the general principles of scientific classification.
  • 图书馆的书是按科目类的。
    The books in the library are classified by subject.
  • 我正在找类广告栏,你见到了吗?
    I'm looking for the classified section. Have you seen it?
  • 图书馆的书是按照[根据]科目类的.
    The books in the library are classified by/according to subject.
  • 电话簿的分类部分
    the classified part of the telephone book
  • 图书馆的新书必须先行类然后才上架供读者使用。
    In the library new books have to be classified before they are put on shelves for reader's use.
  • 这种气功分级了吗?
    Is that qigong classified?
  • 对统计数据的类总结
    A classified summary of statistical data.
  • 归入,被类或者被包括。
    come under, be classified or included.
  • 有时被为紫杉目的一部
    sometimes classified as member of order Taxales.
  • 字被分成若干词类。
    Words are classified into parts of speech.